Which phantom thief stole your heart?

Which phantom thief stole your heart?

Ann. Haru would be my second choice.

i wish one would just steal my heart and finally end my life

What if none of them did?

Well maybe she's just so much of a phantom thief that not even the phantom thieves know she is one.

you posted her




Potter and his cat.

I want to hug Joker when he is getting beaten in the interogation room

I don't think I've seen the others reactions when you say you want to marry someone. Or is Makoto the only one that ever reacts?

Futaba's is "M-m-marriage!?"

I'd assume not many people can take actual screenshots. myself I've only ever romanced Makoto, and given that she's my waifu that'll probably be the case for NG+ playthroughs

I don't see how there's people heartless enough to do harem runs, I watched a youtube video of what happens after Valentine's and I felt like shit just seeing Futaba's reaction, and it wasn't even my playthrough

My cat died last year.

Playing video games with Mona put me over the edge.

I want to haru Haru's harus.

These two are my favorites.

Haru says "Akira..."
Ann says "is that so?" As she blushes and smiles

wait this line changes if you romance one of the party members? That's really neat

I heard someone say in another thread that if you romance Haru the info pane for her Confidant actually says you're engaged

is that true? that seems really committed for Persona

I'm romancing everyone in future NG+ one at a time. Mainly so I can get their Christmas presents and the such for when I do those eventual achievement runs.

I read all the books and for SOME REASON I'm not getting the fucking achievement.

Yes, it changes to "and now she's looking to the future, alongside her new fiancee."

really? Post pic. I'm skeptical.

read the ones in the library
and the ones you can buy after doing jobs from shinjuku
and the ones from the store in hifumi's link

Yah its pretty neat. Does anyone know what happens in this scene if you are doing a harem run?

If you romance them all do they all react?

Have you told the birthday girl happy birthday yet

Pretty sure I got one from doing a memento request too. But I assume achievements would make you do all requests as well.

give me 5 minutes

You get three from mementos requests. I got all of those.

None, for me its Chihaya all the way

Happy birthday you god damn worthless drain on everyone around you.

God you make me sick, what the fuck are you even doing with your life Makoto?

You can't even cook right, you're worthless.

Just finished the game.

Anyone else get that depressed feeling after a Persona game? Like your friends are gone forever and you will never see them again?

I guess its the same kind of depression after finishing a whole series which the game basically takes the same time to watch one. You invest a lot into these fucking characters. Fuck I am gonna go hug my cat....

Only 3 did that for me.

Same. Except for the cat part, this game only served to reinforce my hatred towards them.

Yeah, I got that huge empty feeling after beating P5

I mean you spent 100 hours with these people. Some soldiers get less time with mates than that.

Only one that made me feel sad at the end was Eternal Punishment, followed by Innocent Sin since I could understand the end a lot better after beating EP.
As sad as P3 was, it didn't hit as hard as P2 for me, not sure why.


I was about to, but then while the feelings were starting to rise somebody messaged me multiple times on discord to play Overwatch a game I haven't touched in months. Should have kept my computer off. Killed the mood.

Here ya go

Weird question for all of you. I played all the way to the last month of p3 and just past the fight with the culprit in p4.

I never saw the endings for those games, do they matter at all? Is it the type of shit I should just watch or actually play through again?

Who spilled coffee creamer all over Haru???

Apologize now!

well holy shit.

Thanks mate.



Futaba, Futaba, and then Futaba. I expected it from day one though.
nowI hope we'll get some kind of stupid spin-off with more content.
Or a GODDAMN real persona VN with more social, less action and either no or few deadlines.

p4 you can watch, but P3 you should play again. So you get can get the full emotional gut punch from the ending.

Chihaya is lovely too.
I want to marry Haru!

But I'm gonna marry her already!

>my waifu's birthday takes place at a point in time where her only involvement in the game is being in the library
>you're still branded a delinquent and she's one of the few people to not be rude to and/or be scared of you

why live

Look at that forehead. Took most of the "creamer"

Back the fuck off??!
She's mine.


user, you have to accept the sad reality that none of us can actually marry her.
>always the same image paired with a post making fun of Haru's beautiful forehead

In my heart we're already a engaged.

>Not having her birthday on a day where she can be given a present
Soul crushing

I loved morgana. Even if he was a little shit at times but hes still a cute. Maybe its because I have a soft spot for cats and I loved the idea of him from the announcement.

Id love to see more cross over games. Id like to see his interaction with Teddy. I imagine he would shit on him like Ryuji

I just want to wipe my memory clean and start over

I'm getting too tired to be posting.

Every FUCKING time. I finished yesterday and I'm still feeling it.

I love Haru!

Hey guys I notice you're posting my wife without my permission. Please email next time you do.

Thanks in advance


I'd give her my heart but she already stole it


It really bothers me that in no Persona game are birthdays ever acknowledged.
I know Japan isn't as big into birthdays as the west but you should at least have the option to give them a present or say tanjoubi omedetou to get some s. link points.


user... Uh...

>you'll never have a comfy life working in a cozy cafe with your fluffy wife
why live?

>you will never special fusion Haru, Kawakami, Joker, and Jonathan to create the perfect fluff

What more could a man need?

>you will never have a cute teacher make excuses to visit you at night

I didn't mean Teddie

This plane of existence cannot handle such a fluff

I like the designs in this game. None of the girls are super hot or cute, and they definitely have their imperfections, but for some reason that makes them cuter. I guess maybe because it makes them more believable?

Its okay user. He stole all of our hearts originally

>Haru's fluff and fashion sense
>Kawakami's age
>Jonathan's cool demeanor
>Joker's glasses
Are we crafting the perfect waifu here?

I like them all, but in different ways:
Futaba is best little sister.
Makoto is best friend.
Ann is best fembro.
Haru is best waifu.

So I guess Haru. I'm genuinely torn between romancing her and Chihaya in NG+. Not that it means much since I dated 123 and the plot barely touches on that; and with Chihaya/Haru they wont even have Hawaii dates.
This is something they need to do in Crimson or P6- lampshade the fact that I'm dating someone and have characters react to it. As it stands romancing a non-partymember already feels like it'd be a waste.

Haru is the perfect waifu for me as it is.

Lawcucks are the least cool people on the planet

same but Makoto

I'm not really sure what to do for my waifu's birthday since it's too early for there to be any merchandise to buy

Stop posting Haru. She's in bed next to me and she's getting angry.

>graduated from highschool 6 years ago
>you missed your chance to get sensei lap pillows

It hurts

She isn't real. You must learn to love her for what she is or it'll drive you mad.

Are you me now? Because she's in bed with me

I'll embrace that insanity

I don't know why but this picture makes me think of Yukari if her hair wasn't so impossible

What the hell are you damn brats smoking? She's in bed with me as we speak.
Fuck outta here.

That's it. She grabbed her grenade launcher.

Yukari is perfection. Haru is trash.

This fucker legitimately made me angry.

I'd null that pierce but she already pierced my heart

I knew he'd lose to love, so he never truly bothered me. But when he touched her fluff in that cutscene I felt something boil up inside of me


What if Morgana turned into a human eventually like he wants but turned into a girl

Yukari is shit

Yukari is great and Haru is great: they just appeal to different kinds of people.
>when he told her to go lose some weight
I wish there was an option to punch him right then and there.

I masturbated to that shower cutscene

and was mad that you couldn't give into desire and fuck the shit out of her

In English one is a fellow Shujin stuff. I just remember the same effect but ther girls abusing to lay don't, but I am something one of the event before time soon. I'm not saying from her threads. The girlfriends) and hang out with that up just want to get out of the event before time with they had to change then to spend more getting from getting arrested by shadow police in this going on.

>before launch
>two harucucks at best, get BTFO all the time by other waifufags

>after launch
>50 fucking Haru threads every day

What gives?

The game came out