>open world before Skyrim
Open world before Skyrim
>open world after Skyrim
i swear i saw the same fucking picture but with the ash lake somewhere in the bottom
yet every single version of this shit doesn't have it
am i a retard?
The term open world actually means "to be who you want to be', not just 'go where you want to go' and Daggerfall did this best, not your Morrowind, Oblivion or Skyrim.
The more advanced tech became, the more vusually immersive games became (since eye candy sold) and less mechanically immersive (since 90s kids are entitled to success without earning it).
>new londo below everything
>missing ash lake
Some games nail that feel, user, some do not.
Between Nitos tomb and New London ruins
Ash lake is there dumbass
>hur dur if you dont understand daggerfall, you dont understand how reality works cus daggerfall had banks and loans and that shit is fun to me so it helps immersion cus im a wagecuck, hur dur
ah fucking hell, yes i see it
>literally invisible
well that's acceptable i guess, but i remember firmly a different version with the ash lake literally on bottom
>elevator to new londo goes past blightown
>and ash lake
Barely visible.
Still doesn't make the image good
>tfw Witcher 3 has the best map ever made. Miles ahead of DS.
>see that mountain?
>no, you can't go there
>got a copy pasted monster nest at the foot of it though
Don't be autistic, its a good image regardless of that shit.
>plains and trees
>unclimable hills and mountains
>attack sponge enemies
I really liked Risen on this front, since limiting it to one island let them actually care about the world, and I'm way too much of a fag to play Gothic.
>over 200 awards
fucking destroyed blunderborne
And Dukes is below Anor Londo
Duke's Archive is above Anor Londo, crystal cave is below it.
Is risen actually a good game?
I can't seem to get around playing it for too long because I'm not sure if i'm doing stuff wrong or I if I need to git gud or even if the game is actually rather buggy but combat seems completely out of my capacities.
Very often I feel as if I'm taking damage through my blocks and my timing is all wrong even if my guy is physically doing what seems to be right.
Why is the valley of the drakes so high up?
1 meh
2 fuck no!
3 meh
>2 fuck no!
Don't respond to bait.
I like it. Combat is pretty janky, but you can also roll mage and turn it into a challenge of having enough mana potions. Maybe your problem is, you really only block from the front. If something attacks you even a bit askew it'll go through. Which I guess makes sense, but is more annoying than I feel like dealing with.
I mainly just like the setting.