What are some games that evoke the feeling of pic related?

what are some games that evoke the feeling of pic related?

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can't believe they turns these into the real thing xD

those games where that evoke the feeling of pic related

Are those things even real?

I wouldn't worry about it. Sleep well tonight.


i work in a marine biology lab and we get these things dumped on us by fishermen every now and then

i think they're kinda cute actually


Are they tasty?
How do you cook them?

Bitches never played Pokemon
>Kabuto is a real thing

That's about how I feel playing Fallout 3.

Yeah, you can get Doritos at any supermarket.

They are parasites that grow in the gills of a fish, then they eat the fish's tongue without killing it and latch into its place, taking part of whatever the fish eats. They pretty much never stop growing.

Google image search isopods if you want good dreams

>tfw you flushed your pet rollie pollies down the toilet when you were a kid
>tfw those motherfuckers survived and thrived in their new marine habitat

bullshit, that's too badass

not quite but you're close


The fucking thing ran away how was I supposed to catch it?

You have to ram the everloving fuck out of it with a Tauros.

Is that thing bug/steel?
They totally missed the oportunity in making the evolution just one big larva thing woth creepy eyes like in

Starcraft Broodwar of course!

It's free now good anons.

Also here's marble blast just because

tip top mate thanks for posting


Pretty sure you're thinking of the tongue eating louse.

The OP's picture is the giant isopod.

You could probably turn these into pets in an RPG