Is this the hardest decision you ever have to make in a video game?

Is this the hardest decision you ever have to make in a video game?

Other urls found in this thread:

>having more than one waifu

>Spend time in Velvet room

No because I only love Haru!

>no option to spend time alone

>Mashing X gives you ohya

Where's the ryuji option?

>not choosing one and only one girl per playthrough

You monster

>changing waifu on different playthrough/save


>not going for 100% completion

But I really find it hard to romance anyone but sensei now.

Most players already picked someone to be romantic with before Haru even shows up, never mind becomes available to do stuff with.

She and Lavenza need some extra attention in DLC or P5 Crimson to make up for it.


Who else picked __Ann?

>He doesn't know you can get max social links with girls without romancing

good taste

Fuck you. Don't ever cheat on my wife again.

You can friendzone everyone, and they all take it pretty well except Haru. You break Haru's heart and it feels awful.

Can't get every item if you don't go on all the different dates.

You're a monster

you fucking wish she styled her hair like that

What did I fucking say about more than one waifu destroying your laifu?

>friendzoning Haru
I hate forehead girl but that shit FUCKED ME UP.

>go full harem route
>hang out with ryuji for valentines day
>chihaya says her fortune read that I was with another girl
what a fucking fraud

You can't get certain items if you don't romance certain girls

Such as?

>not replaying the game 9 times to get all valentine's days chocolates


I am having this trouble and its only my second playthrough..

Its not the chocolates, there are boost items that get faster confidant ups based on who you romance.

>romance a girl
>we don't have sex
>we don't talk about sex or kiss

And the game literally has women raped and drugged and made into prostitutes and has a girl try to commit suicide but we fucking don't get to see any PDA or sexy talk.

FUCK Japan. You can see Jap high school girls lick old man anus but you can't see PDA in a fucking M rated game.

Has someone screenshotted her coffee heartbreak

What happens if you romance everyone at once? You don't get the items? What happens if you romance two girls at the same time? Would a specific pair be cool with it, like Futaba and Makoto?

>not replaying the game 9 times to get all valentine's days chocolates
>not going for 100% completion

Hey, fate can be changed.

Why'd you date your own daughter when you're married to makoto?

It's Makoto's birthday!
Say something nice about her!


She's cute and nice!

she's not my favorite girl anymore, now haru is my favorite girl

This is the hardest decision.




Well you can cross Ohya off because why would you do that to yourself?

Is there a suicide option?


My man


This is easily the hardest choice of them all

Skub or Anti Skub.

You're a skub loving faggot, aren't you?

Got a problem with that? Skub Hater douchebag?

>Dont have sex
>hasnt fully romanced Tae

It is heavily implied that Tae has sex with joker

you'd marry that voice and you know it


They wanted to reference fallout 3 by having one poorly written dialogue option for every conversation.

Happy birthday senpai you're really cute~

She's pretty, intelligent, fit, has a great sense of style, looks good in anything, is fun to hang out with and an adorable dork at times too.

Your backdoor idea was great.

>Ryuji has a feminine penis

>>we don't have sex
I take it you're not familiar with Persona's traditional [IMPLICATIONS]

>we fucking don't get to see any PDA
Now that's just silly talk. PDA? In Japan? What are you high?

if you wanted sex in an M rated game go play Mass Effect Andromeda

How people can like her fag haircut

is this supposed to be bait or a legit shithead?

You're the fag here.

Is she really that bad? Usually you at least get a few contrarians but I haven't seen ANYONE defending her.

How is this difficult?
A hot, sexy fucking Doctor and a bunch of random generic girls.

Of course you pick Takemi.

I like her S link and that she actually behaved like a working adult.

She's not THAT bad, just bland and forgettable overall compared to the rest of the girls. Almost every girl is very attractive and has a decent to good personality while Ohya is just average.

Fucking this

If you're not gonna Romance Takemi then why bother with any girl just go hang out with your bro Ryuji and both of you can get some strange.

Oh ya I guess that makes sense. Plus her confidant abilities are fucking garbage.

Lavenza just needs her own Confidant. Considering her nature, Aeon seems appropriate and simple enough.

Haru on the other hand can just get the Naoto treatment where she's just more expanded upon with the extra time you get, have more interactions like with the bike events, and maybe make her appear earlier than the summer festival and more often. She literally gets in a car then and then you don't see her until right before your hawaii trip.

I'll cuck your wife and there's nothing you're gonna do about it, you double cuck

>we don't have sex

You can't cuck my wife because she never cared about you to begin with.

legit. I really hate her haircut

it looks like 80's men hair metal wig


Lawcucks should be shot in the streets

>Fable 2
To dog or not to dog
Correct answer was to dog
>Mass effect 3
Fuck wrex and mordin or fuck everyone else
>Fable 3 honorable mention
Decisions about money rendered simple as I was a property mogul

you are a retard

Easiest decision was not playing Persona and replaying Nocturne.

Is she the only girl where you see definitively that they kiss?

I mean in all routes "you spent a romantic evening" is pretty obvious what is implied but it never shows the kiss like with Takemi or Margaret in p4

>you spent a romantic evening"
This will oneday be replaced with "You gave her a hot dicking".

>Anime Anime is is not real real

Daily reminder that Persona 5 is not a harem anime/manga and will drill it into your head.

Reminder that Makoto is a total generic ripoff of some LN shit characters down from her personality, to looks, to actress and style, and clearly designed for otaku bux.

>finish the game
>that was nice, now let's see what carries over to NG+–
>only money, compendium and equipment carries over
>have to either pay the entire county's annual GDP or pay a half of it plus grind for a few years if I don't want to wait for endgame to start working on making perfect Arsene and Satanael
>already blew all my money on consumables
>no way to grind money or experience easily on the last day
>all the flu days accessible on my saves are before I finish that fucking ship dungeon
>plus I need every available day to finish every confidant before endgame

Alright fuck this
Are there any save editing tools that work for the english version?

no one asked for your opinion, you sweaty filthy tasteless cunt sucking diarrhea drinking shit munching piss bathing pussy munching ball licking whiny shitbag


>not starting your NG+ playthrough on ultimate difficulty, AKA merciless + AI controlled party
>not enjoying the challenge
might as well just play on safety


>that subtle Ryuji approval jingle in the background


I finished the game and don't give a fuck about difficulty anymore, I just want to make a super Arsene and Satanael

When... what is this?

You can interrupt Haru during the festival to take pressure off of her from answering about the Phantom Thieves. I only had the option of saying that I loved Haru though.

The hawaii gifts.

She's pretty shit at stalking, (it's kind of cute tho)

>you will never be tag-teamed by giant fuckbots

It depends on the girl, a good handful of the girls that "romantic evening" is probably them being the stupid virgins they are and kissing. Now with Tae, you FUG. It isn't even up for intrepretation, you fuck the shit out of her.

That doesn't imply sex at all you retard. You just gently listen to what she has to say.