Can you guess the series?
Can you guess the series?
Final fantasy probably.
I know it's not Fire Emblem
Underage Panty Quest
Looks like fire emblem
Best loli ages
12 is too low
14, 13, 15, 10 and 7 are too high
That'd be 7>8>9>10>11
Everything else is bad
Casual. Tetsu is god.
Can't be 2hu because that list is entirely wrong
Fire Emblem is a somewhat decent fit, but some are really out of order
For FF it doesn't make sense, because 12 is way better than 13, and 4, 9, 7, and 6 are too low
Megaman doesn't go up that high
??? My best guess is Fire Emblem.
Fire emblem can,t be. 11 is shadow dragon; no fucking way
The only game series that comes to mind with that many numbered games is Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy.
However, that list fits neither of them, so I'm just going to say fuck you and leave it at that.
Touhou maybe? I don't play Touhou but I know it has a lot of games. Also there's two 5s in there.
cant be final fantasy otherwise 12 would be second and 13 would be the bottom
Sex Kitten Sim
>worse than 8
My sides
There are a lot of FF games worse than 13
Meet n Fuck
Considering how many there are it has to be FF, but you have some serious shit taste. 14 is the absolute worst. Fight me.
>MMOs even in the same category
Off yourself.
How does taste get this bad
>5 that high
>5 that low
Please tell me this is cropped and the one on the right is inside someone
>"How does taste get this bad" he asks, posting futas
i dunno fag better ask yourself
>god tier
>12 and 11
>8 high tier
>God Tier
I'm not even going to fucking bother with the rest
ARR is ok you fag.
Matrix Online chapters.
Surely KOF, both XIV and '98 (5) are amazing fighting games.
Not really, VI is too low and VIII is too high.
>5 that high
>5 that low
There's no pleasing some people.
i think if you swapped 5 and 5 it'd be perfect
No it's not. It ruined the FF MMO.
let me spoonfeed you child.
Rondo Duo. Visual Novel with futas
fuck off fag
>guy sources laughing_futas.gif
>"visual novel with futas"
>"fuck off fag"
So anyways Final Fantasy 14 is getting expansions soon right?
yeah i told that guy to fuck off too
> 2 at the bottom spot
Yeah this must be final fantasy
Nah, that would be 8 or 11
How many Castlevania games are there?
It's Zelda you faggots.
the 15 is too high
DS and GBA included?