Who would win a fight between These two?

Who would win a fight between These two?

Based on game mechanics? The one with poise and a shield.

I would say hunter if it weren't for the almighty dark woodgrain and chain backstabs

Good hunter, it's not even a contest.
Speed / mobility >>> everything else.

the hunters are super roided up to combat huge beasts
arent undeads literally just normal humans?

Unless they kill each other very fast the Chosen Undead will win.
You can't beat 20 Estus + 99 humanities + 99 divine blessings + 99 betty-shrooms.

Yes, but they can use souls to boost to super human levels.

The Hunter, of course, can do the same thing though.

this, especially with the insta-backstabs

How do you backstab someone that can literally dance around you?
It's like fatroller trying to fight a DWGR katana fag.

Hunter's Axe has crazy good armor and stun

He can also spam heals like its nobodies business.

While the Hunter's specialty is ending fights quickly, I think that the whole "I have a shield" thing would fuck heavily with that. I'm not sure how the gun would play into it, considering it's a fucking gun but in Bloodbourne it doesn't really function offensively, but I think that it would be the deciding factor. Basically, gun does 'realistic' damage, Hunter wins no problem. If not, Chosen Undead can pretty much just outlast the Hunter.


Don't forget that the hunter can heal by damaging the CU.

Would a blunderbuss really be effective against plate armor?

Those kind of armor is useless against most of firearm

You'd have to play against a vegetable to get anything out of regain in PvP match.
It might work to a degree against dumb CPU controlled enemies but won't against other players.

Skilltinge Hunter would absolutely buttfuck Chosen Undead

Lore wise Hunter becomes a literal baby god (or literal figment of your imagination turned to life, however you interpret it) at the end of BB so he has that going for him too

> equip havels.
> 2h dragon tooth.

As it was meant to be.

Again, the shield would pretty much negate that if the Chosen Undead is managing their stamina properly.

Except a lot of the armour in dark souls is forged from magic alloys. Hench why you upgrade them using twinkling titanite.

>CU tries to attack hunter
>Hunter makes blood bullets and just stands back and spams pistol
>CU believes he has an opening to attack
>Gets shot with pistol, immediately stunned and visceral'd
>Hunter has Clawmark equipped so CU dies instantly

A better matchup would be SoD vs GH

Both have broken abusable mechanics

gotta Hand it to the good hunter here anons.

Based on lore, I think that the hunter become like an elder god or some shit, so the chosen undead is beaten in terms of firepower there. I mean, the CU just beat withered husks of lords, which we don't even know if they're in the level of the BB gods at full power. If we're talking about the regular hunter and the CU, then I'd say they're about even.

Based on gameplay mechanics, well
>darkmoon blade
>20 estus
>99 humanity
>99 divine blessing
>99 mushrooms
>flippy ring with infinte i frames
>tranquil walk of peace
>wog spam

Except that's wrong because poise. CU can shrug off attacks from the heaviest hitters in DaS with the right loadout.

Crystal Homing Soul Mass in the ass.

you forgot
>heh nothing personel kid
>*tips fedora
>*teleports away

>Hunter spams blood bullets
>CU raises Silver Knight shield +5 or better
>it does literally nothing
>pokes Hunter to death from behind shield with SKS or estoc

>considering it's a fucking gun but in Bloodbourne it doesn't really function offensively,
Unless you invest into bloodtinge and then just kill chosen undead dead with few Evelyn shots because no shield or armor has BLT damage reduction.

How is this even a contest?

>cu swings the fastest weapon in the game
>hunter has the time to kill him, heal up and eat a pizza before the swing even starts

> beaten in terms of firepower.

CU routinely defeats extremely powerful ranged attackers using sorceries and miracles. Pyromancies offer AoE attacks also and even more durability.

> iron flesh.
> spam firestorm.

>teleports behind you.
>nothing personnel kid

>Except that's wrong because poise.
Not him but I think he meant 'parried' since he mentioned visceral attack after that and BB guns can parry.
>Crystal Homing Soul Mass in the ass.
That doesn't hit anyone who isn't half asleep in DS, hitting fast moving hunter is a pipe dream.

>Silver Knight shield +5 or better
>blood damage reduction 0%
>it does literally everything

I'm fairly sure the two handed falchion is quicker than any bloodborne weapon


No, he said stunned.
> fast moving hunter.
Sorceries can be spammed. Again CU has AoE attacks.

Good luck dodging when the floor is lava.

My money is on the one that can swing 80 times at base stamina and comes stock with a dwgr
Both are canonically immortal, so its gonna end in stalemate anyhow

>Poise mattering when you tried to swing your weapon for the first time and Hunter takes advantage of his super easy parry window and rapes your face
>Hunter equips bone marrow ash on Cannon and one shots CU

You all forget one thing. Hunter can parry while shooting a gun.

the one with a better lagswitch

> he thinks Hunter isn't just a Dex-monkey and won't fold the moment a tank mage comes along.

Please try to parry a great chaos fireball.

Hunter can parry from a distance

Parry BY shooting a gun

All I'm picturing is old hunter bone wheeldashing hunter endlessly from behind until CU dies.

There's a shield specifically to stop casting.

>*Hunter I-frames through it*

>undead swing sword
>hunter shoot blunderbuss from safe distance
>staggered undead
>dead undead


>Cu casts pursuers
>hunter dies to shifty hitboxes

>No, he said stunned.
You can't do visceral after stunning someone though so I'm pretty sure he meant 'parried', but in case you want to argue about words, just forget about his post and let's try again:

>CU believes he has an opening to attack
>Gets shot with pistol, immediately parried and visceral'd
>Hunter has Clawmark equipped so CU dies instantly

BB quickstep and dodges have nothing on dwgr my man. That shit was so broken it became the ring that HAD to be on every build until they nerfed it.

fully upgraded is 1500 physical, 500 arcane.
3 +20% attack or more gems is around 2100 damage.

arcane is a separate damage instead of blended in (reason why spear gun was so op before nerf)
arcane also has additional stunlock, 1 hit from this thing, any darksouls character is dead.

Yes, that. And it gives hunter a great advantage.

>implying you can fight against the lagstabs of the chosen undead

In the time it takes for chosen undead to launch a slow ass fireball, the hunter can let off at least two rounds from a gun
CU will die to evelyn spam because he's just too slow to do anything about it
Now if CU is playing on vanilla, with all the glorious bullshit that entailed, the hunter is dead no more than ten seconds in
>magic shield invincibilty
>tranquil walk of fuck you
>captain america shield to the face and/or wogspam

The hunter can parry from a distance.

not him but it did get nerfed so does it still count?

if so we should talk about Ring of Fog pre-nerf

>cu casts walk of peace


>20 estus
>99 blood vials and a mechanic that lets you regain recently lost health by attacking
>people think chosen undead has a chance

Don't forget how high-dps Bloodborne is. Almost every boss near the end of bloodborne has more HP than all of the Dark Souls bosses.

I believe of the top 5 most HP 4 of them are from bloodborne and second to last is Yhorm. The hunter is designed for speed, high damage, and mobile dodging.

Implying that CU will even care if you shoot at him when wearing maximum heavy armour.

Guy shrugs off damage like a spring shower. And while you're trying to manipulate the game engine to suit your fighting style he just activated iron flesh and toxic mist.

CU can actively control the fighting environment. Dodging is only good for so much in that case.

>dead angles a claymore

What now?

>tranquil walk of peace

i second this gg no re


20 estus plus
>99 humanities
>99 mushrooms
>99 divine blessings
>99 twin humanities
gg no re

>implying chosen undead can win against the literal "teleports behind you, nothing personnel kid"

>99 blood vials
have you even played bloodborne

>Don't forget how high-dps Bloodborne is.

Red Tear Stone Ring

>my build would destroy your build!
>if I have max healing items I'll win!
>casting [spell] would just end it!
How about instead of making it so the one you favour has overwhelming odds and the opponent is dirt beneath their feet, you discuss who would win at level 1 with only the starting items?

Is this with an offshape flat arcane gem before that was patched?

>equip shield
>hold l1

Level 1 CU has pyromancy, so....

I believe that's using the flat arcane glitch
So the majority of that damage is magic

>crystal crystal Eston

>level 1 with only the starting items

chosen undead gets a shield gg

nigga I don't think you understand, not just high damage weapons but the speed that the hunter can swing most of their weapons is a step above what the CU can do.

implying CU has good stats.

Max stats, Good Hunter is a fucking god, with over 600 defense on just wearing coats, while CU has to wear Havel on that.

>stackable attack gems

There is no level one in bloodborne

A true fight would be the ashen one vs the hunter.

Havel's isn't the strongest maximum upgraded, & you wear it for the poise.

There's not really a level one in Dark Souls either unless you're a speedrunner or really bored, but you knew that.

lets say Waste of Skin Hunter vs. Warrior CU
both start at level 4.

Swamp Pyromancer literally starts at level 1 did you even play it.

>equip crystal ring shield
>cast magic barrier
gun is useless now.

Y'all niggas don't know shit

I assume bleed resist would substitute for that, if not then hunter wouldnt have any lightning/bleed/magic resist either

>person makes simple mistake because they don't memorize starting class levels
>did you even play it?

the point is Good Hunter can withstand a sword to the face even without wearing metal armor because BB has playable character has ridiculously high stats while CU has to wear a medieval armor to get at GH level.

Who would beat 2kat slayer of demons

The nice thing about arcane on bloodborne is that it controls all elemental damage
A build that can pump out arcane damage can switch to lightning or fire on the fly

uhm it's not fun UNLESS MY SIDE IS WINNING


Who would win in a pillow fight?


Hunter has less damage and stat efficency

I'd say bolt and lightning are the same.
Maybe arcane and magic.

nigga what do you mean hunter has less damage and stat efficiency, Hunter doesn't have wasted points in fuckin RESISTANCE

The chalice dungeons are littered with the corpses of dumbasses in heavy armor who thought they could sword&board against beasts and cosmic deities

CU's strongest ability is to tank damage without getting stunned out of his casting animation.

Between Miracles, Sorceries and Pyromancies CU has plenty of options to blow Hunter the fuck out.

>less stat efficiency
U wot m8?
>one stat for health
>one stat for stamina
>no stat required for equip weight
>all magic and elemental under one stat
BB has the most simplified stats out of any souls games

>Who would win a fight between These two?

Kaathe and the Moon Presence.