Why the actual fuck is Persona 3 Portable double the price of Persona 3 FES?

Why the actual fuck is Persona 3 Portable double the price of Persona 3 FES?

Just emulate P3P you tard
It's not worth having a physical copy since it's literally made for people who want to squeeze just one more playthrough of P3 out.
Coming from someone who has played both, it's better to go through FES first including the answer and then just use P3P for the femc route. If there is regret I have it's spending money on P3P

-considered the better version of the game since it removes all the unnecessary walking and you can play as a girl and have more social links

The psp has been hacked for years, just pirate it fag. Or emulate it.

who still has a psp?

You pay more to play worst version, lmao

Has not playing fes though

I have 3 of them

Why the fuck is Persona 1 double the price of Persona 3 FES?

>considered the better version of the game

I have 2 of them.


I'm talking about PSN prices not physical. I can't play a UMD or pirate it on my updated vita.

the only people who play p3p are casuals and fags who wanna be the anime girl

PPSSPP emulator works on pretty much any PC or even phone.

I'm emulating it on PPSSPP on PC but I'd still like to play it portably.

Not him, but P3P is objectively worse


It's objectively worse but its also objectively better.

It is a trick. Both are awful.

I hate how P3P is basically a phone game but I like how you can control all party members in battle.

I hate how P3FES is basically definitive but you get control over one party member therefore you have to deal with retarded AI making decisions for you.

>T-thanks, Yukari. Always glad to be healed by you when I am at 90% haha...ha..ha...

I thought I was a weeb until I found out how much I disliked Persona. Ya'll have shit taste.

Have you only played 3? 4 Golden is muuucchh better.

She's fucking beautiful. More.

a friend in college insisted I play P3FES, so I did and hated it. when I brought up my problems they pushed P3P on me.

I hated that too so playing 4 is a waste of time. I like PS1/SNES era JRPGs and Persona is just representative of everything I hate about the genre now, I guess.

I really need to ask, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to only give you control over one party member?

You do realise that 4G and 5 are vastly improved, and fix literally every problem that 3fes and 3p and all the previous titles had?

who is this sperm worm?

>You do realize

I really dislike when people talk like this. It's condescending and inherently pointless when discussing video games especially when you're attempting to win someone over.

No, I don't realize. Why would I continue playing a series that didn't win me over after two playthroughs of two versions of the same game?

I know I'm an oldfag and I've been gaming since 91 but its a bit sad if it really is common place to suffer through bad games in a series to get to good ones.

What's your problems with 3? 4 Golden probably fixed the problems you have with it.

All the games are pretty much disconnected story wise, how the fuck do you need to suffer though them to get to the good ones?


Don't get upset, but I have to ask, why are you even in this thread senpai?

>All the games are pretty much disconnected story wise, how the fuck do you need to suffer though them to get to the good ones?

Uh, I don't know? Ask the guy that basically told me that.

Perhaps but I can't be assed after two playthroughs of 3. Maybe someday after I have nothing to play but today is not that day.

>Don't get upset, but I have to ask, why are you even in this thread senpai?

I never get mad here so no worries.

Well, look at the thread topic.

>Why the actual fuck is Persona 3 Portable double the price of Persona 3 FES?

Shit doesn't warrant its own thread. I can talk about how I didn't like P3 here because this thread was going nowhere to begin with.

thanks senpai

Perhaps you're right, but if the question was asked in a different persona thread, it would have probably been ignored. Maybe OP should have posted on GameFAQs instead.