Webm thread?
Webm thread.
Webm thread?
Aren't you tired of making the same thread with the same OP using the same promotional webm of Horizon literally running in its native bullshot mode with post-processing effects, shill-kun?
Whooaaa it's a Fox matchup
Whooaaa dashing back and forth til someone fucks up
Oh wait whooaaa what the fuck he's got him in a super leet combo
up tilt up tilt up tilt up tilt up air
Fuckin melee is a masterpiece whooaaa
I don't remember what this webm is
and this is all I have. OP have you ever heard of how threads work or do you just expect everyone else to get it started
>native bullshot mode with post-processing effects
did you just hear a bunch of different words and throw them together, ignorant of what they all mean?
it's literally just a clip from the game. All the guy did was add letterboxing to it. It's why in some of the webms, you can still see elements of the HUD.
I'm convinced op is a nintenbro trying to make sonybros look bad at this point.
whoa a look epic like movie but game O_OO.....
>far cry 3 early ending.webm
looks like resident evil 7 tho
too salty, double shill.
also dubs
>post webms to start thread
>don't post webms
Dude you should post some webms.
cool post
Your HTD thread where youre spazzing out like a retard is still up, go back to it
Why does your FF15 look better than mine?
Is this the PSPro version?
aaaaaaaaaand he's back
Dunno, some guy called sunnilegend made these clips
Nice try you fucking shill but the game literally has a near-unplayable theater mode that makes the game look fantastic with post-processing bullshit but also practically unplayable for all of the input lag. Notice how in the webm he's just running in a straight line while panning the camera, because anything else is cumbersome while playing in bullshot mode.
The developers included actual modes and effects in the game to encourage online shilling.
Why does this webm get posted so much? It looks cool but I've seen like a dozen times, always as the OP.
>fox gets 39% off of an extremely technical and difficult combo
>peach gets 39% by pressing down on the c-stick
Yeah some faggot is going around faking ps4 footage with post editing and shitty black bars.
She's a heavy hitter. She has to be since she moves like a plastic bag in the air.
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.
It's not just the black bars.
It looks like it's running at a stable framerate and the draw distance is better.
Not sure how you can tell draw distance is better from these tiny webms, but higher framerate can also be faked with interpolation.
I'm gonna keep doing it until I have as many threads as pic related. See you tomorrow.
I can tell because the draw distance in FF15 is that fucking bad.
Not that user, but generally marketeers on Sup Forums are becoming quite transparent.
Which doesn't bode well for your employer, m8.
>He posts actual gameplay with his shitposting
>You resort to posting edited, touched-up gameplay with your shilling
Seems about right.
You're such a fucking cry baby holy shit
>responding to singular posts with entire threads
Literally kill yourself IRL
>pre-release, pre-patched cutscene is gameplay now
Meant to respond to
It's just autism
I have seen countless of these people, relentlessly posting the same pictures or webbums over and over to shit on something or praise something
Feel free to show me the post-release, post patch version. I'm sure they fixed the animations and dialogue. In the meantime I'll be waiting for some other kindly user to post the arrow webm.
Why all the horizon hate? There is literally one webm posted in OP and suddenly 10 posters start loosing their marbles over it.
Sunnilegend records the clips on his PS4 then applies RSMB filter. Draw distance isn't affected by that since it's just PS4 footage with the RSMB blur filter applied, which also makes the framerate look smoother.
Here's a clip I recorded from my own copy and did that exact thing RSMB filter and black bars on it just to see.
it's been the OP webm for like 20 webm threads straight
But all of Sup Forumsis just reposts. There are multiple "rank souls games" threads up everyday. Yet, it's horizon that somehow triggers/v/ to no end.
You practically just described marketing exposure. Whether or not these posters do it conciously still generates exposure to a product in question.
And I'm saying you that many of these people were certainly not any kind of marketers, because they did things like spamming a picture equalling the dotoclone genre with various board games for kids and stuff like that
Stop looking for conspiracies and hidden deceptions wherever you go, you're on Sup Forums, chyances are the proper reason is 'autism'
Yeah but those threads actually say they're souls thread.
Here OP is frauding a webm general just to make a thinly veiled Horizon thread instead, it's not as bad in this thread since it's just the one webm but many times previously it was all just Horizon spam.
There's a difference between
>go into souls thread, get a souls thread
>go into webm thread, haha it's actually a Horizon thread pls but this game
>Whether or not these posters do it conciously
With this caveat you just justified calling literally everyone who talks about video games marketers
While I understand your sentiment, I don't agree. Board culture aside, there are no rules for threads like these.
Cuz horizon is bad and deserves to get shit on
shill says what
All these uncharted webms, is that what gameplay is usually like? What a bizarre spastic game, why doesn't he just stand still for a second and shoot them all?
>Stop looking for conspiracies and hidden deceptions wherever you go, you're on Sup Forums, chyances are the proper reason is 'autism'
Its been repeatedly proven marketeers roam quite actively on Sup Forums. But, hey, you're welcome to think whatever you want.
Nah, you just misinterpretated the point. I was segregating between intentional and unintentional word of mouth.
What the fuck are you even doing
can't believe you faggots cream yoursef over this crap
Looks fun as fuck
Looks like shit
Looks fun as fuck
>Its been repeatedly proven marketeers roam quite actively on Sup Forums.
Not really though
Some quite possibly are, but we've pretty much never had any solid evidence
Even Andromeda 'exposing' the pracices turned out to be a long burn tole at the end
You always have to be moving around because they just shoot you back and flush you out if you don't.
>I was segregating between intentional and unintentional word of mouth.
Yes, and 'unintentional word of mouth' is the exact same thing as people talking about something
>why doesn't he just stand still for a second and shoot them all?
because then the game will just look like the by the numbers covershooter that it is
I know it's a console game so you have to manoeuvre your twin stick artillery piece carefully but it doesn't seem like the player has any idea what they're doing.
How do you mean? The player in those webms is being a bit reckless, but he is taking opportunities as they present themselves and it's working out so I can't really judge.
I mean where he keeps trying those shitty grenades that clearly dont help and just hide the enemies in smoke instead of just shooting the sniper standing right there in the open and working your way down.
This is why I couldn't get into Dark Souls 2. Every time I go into what seems like a one-on-one duel some fucker jumps me from off camera.
the sniper is not a priority, he wears body armor and only firest after you being in their laser for like 3 seconds straight. The one who is the biggest threat is the heavy weapons guy who is getting the nades thrown at him. But none of that matters anyway because the regular soldier guys (all with some armor) just kill you with nades if you don't change positions
Why are there never any Zelda webm's in these threads?
because you need a capture card to record. PC and PS4 you can just install some software and push some buttons as you play, then convert the video into a webm
Why is this consoletrash movie is getting reposted every time as an OP? It's literally a garbage with no gameplay that everyone forgot about the next day.
Did Sup Forums ever get tired of making threads with the brom scene?
Because they're clearly edited in movie software.
no -- because they were great
but technically, they did stop and forget about it
Neir Automata
Sounds like such an odd game
What an unsightly nauseating clusterfuck. I mean no offense but the whole game isn't like this, right?
Does any one have that webm of black ops 1 where the guy is sniping in nuke town and the attack dog cross-map kills him?
I love playing the game in slowmo so my old man eyes can actually see what the fuck is going on.
It's a long clip with a low bitrate. It's kinda hard to make Nier look crisp in webms since a lot is going on.
>I mean no offense
too late, fucker. youre gonna get it now