Have you guys played this game yet? Pleasantly suprised

Have you guys played this game yet? Pleasantly suprised

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I mean its a 7/10 but a solid 7/10. Also with the ability to switch both retro music and graphics is really neat

I was a bit disappointed about hard mode not unlocking anything.
Also, fuck yellow ninjas in hard mode. They seem to have as much if not more health than the final boss.

So is this the definitive way to play Wonder Boy 2?

I'm pleasantly surprised too, and never played the first one either. Guessing the "leveling up" is getting coins to buy gear.

You used to have to collect Red Stones too before the shopkeep pig would actually let you buy his shit. Now it's only coins you need to get higher gear.

Yes really fun

i enjoyed it
still looking for all the charm stones. havent gotten one with the lion or fish yet but have no idea where to look

the backgrounds are amazing. that field left of town is beautiful

This is a remake of Wonder Boy 3.

So they babbified it? How shit. Good thing I'm not some poofter who plays remakes. Real men never play remakes.

Look at the beach for both of them

Ah yeah, another multiplat budget title for switchbros to get excited about cause their console has no other games to speak of

I'll try the ps4 version once it drops in price. 20 bucks for this is just laughable.

Played it originally on TG-16, and loved it back then. I like the graphical touches they added, even if they seem a bit FLASHy. Kept the oldschool feel, which is great and had new art for the shops (which I like), only downside, I suppose is that it's not at all vocal about being a remake of a sequel (to Adventure Island).

The odd thing I think was they turned thunder sword into an ability but not magic sword. Also the sword for getting all the charms isnt worth it if you know where the legendary sword is

>a sequel (to Adventure Island).
Are you being daft on purpose?

Sorry oh glorious and wise user who has certainly never been incorrect in a short mention about anything, Adventure Island was the home console version of the first game in that series.

you mean Wonder Boy

No, Wonder Boy was. On two home consoles before the Adventure Island adaptation was made. You daft bugger.

he's probably American, what do you expected? It made sense that he know only Adventure Island, the Master System was a hit only on PAL regions and Brazil

Best Monster World game, coming through!

Can other Monster World games even compete?!

The definitive version of this game was on the Game Gear using batteries.

Even being a bloody Yank doesn't explain the maximum daftness of trying to make a snappy comeback without bothering to check whether he's actually right.

Americans don't read manual or history book

Only if you have shit taste

just completed it recently with all items and all 6 stones. liked the style, the remixed music, it was all very french-short filmesque. cool stuff. the fact they let you essentially turn off all their art and sound work with a touch of a button is gracious of them.

wow. never played the originals, but this shit was ahead of its time. they even had the SoTN/Metroid Prime style intro where the first level is the last level of the previous game. you are buff as fuck, then after the intro boss you lose your shit.

the game was so obviously a labor of love. say what you will about the art style, but ALL of it was done by 1 person. the hand drawn animations are great, backgrounds are more subjective. the Gallery is actually cool and has the hand drawn animations in motion to view, and live action video of them recording the remix music. a nice little touch i noticed was that during the credits, they credit the original jap team who made the originals. they included photographs of them at the time they made the game. when it came time for the remake credits, they used pictures of themselves as children. i guess to show how they fell in love with the game as children. kinda neat.

its funny how a 20 year old game has better game design than most indie nu-male retro pixel garbage out on the market now. really makes my nog jog desu.



I like it, but fuck this game is ridiculous. Trying to get past the Underground/Nipland as Mouse Man is borderline impossible.

What's it like being a casual?

Kinda sucks. Never realized I sucked this much ass at retro games until now.

Why are you doing it as Mouse-Man?

Mouse Man is the only way to actually access the area, as far as I know. The checker blocks helps me destroy the blocks that normally closes it that section of the underground.


Wait, there's another way? I've been doing this shit WRONG?!

Lion-Man can break those blocks too and he can have much higher attack and defense with the Muramasa blade and Master shield.

FUCK. I haven't even unlocked him yet. What, is he in the beach are or something?

Yes, underwater and then through some other breakable blocks.

>No physical release

The art style is super nice and the revamped score is great as well. But it's still just a gussied up Master System game.

Just stick to Kirby or old JRPGs.

And thus ends the Tale of Despereaux. Thanks user.

It's pretty good, but you better not be over-extending how good it is because you play as a cute girl.

I'm hyped for when it comes to PC. That remixed OST is fucking beautiful.

I find it odd how Monster Boy is supposed to be a sequel to this game and is coming out so soon. It has to be some kind of coincidence: