2 hours until first battle

>2 hours until first battle
Why is this allowed?

Because it's a JRPG.

persona 4s intro is way worse

It gets better 72 hours in

I haven't played DQVII yet, does it really take 2 hours before you get to your first battle?

When I played the rom I thought the lack of battles was actually a clever anti-piracy device like how Nintendo used to crash and erase your saved game on an illegal version of Earthbound.

>2 hours until first battle

I wish. That REALLY set up the mood of the game, got you attached to Keifer;-; fuck you, and set up the up the whole concept of "adventure. It was a great design choice, the ten minute fetch quest from the remake was disgusting.

Yes, I am mad. I am fine with the rest of the changes. They should have let you choose to do the fetch quest or the Puzzle cave.

>set out on your fucking adventure
>no matter how much time separates us, we will always be friends
Its been seveteen years and I am still salty

What the fuck Kiefer Fuck you

And he's replaced with that bland bitch. At least Melvin is top tier.

I taught his daughter how to be a sword dancer.

Only in the remake. It's more like 4-6 hours in the real game. You think I'm kiddin'?

In the remake, but it depends on what you do. If you just blaze the story you could finish the first island in one hour.

Jesus Christ, is this supposed to be a VN or an RPG?
Just based on that alone I can see why people were shitting on DQVII hard in a DQ thread the other day.

The thing that really pissed me off was the fact he never said goodbye to his father.

He didn't even leave him a note.

No. When you talk to him right after he ABANDONS you, his father says that he is fine with it and is actually happy that Keifer found his own path. Dont discredit his decisions and what he did.

I have no fucking idea why, nor do I know who the fuck greenlighted this game's fucking pacing. I fucking loved 5, and coming into this expecting a great time I was sorely let down.

Fuck you

Never seen anyone mention it - is anyone else bothered by how much bigger they made the overworld in the remake? It just needlessly makes it take longer to get around. They didn't even fill up that space except a chest here and there. Not to mention this is a game where about 50% of the overworld has no encounters whatsoever

No, fuck you user. I spent over 110 hours in that fucking game and was bored out of my skull for the vast majority of it. Best part of the game was Mervyn, everything else can more or less fuck off.

7 is still has greatest adventure in the series

DQIX was a blight on the series

You dont understand Adventure.

Then please, by all means explain how I'm missing this sense of "adventure".

>why is this allowed

I fucking hate this phrase. So much.

Because you are newfag and ps2 or 3 was your first console

>Because you are newfag and ps2 or 3 was your first console
I don't think you could be more incorrect. SNESfag here, autist.

>I played 110 hours of a game
>hated every second

Must be great being you

You dont understand anger.

>yfw you found his grave

I do it so I have a leg to stand on when fuckers come in claiming a game is good when there are severe problems with it. For 7, it's mainly the fact that everything takes forever and a fucking age to get anywhere, and honestly, nothing terribly exciting or shocking happens to make it even worth waiting through the plodding pace. If you're interested, you can ask me about my opinions on Persona 3 FES and 4 as well, I clocked in about 230 total between the two.
