So the girls in Persona 5 are mostly "second year" students. This means they are 18, r-right? I mean surely, they wouldn't release the game in the west if they made all the characters actual minors? If not, why aren't the SJWs losing their shit?
So the girls in Persona 5 are mostly "second year" students. This means they are 18, r-right? I mean surely...
They're 16-17
Officially adding SJW to my filter list
What else should I add?
no one's "losing their shit" but the game has copped its fair share of flack from the social justice crowd
>I wonder what SJW are up to.
You guys are getting weird.
>You guys are getting weird.
this has been a constant on this board for years now, for any new jap game with fanservice in it there's always someone harping on about SJWs whether or not there's any real outcry over the game
>dat face
Why are they so ugly? Can the devs not make a cute girl?
>If not, why aren't the SJWs losing their shit?
SJWs sympathize with pedophiles. This includes the former Gawker sites.
Oh please she at least has a real face. Poor Ryuji, man.
Yup. Came here to say this. Gaerms jurnalism has already noticed that almost all females in the game are broken until the strong manly MC steps in to right their womanly ways. I know I'm a faggot already for reading it, but Kotaku of all places had a pretty interesting defense of the sexual relationships in the game, however. Basically, the author acknowledged that the relationships in the game could never happen IRL as they would be literally illegal. However, the author states that "it's a game" and that the women in it exist to allow players to fulfill fantasies they otherwise can't. SJW may not like heteros, but they support indulging in sex fantasy.
Well if you take the games calendar and the characters zodiac signs that were released then Haru is likely 18 by the end of the game since she's a Sagittarius. It's possible she also just turned 17 but she's a third year so she's graduating soon.
It's allowed to fuck 14 year olds in my country. I think even 13.
Don't forget reddit.
have none of you faggots been in relationships with other minors when you were teens ?
Or have you not at least seen all the teenagers that are obviously 15-17 making out in parks and shit. You think the police cares about those ? Why do you think teen romance movies don't get any sort of flak from anyone, because it's fucking natural. Let the teenagers date each other fucking christ
This comment makes the most sense desu
Glad to be a weeb in Sup Forums, or else I'd be sucking SJW metaphorical cock like you losers do every single day.
They should be about 16, pretty sure that's the legal age in a lot of places.
Stop being spooked
I'm still surprised Futaba and the velvet lolis didn't incite a massive shitstorm.
Futaba is a yer younger than Joker and twins aren't romanceable
>tfw no Stirner persona
those breasts doesn't belong to a minor.
>Basically, the author acknowledged that the relationships in the game could never happen IRL as they would be literally illegal.
How is that an argument? Shit like that happens all the time. Fuck, my parents are 7 years apart and met when my mother was 16
superior finnish genetics
iirc Haru, Makoto and Hifumi are all third years so are 17-18
Weeb/Weeaboo and Shill
theyre like 16-17. SJW sites are already shitflinging, I think Kotaku posted some shit a while ago about how MC can date the adult adults(Kawakami, Tae, etc) even though they don't know shit about Japanese law/culture.
So your mother was a kind of surrogate for your parents?
They're still incredibly blatant pedo bait.
Nigga please, at 13 a girl this was in my class and I had a thing for had tits twice that size
filter (You)
>had a thing for
the cash me outside girl has tits that big and she's like 13
Second year is equal to Junior year in the US, so they are roughly 16-17.
Nobody cares because the game is about highschoolers. You're all in highschool.
>If I don't like them, they're for pedos!
You've got it backwards.
I like them a lot.
There's a loli that wants to jump your bones. Twins also got a lot of lewd innuendo.
Why does she say this randomly here and not when you actually say goodbye to everyone in march?
Because some people don't want to wait for the 'right opportunity' to tell you how they feel.
They don't even show kissing in the game. That's why they can get away with it. There are western movies that show characters that are meant to be minors doing more.
She tells you before the final fight to give you motivation. Which means a lot more than goodbyes.
Besides, Lavenza is always with you, you don't have to say goodbye to her.
>Futaba: One day, I want to look good in clothes like Panther's!
>Yusuke: But you lack the curves. Wouldn't the clothes simply slide off?
Fucking brutal
Why is the Mementos dialogue and Yusuke so good?
they dont mess with the japs. They simply ignore the SWJ or they ridicule them like the Dragon's Crown guy.
It's a game for teenagers.
The director himself said otherwise
Because shitstorms are made by other companies. Either they had enough money or nobody hates them.
Isn't it confirmed somewhere that you are 16 and so are all 2nd years? I might be making this up but either they outright state it or a 3rd year says he/she is 17.
in japan 13 is legal
Fuck waifus, does anyone have that pick of ultimate husbandu Shido all jacked out in front of the Japanese flag?
First Year (15-16)- Futaba
Second Year (16-17)- MC, Ann, Ryuji, Yusuke, Mishima, Shiho
Third Year (17-18)- Makoto, Haru, Hifumi, Goro
Velvet Loli's aren't human and exist in a realm outside of time
Kawakami mentions being like 10 years older than you so is like 26
Tae is between 21 and 25, presumably, considering she looks fairly young but must have been fairly far along medical school before being booted
Chihaya is probably 20ish
Ohya is probably around the same age as Tae
Morgana is less than a year old
Sae isn't likely more than 10 years older than Makoto, so is probs around Kawakami's age, or maybe a bit younger
Sojiro looks like he's in his 50's, as is Tora, who mentions being in the Diet like 20 years ago
Iwai is likely 30's
Shinya is like 12
Anyone noticed that when someone says
>the west
they really mean
>the US
It's stupid because, globalisation be damned, my own country's culture is very different from Germany or Australia or even Belgium (a 30 minute drive away)!
OT: SJW is a purely American thing that I hope stays on that side of the Atlantic.
Weeb autism overload
This board is already more SJW than 99% of websites because people keep shoehorning the term into literally anything they dislike.
>SJW is a purely American thing
Germany and Sweden say hi.
post in int to prove Lichtenstein
Enjoy your ongoing cultural enrichment eurofag
Can't wait for the future where all games just say their characters are muslim so fucking children is OK.
Try getting your news from somewhere other than pol infographics bro.