the second is probably the best game and they will eventually release a sequel to it if the third sells
The second is probably the best game and they will eventually release a sequel to it if the third sells
Too bad it flopped hard and XSEED fucked themselves over by antagonizing the vita community
>over by antagonizing the vita community
Guess you don't know but xseed is hated now
They even stopped promoting the game to the vita community because they kept getting harassed back after what they said
what'd I miss?
Just xseed talking about how happy they were ToCS3 was a PS4 exclusive and not held back by the Vita, and whomever running the twitter PR responding to Vita fans asking why ToCS3 was suddenly exclusive with variations of "get over it and get a PS4"
In their last stream they even thanked the community for the large support of their titles at it enabled them to fund the definitive version of Cold Steel to PC.
So pretty much bad pr and people overreacting
what did they say?
wow so offensive
I hate xseed now
Imagine if Bloodborne went to PC and thanked all the ps4 owners for the support that enabled them to add in PC exclusive content.
The years would be outstanding
What Vita community?
Bunch of faggots, I hope Aksys of NISA get the rights of Cold Steel III and release it with only japanese audio. The eternal asshurt would be glorious
Thats pretty infuriating desu. reminds me of gal gun's steam page saying something like PCMR or some shit
>the anime was forgotten about during the season it aired
>literally sold ~200 bd copies
They might. They already lost Ys
The second episode was pure cancer. I usually watch anything but that was condensed shit
>Xseed thought this was going to be really popular
>they decided to give this the biggest dub cast they've done to date
>it bombed hard in Japan
I bet they're sweating bullets right now
Where have you been? The vita fanbase is like a cult that worship aa devs. Despite only selling 16m units they still end up with competitive sales to ps4.
The show really did drop the ball, but it was at least an interesting watch. The entire winter season aside from sequels and some good ones was complete ass
That's the sad part. It wasn't even interesting.
If it was I'd have kept with it, but it was just terrible.
Keep in mind I actually am up to date on the One Piece anime but despite that I couldn't sit through the Akiba's Trip cour
I'd imagine they are.
Who publishes a JRPG anywhere near the launch window of Persona 5? That's just fucked from the get-go.
Hey man, you be you. At least you're not a Kimono Fag
Did it bomb because it's bad, or because of the CS stuff?
It bombed because they removed what made the Akiba's series fun and turned it into a serious Persona clone.
I don't think it sold more than 10k units across Vita and PS4. It didn't even chart.
I liked it
Did it at least review well?
is this like The World Ends With You?
The famitsu score was 27/40 iirc
All I care about is CSIII and whether or not Laura is in there.
Fuck we already got delicious Aurelia cake as the principal of the Thor's branch where Rean is at.
>this is your superior
Well that's disappointing. Well here's to hoping Summon Nights 6 and Dark Rose Valkyrie are good.
>Akiba's Trip sells well worldwide
>Does well in NA specifically too
>XSEED announces they're localizing Akiba's Beat
>Start promoting how they're doing the LARGEST DUB EVER! with 190 voice roles in English exclusive to the NA version of Akiba's Beat
>PQube signs on for the EU version
>Everybody thinks it's completely retarded since nobody asked for dubs
>ToCS3 gets announced
>XSEED talks about how excited they are over it not being held back by Vita's weak hardware
>Twitter PR responds to every fan who asks about the Vita version of ToCS3 to get over it and to pick up a PS4 finally
>Gets into arguments with people saying they're not going to buy it otherwise and how it's stupid they split the fanbase
>XSEED skips Valkyrie Drive due to it being Vita-exclusive
>PQube picks it up and it sells amazingly
>XSEED gets interviewed and says Vita exclusive Net High was impossible to localize and that Vita fans shouldn't expect it
>PQube calls them amateurs and starts regularly hinting at localization after confirming it wasn't impossible
>Afterwards start promoting their BIGGEST DUB EVER again
>Game reveals to be a massive flop
>Doesn't even sell more than a handful of units in Japan
>Vita community mocks them on their twitter for it
>Too late to back out now as they invested too much too early
>They don't even promote the game anymore outside of random Tweets
>It's PQube that does the promoting for it now
This also looks great.
I'm unironically hyped for this.
I wish we got a physical version, but this will be one of the few times I go digital.
Evil vocaloids and 512 recruitable party members both sound too appealing to me, even if it is a standard RPG otherwise
So is XSEED a sinking ship now?
Probably not maybe. They were already getting flak due to their hate boner for original audio but these series of bad decisions fractured their already-shrinking fanbase. On top of Hatsuu's constant suicidal tweets and how she got tipsy on stream during an announcement and stated they garnered money for the PC port of Cold Steel + PC Cold Steels exclusive 5000 additional dubbed voicelines directly from their Vita sales, I don't see them making any more headway with the Sony community in general, much less the Vita niche. I would say they're jumping to Switch but that was Marvelous' decision with Fates and not theirs. I'm pretty sure they're just fucked since I think PQube is giving away the Japanese DLC that was released for Akiba's Beat for free while XSEED hasn't said anything about it, making it not even the best version to get should you decide to pick up the game for whatever reason anyway.
>no physical
one fucking job atlus. Still gonna buy it for the avatars though
But I want Laura in there
LRG actually declared that they've been attempting a physical collaboration for release but things got snagged and it ended up not being possible to go through with.
It sucks. When it was announced for localization, the PR guy even stated they couldn't do a physical run but still had something in the works.
I'm guessing it was the digital deluxe bundle.
What a load of shit. Atlus probably didn't want to spend too much effort on it with persona 5 on the horizon.
On the bright side the filesize is roughly 1 GB so making space for it in the memory card will be easy. Physical is better for those games bigger than 2GB.
That's what everyone assumes. Still, it appears they answered their survey with the release of all those domain names so not many vita fans are even angry over this digital only title
Why do people suddenly care about the Vita? Counter-culture was a mistake.
who cares, vita is a dead system anyway
The Vita always had its niche following in NA. In Japan, it was successful and is still supported. If you think this was sudden you probably bought into stupid Sup Forums memes
Hey bud, seems like you're new to Sup Forums. That's fine, we'll give you some tips and tricks along the way. One of them is that you can reply to 2 or more posts at the same time by just adding/clicking their post no. Happy channing
Yeah and this game was released in Japan on Vita, so that point is moot. The Vita flopped in NA and believing anything different is delusional. So once again, I don't understand the sudden cry of games not getting Vita ports localized. It's just a small, loud group of crybabies.
Dungeon Travelers 2-2 better come over though.
EU here
Fuck XSEED, glad PQube and NISA are taking over.
I'm not sure what you're arguing about here. Nobody is arguing about Beats since almost everybody disliked it since release due to butchering what made the series fun.
I played the Vita version of Akiba's Trip and it was hot garbage
Couldnt care less about this one
No, the new SoS sold fine, its vitagen who's butthurt about muh exclusives
I'm saying Xseed isn't wrong to not localize Vita games I guess.
People still complain about exclusives?
Vitabronies are a cult and vocal minority anyways
They bought 60% of ToCS copies and always buy ports of even shitty indie games
It's like the meme that "vita games sell bad" is stronger than the money in their hand
There was actually an interview with a dev about vita ports and it stated they prefer vita because selling 50k units was preferable to aiming for a million. With it being super cheap to create games for they easily make money back. Even mores when they go in with a super budget title and sell 100k like Galgun did
Does this have anything to do with akibara's trip?
Asking because the names are similar although it seems like it would be weird to be the sequel.
That's because
>Vitafaggots are desperate for games
>Cold Steel is the worst Trails series, PS3 and PS4 bros have better taste and more games to play so they don't have to get down on their knees and eat whatever shit falls to the ground
CS3 will be interesting, will it bomb because PS4bros don't give a shit about it or will it convince enough Vitafags to pick up a PS4 to support it?
Do XSeed just get hammered at work and make stupid fucking decisions all day?
It makes sense why they'd be angry due to the assumed climax of a story rich trilogy suddenly being exclusive on a system that didn't have the previous two titles, but Cold Steel was never an exclusive so I still don't know what you're arguing about here
SK not gonna get affected by this, is it?
It's the sequel to Akiba's Trip.
It removed all the stripping though and turned it into an RPG.
cuz it happens every time a game is ported
I heavily doubt that since many of the localized titles are multiplats already with PS4.
Somehow I think you're just shitposting to shitpost now though.
Akiba Strip the Animation was better than the game. What a shame GONZO only sold like 5 copies of it in Japan; Mayo, imouto and moimoi didn't deserve this suffering.
>It removed all the stripping though and
Exactly. Nobody was excited for this shit when that was revealed.
It sold so badly in Japan that it didn't even chart on Famitsu and those fucks list anything 5k+.
no, it's vitagen bullshit
>people antagonizing XSeed and glamorizing NISA
I know that XSeed sometimes likes memes in their translations, but people, It's FUCKING NISA what the fuck happenned?
I expect it not
>XSEED shill scapegoating
For a fanbase that doesn't exist they sure get blamed for a lot of things they don't do.
I'm from vitagen user, not everyone is a fanboy
I don't know about people glamorizing NISA. Even during the announcement it was 50/50 people laughing at Hatsuu's breakdown and crying over NISA's probable fuck-ups for release
>what the fuck happenned?
Mans ability to enjoy watching something they like fail, purely to spite somebody else, is amazing, isn't it?
>implying I like xseed
I visit vitagen tho, that's why I know
The show was the most underlooked gem of last season, it was more entertaining than it had any right being just like the games, I'm still blown away how 2 wound up being my GOTY 2014, the same year as Bayo 2
>no its all bullshit concocted by buttblasted vitagenners
>i should know im one of them
Yeah I doubt you're telling the truth on that
>Removed the only thing it was known for
Excuse me what the fuck?
All they had to do was make a new story, improve the combat system by allowing weapon switching and different guard breaks and make the game look better. That's literally all they had to do. How do you fuck something up that bad. Jesus christ.
Just make a new series if it's not going to allow stripping.
>implying again im buttblasted
nice try fampai, I dont give a fuck about ported games
>Did it bomb because it's bad
Akiba's Beat is possibly the worst ARPG I played on the Vita and one of the worst ARPGs I played in the last decade.
There's a reason it bombed hard even in Japan, it's simply not a good game, the sudden change of identity and loss of what made the game stand out doesn't help.
It's basically a really shitty Tales of clone, except with worse combat, way worse animations, way worse balance and so on.
That's what I've been saying though. Nobody does.
If I do get this title it'll probably be through PQube anyway since they use the money to fund more Vita titles.
It's made by the people who worked on the original Persona 1/ 2duology so I'm hype as fuck for it.
>Xseeds localization of this and losing Ys
What is going on over there? I don't want NISA to scrap everything up.
famtisu scores are irrelevant
every game is 30+ there and the only reason they don't like Akiba's is because it's aimed at western audience
>XSEED talks about how excited they are over it not being held back by Vita's weak hardware
They aren't wrong and I love vita.
XSEED is to be praised for doing english dub.
When jap games come to the west you guys act like retards and find any reason to boycott a company. Then you spend the next 10 years complaining about lack of japanese localizations.
Of course they do, if it doesn't come from grorious nippon it's not good enough and if someone bothers to give them something they whinge like they're being fed scraps.
Why waste time dubbing a game when you know your audience would rather listen to their wall eyed waifus babble in a language they can't understand anyway?
>When jap games come to the west you guys act like retards and find any reason to boycott a company. That is unfortunate that every western retard act -- more or less -- like SJWs without noticing
>Why waste time dubbing a game when you know your audience would rather listen to their wall eyed waifus babble in a language they can't understand anyway?
if this comment is not bait go fuck yourself
>A game isn't held back by a handheld that came out over 5 years ago
>This is a bad thing
Man, I'm so happy I stopped buying Vita games after 2014.
go learn japanese you retarded weeb cunt
go fuck yourself. As long as people like you exist Sup Forums will never be any better than reddit. In fact you are not welcome here.
>the only reason they don't like Akiba's is because it's aimed at western audience
Stop talking out of your ass, Akiba has always been a near Kusoge game, Beat has been universally panned because it is bad, no way around it, if it bombs hard in Japan to the point of not even being registered in weekly sales, especially after two previous titles being successful, the game's bad, nobody likes it.
This isn't one of those weird situations where Famitsu fucks up by giving a subpar score to a game that is a huge commercial success or puts out another paid review, the game's that bad, period.
>XSEED is to be praised for doing english dub.
XSEED are literally the new Working Designs, they're cancer that puts out subpar localizations and should die a painful death, especially after the evident fact that they're so full of themselves they think they can't do nothing wrong. Fuck those assholes.
It's true you fucking retard
>waaaaah I only listen to the superior nip dub
>wtf the ENGLISH version has an English dub? Fucking boycotting this shit!!!!!!
>the game's bad, nobody likes it.
because people like you can't enjoy a tales of jrpg that is not emotional or mature™.
>they're cancer
You are cancer. You are worse than the typical Sup Forums nihilist.
>full of themselves they think they can't do nothing wrong.
>B-but they are not nice to me, they aren't cool and they don't have hyped trans/diversity super hyper dude :}
I'm glad they are doing the english dub localization not the other way around. The people boycotting this are the ones mad they ''wasted'' time doing so.
I don't want Sup Forums to be better than reddit, more dumb cunts like you who are too stupid to learn another language but also too self-entitled to enjoy games they want when they're in a language they can actually understand might turn up and keep making shitty threads like this. I thank G*d every day I'm not a sad cunt weeb and can enjoy JRPGs and Anime without having to whack off of to every pair of 2D tits that appear on screen and cry if I hear a single word of spoken English in my superior folded 10 gorillion times Japanese video games.
please be bait
Why does xseed always pick the shittiest fucking games to localize? I think the last time i bought an xseed game was in the ps2 days.
Well that's fucking sad. I was already getting iffy when their translator was whining and acting like a bitch about losing Ys 8.
nice pasta
>because people like you can't enjoy a tales of jrpg that is not emotional or mature™.
No, because people like me have fucking standards and don't want to play braindead cashgrab games that have zero thought or effort put into them.
At least Tales games have some passable animations and not a completely fucking broken system with mechanics from two decades ago, Akiba's Beat is trash and it bombed precisely because it is trash AND abandoned the gimmick and gameplay that made the series popular.
>>B-but they are not nice to me, they aren't cool and they don't have hyped trans/diversity super hyper dude :}
Nobody said that and I don't care, I never bought a XSEED product because I know Japanese, they're a bunch of shitty, inept weebs who can't even translate simple phrases properly and have to put tons of quirks and stuff that isn't in the original script, so fuck off back to Sup Forums with your diversity memes, failed normalfag.