As fun and intellectually stimulating as /tg/ is, lets talk about MTG, specifically its main corp supported game...

As fun and intellectually stimulating as /tg/ is, lets talk about MTG, specifically its main corp supported game, MTGO (magic the gathering online)

Anyone else play this buggy peace of shit?
Hyped for wizard's digital next? Prefer the other other Card game programs? (cockatrice, xmage, etc).

anyone wanna play a casual game of EDH?

Also conversation and discourse of other card VIDEO games welcome.

Whats the best card game on computer in your opinion? shadowverse? gwent perhaps?

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I play Forge on my phone, and it's quite enjoyable.


pls tell me about that one bug

Like most tutors crashing the client when you pick your card? stacking trigger AI confusions?

forge? explain pls.

no I would prefer to have Sup Forums version of "jacerangers" and "amonkhet sucks"
because this time there wouldn't be a reason to Sup Forums be wrong

Amonkhet's block could print enough answers to make standard great (again), but this first set aint enough. like one good answer to felidar and that planeswalker combo.

But lets talk about this this jacetice league. Gatewatch was a mistake. no one cares about lesbian nissa and chandra.

if they haven't changed my man garruk for a retconned nissa on his place, I would still be mad with their initial push to Jace back in Alara

Yeah but why would Garruk join the Oath of the gatewatch? Don't lily and garruk still have their fuck feud?

Cockatrice. It's MTG without being raped.

Havent met many people on cockatrice that know how the stack works, or what ETB means. I like cockatrice, but make a fucking rules engine mate.

Man, I remember playing MTGO when Onslaught was the new thing and it worked fine. Came back a few years later and basic shit like the chat was barely functional. How did it all go so wrong?

Really? All I run into are people who are well versed in the game.

do you need to follow/understand the lore to play mtg? I've been looking into it but I have no inclination for that stuff

>Yeah but why would Garruk join the Oath of the gatewatch?
that's the idea, man

Oh yeah man i got into many arguments in modern MATCHES on cockatrice about sun titan not working like eternal witness when you bounce it. crazy stuff.

I wanna see what digital NEXT is, otherwise I use cockatrice

No, not at all.

its mtgvr

my dad works for wotc

thanks. I've been reading the game mechanics and it looks a lot more balanced than ygo. I can't stand Konami anymore, I just want a game where cards have actual weight and aren't just effect slaves you use and instantly discard/tribute.

It does depend on people understanding the game. But not many people will go to the trouble of getting Cockatrice, making a deck, updating, registering, etc. and not know at least the basics. I really haven't had this problem.

Why the emphasis on matches?

I haven't played magic in years. Is having blue in your deck still necessary to win?

>remake MTGO with a display that doesn't look like it came out of windows 98
>print money
How hard can it be with all of Hasbro's dosh behind them?

nah, just go elf

>magic the gathering online
there's a digital mtg game? I was thinking about getting into this

Server chat rules arguments believe it or not.

Literally had multiple people tell me gofy only works with your library despite the card the saying all graveyards.

That's just bad reading. I blame the schools.

well ask your dad for me if there are some seismic assaults or street wraiths hanging near the trash
netdecking put it on a high price again

Holy fuck that image also meant graveyard, my bad.

find a way to kill paper mtg so that they'll be forced to make a good video game

Believe it or not paper magic makes wizards money and that's not even including the secondary market. you'd be surprised how many people will shill out 200 dollars for a broken card for a broken format.

Jews in charge don't wanna spend too much.

They're LITERALLY Jews

WTF, have you even played it?

Yes for many years and have never experienced any crashes or bugs so this shit makes no sense to me.

Gr8 B8 M8

post those commanders

Why do you go on the internet and tell lies?



forge is neat but i cant imagine trying to play it on a phone

my nigga was for placeholding but it actually plays good

Skeleton tribal

its not even about the infect its just one of 2 legendary skeletons.. I hate blue. (skeleton ship)


WOTC are pretty much trying their hardest to make MTG fail, but it is just a brilliantly designed game by Garfield that it still continues to be popular despite their efforts.

Running three, I'll post the Alters I'm having sent over in a week.

She's the centrepiece of my "steal your buffs and give them to me" deck.

Man i wanted to build a EDH R/B Demons deck with rakdos but playing demons without a sac outlet is brutal.

Partners were a great idea.
I'm having fun with commander again.
Single color partners when?

There was already one in 97


Agreed. I ended up with Top heavy Demons, Black Good stuff and Eldrazi.

Eldrazi? Like what? Finishers like ulamog or emrakul?

I really like this card.

NewlaMog, Both Kozis, Conduit of Ruin, Void Winnower, Artisan of Kozilek, Oblivion Sower, Nettle Drone for easier Rakdos activations, Endless One, and Desolation Twin. I was running Breaker of Armies and Pathrazer of Ulamog but both were cut either for Black good stuff or utility creatures.

Oh that sounds fun, got a link to a deck list?

That entire cycle was cool as hell. Demigod of Revenge is my mah nigga.

Yes and no.
This is a semi-current list. I cut something to add in Cauldron dance but it's too late/early for me to catalog the deck again right now. It was something moving from Main deck to maybe board and swapping in Cauldron dance for it, just know that,

Its a nice edh card. Not modern playable though but who plays modern amirite?

I like it! Looks like a fun brew, but that tix cost man :/ could prob switch out a few of them lands (like the fetchs) for cheaper stuff and not have a terrible mana base.

Oh you mean the online cost? I built this, the Oona deck and the Lazav deck in paper.

Ah i got ya. Nice deck tho. I wish the paper scene wasint so dead here, the lgs here has 3 people top for FNM and they usually always play whatever the pop meta is in EDH/standard.

no, lore fags will get excited and try to talk to you about this super powerful cool mage guy but I just kind of blank stare them and give a one word response.

Thats the correct answer. Jace is a fag and his squad of comic book heroes is lame.

Heres hoping gedion and nissa fucking die in the amonkhet block.

>you wanna just play big dumb shit in EDH but everyone is on combo and no combo hate.
Recommend me a deck that has nothing but hate or can do its thing while holding up with permission

I want the black lotus. I dont play mtg but recently found out the value of that card and immediately shat brix.

It will just be an update to Duels, don't get excited.

I also recently discovered how addicting card games can be, started with pokemon cause a friend plays. Best feeling ever is getting the right cards and winning in turn 2 or 3.

Try group hug or a pillowfort deck? Look as non threatening as possible while giving everyone the ability to play more lands or draw cards, then let them fight each other. Then do your own combo (prob treefolk jank desu) and kill the last person/persons alive.

Just use XMage you niggers. It works most of the time

Non greater

Group hug only help combo players win a turn earlier than they otherwise would have.

Animar is the best competitive Timmy deck.

Alternatively, you could just play Leovold, Emissary of Trest with Anvil of Bogardan, Teferi's Puzzle Box and a bunch of other horrifying bullshit.
You'll make EDH so painfully unfun that they'll want to play competitively ever again.

I started playing again months ago after a 3 years break.
Stopped 2 weeks after that, fuck this pay to win shit.

xmage sucks actual, factual penis
cockatrice is so much better if you're playing with friends (but hey we all know Sup Forums doesn't have those)
it's a lot more open and lets you do what you want ala tabletop sim