ARe you ready to preorder her game?
ARe you ready to preorder her game?
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The Switch version, of course!
She will die in prologue, user.
I love anime, waifus and vampires. That game was created for me.
If it goes on the Vita, sure. Otherwise I'll probably skip it entirely.
>Wanting censorship
>Not wanting censorship
>still preordering
Are you underage?
whos that
That doesn't make any sense
People who preorder usually started playing during snes/megadrive age because they have mentality "I will play this game anyway, so why not"
Only ps2/3 generation has problems with it because they learned to judge gameplay by screenshots and youtube game celebs videos
I'd buy the CE yeah but it depends on the system.
Vita / Switch would be day 1 but I'm not sure if I'll spend money if it appears on any other system
Day 1 on the Switch.
Just give me the vampire loli porn.
There can never be enough, even though between the Scarlet sisters, Shinobu, etc. they have more porn than major religions have printed texts.
I don't know who she is so probably not
Vita definitely
PC maybe
Only if she's a playable character.
Edgelord anime is my guilty pleasure, I'm excited for this.
I'm always in for edge, anime and waifus, but chances are gameplay will be trash befitting the God Eater devs.
I want to touch her hat.
Always dreaming of a new Bloodborne with anime
and now, the swtichfags beg for ports
just like us PCboys, ey?
On PC, yes.
Art style is really bad, damn shame.
More like shita faggots
Don't forget to vote
>people actually voted for the first option.
vita? there are too many ports for us to even beg for
Shinobu isn't a loli
400 year old loli. Not as good as a 1000 year old one, but getting there.
Vita is already ruled out due Unreal 4. God Eater 3 still has a chance though.
>Vita is already ruled out due Unreal 4
I wouldn't say that. It's already possible to use a modified UE4 for it, as it was already used in GalGun and is coming up in Bloodstained. It's entirely possible, but not probable unless the God Eater games sold amazingly on Vita
only if I too can play as a cute girl
It's a given based on who is making it. The real question is whether it will be GE style basic "choose a face" creation or Freedom Wars sliderfu.
Did she buy MY game first though? THEN I might buy it
If it's on a console I own then yes, but if it's not, then obviously yes. I love vampires, I committed to buying this game solely from the teaser before we even knew the name. If there's a CE I'm getting that version.
Wait, who said that she is protag?
What game?
Code Vein, just got announced. Due out sometime in 2018
She isn't and she dies after tutorial to unlock buddy system
You can still buy her game
If it has the rigid movement from God Eater, No.
If it has the more fluid movement from DaS2, Yes.
>rigid movement from God Eater
>Can break out of any animation lock by dashing
>2 weapons feature animation lock breaking as their gimmick
What exactly is rigid about GE to you?
I'm mostly refering to actually moving your character around.
Running around and dashing feels more locked into a direction than in a game like Dark Souls 2 where you can spin around and rolling in every single direction.
Ok I get you now. GE's PSP heritage really shows there.
>No one talk about the husbando
So it's okay when fujoshits does it?
The poll is neck to neck, i said we have ourself an orgy
>have a vampire loli love interest
>Be a vampire loli
it's fucking obvious isn't it?
play a vn if you want a loli waifu, action rpgs will just disappoint you.
>new game
>from japan
>anime visuals
>features a female character
Guaranteed 500 shitpost threads a day and awful fanbase, then. Great.
Will you be able to create your own character?
Hope so, I don't want to play as this faggot
The threads are only awful when reddibook retard keep being salty and crying on a board that isn't made for them.
And there are plenty of westacuck games who did have waifufag threads. They only got a bit less because the devs aren't competent enough to give them a truly attractive design.
>fallout 4 was so shit all there was to talk about were Piper, Cait and Curie
Kind of funny in retrospect.
But he's cool.
I actually like him. Didn't notice him before because of the loli, but he seems like a cool dude.
Bullshots exist and does fuck all to represent the game in motion
>youtube game celeb videos
they can be paid off, and for some games you might get the impression that the game is shit when in reality the player in question is shit. See also TotalBiscuit
The only reason to preorder a game was so you wouldn't have to wait in line and you'd be guaranteed a copy.
In the digital age there's no reason to do this, even the incentives are less than they were when you were preording physical copies. They make you pay more for nothing at all.
Preloading is almost the same, but there is no reason to prepurchase befor preloading is available
Gameplay trailer cant come soon enough
What kind of game is this even going to be?
>literally an edgier God Eater protag
He has seen better days as a Blood
Looks like it's going to be a coop heavy game, I like that anime style.
Damn it, NIOH, why were you so crap!
And why did I not understand a single word of your story?
That game is a true cult classic, the only thing holding it back is enemy variety and the fact that it came out surrounded by so many GOTY contenders.
So what's the genre? Monster hunting like GE and MH? Also what's so appealing about those games? You just fight an enemy that has no HP bar for 20-30 minutes, maybe even longer just mashing the same button over and over again. Could never get into them.
>What's the point of video games. You just press buttons over and over again
Everything sounds pointless when you make a massive oversimplification.
I hope its just an action game. It would be nonsensical for Bamco to make an MH clone again that would compete with an already established franchise it owns.
They've been pretty vague about it but everything points this to be a Souls-like of some kind.
Times change, user. After so many years you can't expect things to stay the same.
Mine too.
Quick. Give me some good edgelord anime
Shit poll, best answer is both.
Who is this semen demon?
It looks so fucking bad.
Get out of here you impure filth
switch version would have full Japan audio
No only retards preorder.
I've noticed a connection between threads that open with "her game"" and a shit game.
Deadman Wonderland
Akame ga Kill
>thread opens up with loli vampire
>not a single loli vampire afterwards
I'm not angry at you Sup Forums, just a little disappointed.
Damn what's that from?
Not if it is dub only.
But eng dub is better than gook voices
LOL preordering.
I'm good bruh
God Eater was an ok series but it wasn't one of my tops. Maybe because I had to play it on PSP.
I'll probably play it because I'm a fan of Monster Hunter knockoffs since they're an iota as long as the real fucking life-consuming thing.
You gotta be a real dummy to pre-order, though. What platforms is it releasing for?
"major home consoles".
Hoping it comes to Switch.
Will this game have SSStylish combat?
What are of the chances of this game actually being good?
How do we fix vampire lolis in the modern games?
By making them flatter.
Low because this is a AA game. But miracles can still happen. Eagerly waiting for some gameplay teasers.
Fuck no.
Persona 5 is a AA game.
We don't even know genre
Maybe it will be first Japanese rts dune 2000 style
>switch isn't region locked
Censorship fags eternally btfo. Or eternally vindicated depending on your point of view.