>Character just says Hi to a girl
>They immediately become friends
Yeah, no, Japan, that's not how it works
>Character just says Hi to a girl
>They immediately become friends
Yeah, no, Japan, that's not how it works
Considering you had to rank up your charm, that IS how it works. Not that you'd know.
you need high charm to talk to her so it makes sense
youre basically chad at that point
akechi on the other hand tells you his lifestory and his deepest secrets if you ask him "whats up?"
I have made friends with girls just with conversation and good gestures. I guess it mattesr what you say and how you say it. P4 may use charm, kindness and whatnot in a very abstract way but you can bet these things do matter and weight when talking to other peoplw.
you're playing a game where you go into a psychological fantasy world thats full of monsters and is somehow connected to somebodys brain to solve injustices and become mega e-famous thieves, while simultaneously trying to track down a criminal whos using the very same fantasy world to mindbreak people and literally murder them, and this is what jumps as unrealistic to you?
you're basically chad at this point
she may be the famous shogi player
but you're basically the bad boy from that other school that had the phantom thieves
also, you can make some female friends that way, don't expect them to text back though bros ;_;
he is kind of a psycho so it makes sense
>Yeah, no, Japan, that's not how it works
Actually, this always work with me.
>she ignores you unless you're handsome
Sounds about right to me.
I assume that she and Yusuke talked and Yusuke mentioned you to her in some way. She comes off as a nice girl who doesn't have many friends, so it's probably a change of pace for her to have someone to talk to besides the Priest or her mother.
How do i improve my Charm irl Sup Forums?
You're basically chad from another school at that point nigga
Stop asking Sup Forums about anything, get the fuck out of here, never come back.
>that's not how it works
actually it is
>dress properly
>hide your powerlevel
Once you're in here, there's no escape
Get more charm irl. Good luck on your reroll.
Persona is wish fulfillment: the game. why do you think it's so loved by waifu fags?
Sup Forums can you name me some legitimately scary games?
Fuck I meant to post a thread sorry
read books on being charming
read sleazy pua stuff
go to a maid cafe
Drink coffee
It actually kind of is IRL, just be yourself, man
No, that's exactly how it works. It kinda annoys me how after one or two encounters, every character starts bitching about their problems, but I can expect that speed since they need to resolve it in 10. In general if you just make small talk and share some sort of interest, you'll become friends
It's not like you and ever hang out a lot with her anyway, you just play shogi once or twice a week. It's like the old men play chess in the park
>Being brutally honest with my IRL stats
proficiency 2
Knowledge 1
Charm 1
Kindness 3
Guts 2
Except in real life the more Kindness you have the less dating social links become available.
So the best way to up my stats so girls will like me is pic related?
Yeah m8 grind that shit out
Proficiency 1
Knowledge 4
Charm 1
Kindness 3
Guts 1
Japanese youths have no idea how to be social/friendly, P5's just being realistic.
Why is he so perfect, Sup Forums?
That's exactly how it works
if you're attractive