recommend me a game Sup Forums
Recommend me a game Sup Forums
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why would you do 4 way sli?
is it on sale?
Persona 5 and Bloodborne
What would be better, getting a second 970 or replacing the one I have with a 1080 Ti ?
you could stop playing video games and put your computer to work
but no, that would be impractical
Only a tiny handful of games support 4 way SLI.
1080 Ti, nigga.
which ones?
SLI is kill and wasn't amazing in the first place, sell your 970 and go 1080 Ti
should have sli on your processor too, at least 3 of them
>tfw 2 poor for 3 SLI Motherboards
10fps zelda on cemu
More like 20 fps at the moment. Though some I've seen have had a solid 30
>Two 372gb hard drives instead of two 2tb ones
You spent all this money on hardware and couldn't shell out 80~ dollars for hard drives.
$3000 to play cs:go
you missed a "6" at the end
I've been up too long.
>4 1080s when sli doesn't do anything past 2
>That fucking monitor
user, what the fuck