ITT: villains who did nothing______

ITT: villains who did nothing______

What'd he do?





Wow, you're right. He just sort of hung out in a fortress the whole game and we were told that he totally kidnapped Din. Vera was a way more active villain

So we can all agree that Ages > Seasons in all aspects right?

>kidnap an oracle and sink a temple into a different land, causing seasonal fuckupery

he did nothing after that

Iron Knuckles are the coolest Zelda enemies, prove me wrong.
Darknut fags need not apply.

he drank in a castle and then became a dragon. AND helped ganon return

Maybe you should've specified that

>Captured Din
>Sunk a Temple

>Tricked Link into helpping her
>Fucks over Nayru b possesing her
>First act is to kill the Maku Tree
>Turns Ambi into histories greatest monster
>All of this was an excuse to make herself more powerful and create more time paradoxes

I don't understand? So he just LITERALLY did nothing? What? What did he DO, user? Give me the rundown.

he didn't bitch on a board for kids that's for sure

Delete this.

>the bad guy didn't do anything bad!
>provides premise of the entire game as counterexample

I'll delete you

Veran was fucking hot.
But then Seasons had Din.

Except gameplay, sure.

>Congratulations on unlocking a new melody. I bet you can't wait to listen to it another million times.

I'm not saying he wasn't a bad guy I'm say he's shit villain because he didn't do anything

He essential did the same thing Veran did, he just didn't need to do as much to achieve it.

That's an incredibly minor thing desu. If it bothers you that much just turn off the sound.

Ages has a couple of shitty bosses and puzzles, and by far the worst dungeon of the two (Jabu-Jabu's Belly). I'd say they're pretty even in terms of pros/cons.

The tune itself is not the problem.

The problem is that whenever you run into an overworld puzzle requiring use of the harp, you have to watch the entire unskippable animation every fucking time. Music, teleporting, and all. And god forbid you warp back to a spot you can't actually stand in and have to watch it all over again. That shit is dumb.

Eh, they both needed to plunge their specific lands into chaos. Onox did it by sinking the Temple of Seasons, Veran by going back in time and getting Ambi to build the Black Tower.

I totally agree that Onox should have had a more active roll in the story, though.


but user you were the villain

Literally stays inside the castle the whole game. And while he supposedly fucked everything up 100 years ago, Hyrule is practically a fucking paradise. To be honest I'm fine with sacrificing Castle Town if it means having multiple peaceful prosperous towns, and nature everywhere.

Zelda and the King want us to believe that Ganon is gonna eventually do something but it seems more like they were out for revenge to me. Hell he doesn't even fight back in the final battle.

it was at that boss, that the legend of zelda franchise died

>Zelda and the King want us to believe that Ganon is gonna eventually do something but it seems more like they were out for revenge to me.

He was biding his time in that coccoon to get his full power back. The form you fight at the end is only partially-finished.

Ganon in Breath of the Wild is less a villain and more a force of nature, though, so I'm not sure that he counts.

Just realized he has the Gerudo symbol on his armor but the Gerudo weren't in Holodum. Even stranger is Holodrum is located far from Hyrule and I'm fairly certain the Gerudo didn't invent the Darknut armor in OoT.

Not to mention Ganon was sealed away with Veran and Onox's essence required to revive him so Onox should have no idea about his Gerudo heritage

>implying I rekindled the flame

Both Onox and Veran were beings from the "Dark Realm", which is never expanded upon in either game.