What games have comfy forests?
What games have comfy forests?
I snagged this from another thread. Is this HZD? I keep thinking it's a painting.
Guild Wars pre-searing.
Alan Wake
Isn't this battlefront? Endor map was comfy.
Yeh it's horizon
The Forest
The Witcher 2
Say what you want about the elder scrolls series but the landscapes always felt pretty comfy to me. The music, the sounds of nature; it's always done a pretty good job of making up for the shitty stories and shoehorned guild plots
theHunter has the most immersive and forest-y forests I've seen in a video game to date. The game itself caters to a niche audience though.
For pure comfy factor I'd probably have to go with TES or TW.
answer that isn't Kingdom come: Deliverance is
Witcher 3
I'd literally fucking kill for a full Remake of Oblivion with atleast Fallout 4 tier graphics
What is bethesda working on? Is there any news?
>tfw installing ENB in skyrim
>install weather mods
>install the ability to control weather
Almost made me want to become a photographer........and leave the house.
>implying you can get 30fps with those
mad max
The Hunter. Love it and comfy as fuck. Very niche game though, microtranscations for everything, and I dare not think of how much money I've spent on it.
pic is from The Hunter Call of the Wild, which is a one-time purchase with no microtransactions, which just like the classic version got maximum comfy forests.
>not a single oblivion screenshot
I don't think I've seen a screenshot from inside a forest that looks nice. Looking at trees from afar is really very pretty, though. Same with Deliverance.
This though. For some reason the extremely saturated palette worked well in the last forest.
The Long Dark
Skyblivion is a thing
i gotchu senpai
Witcher 2
Witcher 3
Dragons Dogma
The Forest
Forests near Black Marsh borded are the best.
i remember playing oblivion on rainy days, so good
need to reinstall this game, best tes ever
wish they would do a remake
kingdom come deliverance
real life
we're talking about games with good graphics that actually look nice
>What games have comfy forests?
yeah no, fuck off graphicsfag
>muh grafix
this board is 18+
nice forest
regardless of how shit it may actually look/be
Chernarus is still my comparison and go-to in regards to comfy forests and rural areas.
could you post some more screenshots of this, user?
I've contemplated this game before but am on the fence.
Not him but I've seen some screenshots of the game and it really can look better than Horizon. It's not even fantasy either which is pretty cool.
Go to flickr.
holy shit.
so how long until we get a PVP mod for this?
State of Decay
velen is not very comfy but toussaint is top tier comfy and so is kaer morhen
Drakensang. Even the swamps filled with undead have a nice, cozy feeling.
Also this. Ethan is a medicore walking simulator with a bad twist at the end, but the enviroment is great and you can spend time just enjoying the view.
Witcher 3
Baldurs Gate*
*may include spiders
she does not look like undead
in fact she just made my penis alive
that would be funny
>hunting deer an--- BOOM HEADSHOT
>Is this HZD
No it's photomode.
it's not actually comfy because of all the fucking BEARS and SPRIGGANS
What game?
Looks like Skyrim from the spriggan in background
Ori is Comfy Forest: The Game
My nigger.
Underrated game. The bloom tends to be a bit much sometimes but I like it. It almost paints the game golden sometimes and it feels like a fairytale.
Rivers of Time is one of the best cRPG released in the last decade. Too bad we probably won't get any more Drakensang games. The studio is too busy with their online hack'n slash.
Assassin's Creed III had a really comfy atmosphere with the forests when the HUD's off.
Yeah it's Skyrim but I wonder what mods are used.
Simply bigger tree and realistic aspen trees?
But there's probably a landscape mod involved too.
Is that Enderal?
my nigga.
winter was especially comfy
WOA pc fags BTFO