What did Sup Forums think about Mass Effect:Andromeda?

What did Sup Forums think about Mass Effect:Andromeda?

At first I didn't really like it too much, then I started liking it a bit more and now 50 hours in I can say it's a blast. Sure it has a long list of flaws but fuck me it sure feels good to have adventures in space.

I know this is a meme but the game really gets a lot better at the 30 hour mark or so, when you start doing the loyalty missions. Too bad the crew itself is not really all that cool or interesting. Drack is the only genuinely good character.

While the character models and animations are an eyesore, the environments are really fucking good, Kandara especifically is gorgeous.

All in all, it's a solid 7/10 game lots of wasted potential, with a few months of more polish and maybe slightly better writers it could have easily been the best ME.

>game really gets a lot better at the 30 hour mark or so
stopped reading there

it's shit

as with anything EA touches

just let it die user
No one wants to talk about it anymore

Playing ME:A finally makes me realize something. Took me long enough to realize that open world game is boring. Lots and lots of needless walking, running to a checkpoint. I used to be fan of open world games, but after so many of them, slowly that feeling of amazement fades away. So far, only Rockstar games and to a degree BoTW managed to done right with the formula.
Anyway, I'm still enjoying the game though, I usually drove around in the Nomad to unlock fast travel points before taking on any mission.
Story is ok, and plot is a rehash of the entire ME trilogy, minus the urgency. Characters are fun and not too serious. Shooting's fun as hell. One question to any user who have played, do you guys even use the credits? Seems like a useless mechanic when I barely used it. I'm still at Kadara, haven't finished the game yet. Is there any powerful equipments or mods that I can buy later?

Yeah, the planets are gorgeous. But I really starting to hate the open world aspect of the game.

>but fuck me it sure feels good to have adventures in space.
Sounds more like you are just desperate for a particular type of setting that a mediocre, buggy game "feels" better than it actually is.

>game really gets a lot better at the 30 hour mark or so

Didn't play it


Done it at 85% in 70 hours,
Research & devlopment are tottally broken things, never buy any weapon just craft them to the max lvl then apply mods and upgrade.

For me ME:A is a let down, character aren't that great too much cheezy line and light ton in the story, laughably bad vilain.
I wanted to meet new race and species but only 3 in the whole new galaxy (+ some of the one you bring with the initiative) trash mobs on the planet are cool but not enough there 's only 15 different mob i think for 5 planet to explore (3 per planet is meh).
shooting's really the best part of the game also soundtrack has it's moment, still as a fan of the OT i'll wait for me:a2, and i hope the introduction that was andromeda is going somewhere cool

>I know this is a meme but the game really gets a lot better at the 30 hour mark or so

>Research & devlopment are tottally broken things
Have to agree with you. I just R&D Black Widow Sniper, Paw Assault Rifle and Hurricane SMG and then I just glide through the game no problem. And kill some enemies for the mods. Did spend a few credits early to develop the Black Widow to buy a few stuffs required, and that's it. I've never used much credits after that. Other than buying paint jobs for the Nomad. Did they even play test the game. Damn.

High quality bait

Fem Ryder has the perkiest lil tits in a vidya game.

Not the best weapon, but i thought this one was GOAT design

It's utter garbage. Writing is cringeworthy, none of the companions take the mission seriously except for like 1 and your character is just a stupid kid that has to rely on an AI whenever there is trouble "UHM, SAM?" and also acts like a retard whenever you lose control of them. You can force a more serious tone on them via one of the WHOOPING TWO dialogue choices you get but the stupid one is always canon, which shows whenever there is an uncontrollable dialogue.


also that one, had good design, used only these to looks cool (good ol' day killing alien)

Is the weapon customisation better than ME3?

Piece of shit game so horrible optimized that runs on i7-6700 - GTX 1080 with horrible FPS drops during cutscenes. And still looks like shit

>such a piece of shit EA retroactively declared it an Early Access title

the funniest part that came out of Autism Girl & Sociopathic Onii-chan's Excellent Interstellar Voyage
modern bioware games aren't even worth the bandwidth to pirate.

ive never played the series. i dont know why the game tries hard to depict someones "romance" so much. dont western gamers hate such melodrama soap opera shit? i thought they always mocked japanese games with regards to it.

or is this just the western persona game?

Yes, it is as you can make any weapon and bind to them upgrade when you re crafting them, then add to it mod, which end in an OP gun

Looks like a super soaker a kid would like.

a fucking 30 hours for game to starts be good?
(You) can't make this shit up

should i get the game? i really hate the fact that there's no squad skill controls now and think that the game will be shit without it

Nah. I pirated it and I regret even that.

U should get over it with time.
Tries what said, crack it and test it.