
>pinnacle of human genetic perfection created during the golden age of interstellar civilization

>random natural born greasemonkey from bumfuck nowhere

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>Western easterner vs Eastern westerner.

point being what exactly?


you know, until someone pointed it out that it was a real model, I thought that the ME 2 character was based on Michael Jackson that they turned to female

Have you never left your house? Theres bitches living in shitty ass bronx projects that are finer than movie stars. This just in woman come in all shapes and sizes

Miranda's "perfection" is more or less an informed attribute.

Bitch on the left has man face.

Michael Jackson face to be exact.


Because men are closer to human perfection than women.

both are average, left more so

perfection > dickgirls > men > women

>experimental clone of a rich man who didn't understand how genetics work so she ended up looking like Michael Jackson
>sexy tomboy bumpkin who diet consists of country grown vegetables and was trained in a useful trade by Grampa Cid

waiting for FF15 PC release so we can get some good animated Cidney porn.

Why can't western devs make attractive female characters? Are they genuinely unable to figure it out?

shove your photoshopped garbage up your ass

The shape of the head on the left is too masculine.

I quite liked Miranda's appearance.
She could do with a less defined jawline and the uncanny facial animation in ME2 paired with her large front teeth weren't doing her any favours.

Doesn't help that both of those features can be found on the person she's modelled after so it's not like they fucked up in matching her likeness.

When will the west catch up?

Rng is a bitch.

never, so long as feminism exists.

pinnacle of some tranny loving fuck

>both are white

Why are there so many people who get their panties in a twist over drawings?

Right doesn't look white, she barely looks human.

Left looks white and it shows on her manjaw.

t. low test male

Left looks like some white manjaw "woman", while right looks like a qtp2t waifu.

because they don't know what art is

Asses are for niggers

Right has face, neither have body. Give me tight ass, no chest, wide hips, and a cute face then we'll talk

This is a semi-sentient flesh golem made from a potential supervirus, extra-dimensional energy, and biometal expressly made for war.

>random natural born greasemonkey from bumfuck nowhere

She's the daughter of the former right hand of the King of Lucis and you will address her as such

The girl on the far right is Jailyne Ojeda and she actually looks like that

She's Polish, I guess that's east to some.

And both are inferior to the perfect woman

>all that padding

>Asses are for niggers
t. Irish

Surprised theres no dick, she looks exactly as fake as a tranny needs to make themselves.

Also, raised in 'Straya. That's east, too.

Miranda was literally his father's wet dream

japs make all their females the same kind of "perfect"
the west rarely attempts to make perfect looking women and when they do they fail at it

>The birth of Venus
>Shows a woman standing naked
>Shows also a woman being manhandled
>Considered art

>A videogame showing off a little bit of skin


>Jerking off to 6 year olds getting raped is "art"

on the other hand... the people who find those types of things desirable aren't just gonna disappear without the outlet you know...

best to let them indulge in fiction than them to thirst for the real thing...

Genetic perfection implies more than an attractive appearance. Miranda's internal organs are probably fine-tuned quite well, not to mention her immune system.

Her expected life span is probably 40 years longer than average non-engineered humie, and her good looks decay slower and less.


Difference being that left is modelled on an actual real life woman, and that right is an ideal created by the Nips.


Japan has a shitload of freaky porn, very often involving sexual harassment and assault.
In the USA, the good folk make sure none such deviancies make it to the stores, as to not degenerate the righteous people of the States.

Meanwhile, pic related.

So the right is clearly better.

a real human being that you can fuck
a cartoon you will never fuck
why live bros

it came and went didn't it?


That explains why right is so much better

This list literally proves nothing.
Not only has the US a much bigger population, but on top of that many japanese women wouldn't even report a rape, because muh honor.

The USA's population is not 27 times higher than Japan's
>that many japanese women wouldn't even report a rape
I too love to talk about countries I know nothing about

desu, most of the women of FFXV's world, even the generic NPCs who just wander around the towns, seem to be at least above-average attractiveness. Excluding old women, I'd say 90% were at least 7s.

chicks like this look trashy as fuck. It's okay if it's your fetish, but don't act like they're objectively attractive.

It should be noted that 99.99% of all rapes on planet earth are committed by black males, though. America's african american population is probably more than 27 times japan's african japanese population, hence the discrepancy in the rape count.

>having hourglass figures and makeup makes you trashy


Beauty shaming is a real thing that exists. Jealousy a bitch.

it's more the facial features, the makeup the hair. They're pretty generic looking bimbos.


I don't really get how the hair and facial features are things to be judged, especially with the context that they're supposedly natural.

Long hair looks nice, the only thing you could even have a point to make about is the makeup which can be seen as excessive.

low test male

Apes leave my board

Do you have any kind of source to back that besides your backside?

Left looks like a man, dude.

>Difference being that left is modelled on an actual real life woman,

And yet they failed to make the in-game model look anywhere near as gorgeous as the genuine article. Miranda's model isn't so much based on Yvonne as it is a caricature of her.
Miranda's neck is much thicker than Yvonne's, her jawline is more masculine than Yvonne's, her cheekbones aren't as soft as Yvonne's, and her eyes lack any kind of genuine emotion.

The fact that Bioware had such an attractive young woman to model their character on and fucked it up so incredibly speaks more about their ineptitude than Cidney does for SE's ability to create quality waifus from scratch.

Has an ass
Flatter at the back than a board

There you go OP

>What does "rate per 100k population" mean
here's your (you)


Damn, I want to play that game with girl on the right.


>brown hair

I don't think so, BioWare. Even the nips know blonde hair blue eyed Aryan women are perfection.

there you go

Fucking disgusting. Just looking at them makes my skin crawl thinking of STI's.

Fucking this.

There are trannies that look more feminine than the average "bimbo in spandex nightclub clothing."

Left sounds unirocially boring and tedious

He doesn't

The truth is black males only commit half as many rapes as whites

Those are nice cars though

Fucking weeb

If we include Hispanics into white group.

>whites are underrepresented
>blacks are overrepresented
Damn, why can't people just play vidya to get rid of their urges?

>cumulatively 99%

Who made this fucking chart?

Even if the absolute amount of rape is commited more by white people in the US, relative to their population size, there are fewer white rapists than black ones.

Mirandas face looks like a square, that said the West does have some good vidya women

But the woman they modelled her after was beautiful, not genderbent Micheal Jackson.

Half of (You), boy, you can put anything else on the right part - as long as you intend to write shit you'll write it, even about universally acclaimed masterpieces.

>left: western character

>right: japanese character

There you go op

U wot, user? The West has barely done stuff like that for years beyond Kickstarter CRPGs.

Dragon Age Inquisition's inquisition had gays, lesbians and demons, what kind of fucking religious order is that even supposed to be?

>society that have more acceptable means of venting off sexual frustration faces less sexual assaults
Who would have thought that?
Legal prostitution and pornography lessens amount of sexual crime.

Source my penal law lecture and I can't be bothered to go to university library in order to check the books

What about PC?

>black commit 27% of rapes while being 13% of the population
>no seperate hispanic statistic, i.e. they list them as "white" as usual
relly makes them neurons active

Many of them are jealous fujos, or beta males trying to appeal to hardcore feminists in the off-chance they'll score some puss.

>A butterface who thinks she's better than you, is only known for her ass and is so picky that ultra Chad was barely able to fuck her

>qt face tomboy with a smoking hot body. Has a bubbly personality so she's attractive but not intimidating. Even if friendzoned you can talk guy stuff with her.

>Going by number of incidents instead of percentage population

Kek, as a Statistics Analysis student, this is absolutely disgusting.

Irrelevant cuck platform. Wait for some scraps and leftovers and swallow them for purpose of "supporting developers cum" like a good sissy.

I want Aranea to dominate me

>random natural born greasemonkey from bumfuck nowhere
Oh I'd bumfuck her all right