lmao western game fans are pathetic
Lmao western game fans are pathetic
Did you tell that guy you were going to post him on Sup Forums before you took his pic?
That guy probably did more in one day than you have done in the entire month.
no i stand up doing nothing too
The worst part of this is the redneck length hair.
>Guy protests to make his job environment better
>You protest to do nothing while doing nothing
him protesting is even doing something while you are nothing but a leech on this society.
>Implying that guy is a scientist
He can't even draw a cube.
not like it's a society worth saving
Can't even draw straight, much less a cube.
>subtle Sup Forums thread
The redditization of science really makes me want us to transgress a couple hundred years tbqh
Seriously? The hair? Not the 3 tattoos of shitty games? Not the edgy teen pose he's doing? He has normal length hair, most of which you can't see, and you are saying that's the worst?
>making posters and standing around like an idiot
When will people learn this does nothing? Almost as useless as donating money to "raise awareness"
Is that Monash Clayton?
>You protest to do nothing while doing nothing
You better believe it. I got what I wanted. How about him?
What happens when you're not racist.
Post your hair user. You clearly have no sense of style.
I would be more cynical of your post, if it wasn't for the fact that the Japanese target markets in the west are named after the nukes we dropped on them.
And I'd be angrier of the explosive weeb market for video games if it wasn't for the fact that it's a lot easier to cure than nuclear radiation.
Holy shit man, calm it with bantz, its just a troll thread
>Implying waifu fags arent the saddest people ever
user, he's holding a sign and wearing a shirt about games, he's definitely not a scientist.
scientist and autist have the same suffix, are they the same though