>tfw no friends
Tfw no friends
>have only one actual good friend
>he doesnt play vidya
Why would you want to?
>tfw plenty of friends
/r9k/ is that way, faggot
>tfw only friend is a Chad with who i have nothing in common with
You can live a happy life alone knowing if you did have friends they're guaranteed to stab you in the back in some way and take advantage of you
>tfw girls who want to be friends
>tfw he's friends with you so he can impress a girl for being friends with depressed losers
any weebs wanna be friends with me im sick of hanging with normies
Being alone ain't that bad op. nobody to judge you and shit.
>tfw like having friends
>but don't like going outside, talking or hanging out too much and am fine being alone
What is this feel?
>have friends
>one has become such an insufferable cunt i barely talk to anyone in that whole group
Why does he have to act like a faggot and try to put me down for no reason? Its like he desperately wants to be alpha
siblings count as friends right?
siblings can be friends but are not by default
Ask him yourself
I moved from my hometown for work related reasons and still have no friends 2 years later. Just a weedman and a girlfriend and a couple people from work that like to drink.
Being an adult fucking sucks. No one fucking likes anything and you can't find anyone to play Metal Slug with you.
Sounds like a good feel desu. I guess your an introverted person?
What keeps you from others user? Do others just drain you too much?
>Being an adult fucking sucks. No one fucking likes anything
I have the good fortune of an online bff I've known for 12 years. We play Overwatch and discuss the future of vidya.
I haven't met anyone IRL like that. Everyone here is too focused on showing off and getting material goods that amplify prestige. It's a race to one up their friends and strangers and it really is disgusting
You know the risk and the empty pursuits you'll be facing. You rather do something enjoyable than invest in dull activities.
Funny enough, same. We're long overdue to play some Overwatch, though.
>tfw dysfunctional, grown-ass man
>playing Overwatch
Only normies go to /soc/, fag
>i don't have any friends
>except all these friends
fuck outta here
>have three friends who I care for immensely
>they all live halfway across the country
>if I continue college I'll be stuck here for at least the next three or so years miserable
>if I leave to go be near them I'll probably end up homeless or some shit
>tfw cant cum while penetrated
>tfw somehow managing to stumble upon a friend group thats weeb as fuck
Pretty neat to be able to discuss doujins while grabbing lunch
>tfw no cool Chad brother to unfuck my shit while growing up before it becomes a problem in adulthood
Well I hate to break it to you, but my drug dealer and my coworkers are definitely not friends. They're people I know. Acquaintances. Not even close to the same thing. My girl is not a friend either but I can understand why you're ignorant about such matters.
What's it like having friends, Sup Forums?
I've done it for a grand total of about two weeks in my life so far.
It's the happiest I've ever been in my life.
What's worse: having no friends, or having friends that show absolutely zero interest in your hobbies and life, yet expect you to show complete interest in theirs?
Why don't you consider you gf a friend?
>I moved from my hometown
I did like half a year ago
I'm tired of being completely alone sometimes
It becomes harder to not care
The happiest I ever was was when I had a circle of likeminded friends
it lasted maybe 4 months. Sweet days I tell ya
Would you rather have a large group of close friends who share all your interests, or a girlfriend who doesn't really share your interests but loves you unconditionally?
you get used to it
eventually, you are only hit with a wave of crushing loneliness once in a while
It feels good to have a friend rely on you. We talked for hours about danganronpa and we played persona 5 together. It's nice
Because I can't be friends with someone that has loyalty issues like she does. Not everyone is friends with their SOs.
Open yourself up to people from work if you work, its how I found drinking partners. Not the same as friendship but hey it can be fun.
close friends
the girlfriend is nice on paper, but if she doesn't share any of your interests, then you probably don't share any of hers
so while she might love you unconditionally, there's no guarantee that you will reciprocate the feeling
temporary allies who'll backstab you to make someone they care more about happy when they can
>friend is massive weeb
>try to relate with him over the course of months
>try to take it as an opportunity to learn about things he likes, but fail to understand most of it
Sorry weeb buddy, I've failed you
Depends on the friends, mine had literally nothing in common with me and only wanted to go out and get drunk every weekend and constant put each other down
>tfw you cry in the shower
>failing your weeb friends but regularly visit a weeb site
for what purpose
someone post the clip of the weeb rant from that one anime
>90% of my friends are online
>irl friends I only see a few weeks at a time
Its strange but comfy, I dont like all the politics that goes with being among larger groups on a consistent basis
Theres some in my online circle, but it gets handled pretty quickly
I get sleepy as fuck after just one beer and when it passes and I drink more it still doesn't change the way I act
There is nothing but old people and normies where I work
>start thinking maybe I should just give up and make some shallow friends I can just hang out with and have fun
>remember that guy I know who did that exact same thing
>he's fucking miserable
it's not worth it, friend
I play Jap games, I just can't really into anime and mecha shit. I apologize for my behavior.
>There is nothing but old people and normies where I work
I hate to admit this but because of this very reason I've considered going to a convention. I don't even know how I'd make friends there though.
Know feelie
leave Jesus out of it.
Tell me your secret for finding friends online that play vidya
>I get sleepy as fuck after just one beer
How does such a fucking PUSSY end up with a gf? she must be fat as fuck
It just works, but I met these guys through art/writing circles, we just happen to like vidya too