>Rise is still Sup Forums's girl
Some times you get it right, Sup Forums.
>Rise is still Sup Forums's girl
Some times you get it right, Sup Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish I was Rise so I could fuck all the horny anons
What is she doing. Sup Forums?
Damn, I should update my ERP card with Rise.
Rise best girl
>tfw you wake up to another day, and Rise still doesn't exist
Best slut.
What the fuck is this???
>mfw Rise poster in P5
Always the queen
Friendly reminder that this is who voices Rise now and will do again in the future
>voiced by an actual slut
A mere pleb for Beauty Thief.
The beauty thief stole my heart! Can I please have it back?
>Being a dubcuck
>Sup Forums liking sluts
Not an argument
Rise is everyone's girl.
>there are people who genuinely still thin Rise is a slut.
There is a significant difference between being comfortable in your sexuality and being an outright whore. Seeing Ann inaction when she was put into far more sexually charged and perilous dilemmas with Kamoshida but still came out of it able to comfortably continue her modeling gig and have no shame in it only further reinforced this for me.
Nah I'm pretty sure he's got an argument
>TFW you didn't waifu a burch
It seems to me, that perhaps he might have a stance that could be argued against in a reasonable fashion
Good thing rhythm games don't need localization to be enjoyed
same desu
maybe i'd be the shadow Rise to your Rise
Rise is Sup Forums girl the same way a slut is the town bicycle
Is she going to voice her in the future? I thought the only reason burch was there was because the actual voice actor was busy at the time. And I don't think rise is getting another voiced appearance anyway.
I imagine they'll shit out another Arena game soon with P5 characters added.
rise user will you let me lick your tummy?
>ERP card
I want Rise to cuck me.
How appropriate, considering her new VA
i've wanted it since long before the va change
>white "male"
I can name 10 girls in P5 better than Rise.
Then do it.
ERPing her
Give me a fun scene or fetish to work with like please
Idol Rise
so when's hapoi dokoro going to do a P5 doujin
I don't know, but incorporate a used condom belt somehow.
This man is a genius
Captcha: stop autorise
Sorry, but here's the original /ourgirl/
I could do it.
>adult Yukiko
I don't think my heart can handle it.
Stay jelly yosuke.
No takers for that ERP?
I would but I don't want to get on Discord
Where would you rather do it?
I'm horny but I'd rather just be fap-baited instead of ERP honestly
>Rise is still Sup Forums's girl
Well, she's everyone's girl.
Her level up portrait really is the cutest.
Well where would you like to do that?
Because it doesn't fly on Sup Forums.
A trash thread would do
>No girls like Rise irl
Link me.
Made a thread for anyone who wants
Idol sluts are real man
I don't care for Idol Rise. I want a Tofu Rise for myself
>24 year old Titsuru
>pic related is her at T W E N T Y
Rise > Ai > Yukiko > Margaret >>> miscellaneous others
But she's really ticklish there!
I was thinking the P3 folks would be like 40 in P5 Arena, since it feels like so damn long since P3 came out. Then I looked it up and it turns out the oldest of them still isn't even a cake by P5.
Yeah, Rise is 20 in P5 so it's been around 4 years since Arena.
Guess Rise user just disappeared?
P5 is 2016. You can tell from the way the days of the weeks line up with the dates.
Yeah, but people like to argue about the 20XX thing. 2022 isn't that far in the future.
So whats the Rise starter pack? After playing through Persona 5 I want to go back to 4 for sex. Was more on the chie camp but in retrospect she seems really bland so hoping you guys can cure me