How accurate is this?
How accurate is this?
If it's from the words of a 10 year old, I think it's safe to say there's way too many fucking babies at this point.
>There are too many babies in this game
fucking based
It isn't
>she should exercise more
>There are too many babies in this game
>Likes Peach and Toadette
>Hurr they're both pink
>Doesn't like Larry or Lemmy
That's a pretty shitty 10 year old
>His name sounds like 'loogie'
Vinny would be proud.
>That's probably a wig
They did not just insult the hair
>Too fat to be on a bike
Said nobody who grew up with a copy of Guinness.
>I like Toadette a lot
Pretty good taste
I want to befriend uncle gary
Shitty kid.
>"His voice is really annoying"
fuck yo' niece
Toad is #1
>I like Toadette a lot.
Good taste but, why has she watched Terminator 2? Isn't she kinda young?
I play only baby Rosalina, D.K, and the best koopaling, Doflamingo
I approve
Uncle Gary sounds nice
>likes toadette
good taste
>She is really ugly
Kill this girl, kill her now
but meryo
it's me, loogie
Painfully obvious that it was written by an adult roleplaying as a kid. What a cringy way to push your shitty opinions about the MK8 roster.
seriously what the fuck
Shit, I remember seeing this photo in my copy of Guiness World Records. I think mine is from like '79 or some shit? Jesus.
Now they would not even raise much eyebrows compare to human blobs we have shows about on TV
I'm still surprised that bellywheels haven't become an actual thing yet.
>Wall-E's society of hideous obese fucks has already happened
Please tell me this is just the deep south. Like Florida deep.
What's up with Florida anyway?
Careful with uncle Gary, mate. He looks like a child molester.
why do they bite so much?
>i like the grown up peach more
shit taste desu
>bowser BTFO by a 10y old girl
Florida has all those arrest reports public. Same crazy bullshit happens in the other states but there's no way to know about it.
Wasn't Bowser Jr. initially known as koopa kid, or am I confusing him with someone else?
completely different characters.Koopa Kid is the guy who minorly inconveniences you in Mario Part
yes he is
It says something when a comic about a oppressive police force makes them sympathetic.
>making up names when these people actually exist
What do you think those eggs smell like? Ha ha.
This. Plebbit-tier garbage.
Nice reddit pic, op
>hating on toad
scrub detected
>Tako mouth