49 days to E3

49 days to E3
Post your
>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10

Please avoid the same trite shit like "hurr industry crash", "X devs declare bankruptcy", "everybody dies" etc.

if I post Rune Factory 5 enough times it will happen

never EVER

dissapointment squid, your not fooling me this year

Everything I give a shit about

RDR2 Gameplay and that sweet Ace Combat 7.
Shilling of the PSVR. Sm4sh for Swtich announcement, and Death Stranding
Don't really have any.
>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10
New Tenchu, New No More Heroes, and A Fallout 4 Expansion by Obsidian

you'll see user,you deniers will be BTFO this E3.

Rune Factory 5

Cap this. If Half Life 3 is unironically announced to be real, you all owe me a banana smoothie.

All I want is a reason to buy a Switch. Zelda alone doesn't do it. Give me Monster Hunter.



not gonna lie, I would love a new multiplat spinoff like Rune Factory Oceans
The setting is too comfy for that small screen

-New, good game from FROM.
-Gameplay for Death Stranding.
-Gameplay for TLOU2
-New game(s) from Valve and hopefully Vive price drop.
-Sequels and remasters of unwanted games.
Scorpio being a PC Windows Store Box.
-Konami pachinkos
-Shenmue 3 and FFVII remake being shitty
>10/10 announcement
-Half Life 3. Not gonna happen of course, the project is dead.

the remake for pic related will be revealed and it'll be 0/10 gay and disappointing


Persona for Switch. I want another shitstorm.

Nintendo shows off AC Switch, Mario Odyssey, Metroid and some more big hitters, maybe one more new IP
Third party actually make games for the Switch, even if they're 7th gen ports (the portability is reason enough imo)
Some big info on the online, VC, an update for the OS adds browser and apps
Only 2-3 games we don't know about, mostly already announced stuff
Little to no third party support again
No live show
No new games at all
The online sucks and isn't worth the money it costs
More 3DS games than Switch games
>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10
F-Zero, Advance Wars, Viewtiful Joe 3

gotta go with things that actually happen. Like Bloodborne 2

>it'll be 0/10 gay and disappointing
So a true-to-form remake?

I prefer small screens.those giant TVs they got nowadays are just not for me

Kingdom Hearts 3 or we riot.

Nintendo shows some fucking games
Non Nintendo games that look good show up with pc ports.
The pc game show either becomes worse than shit year Konami or finally gets its shit together
Nintendo will show one fucking game that isn't mario
Everyone, but especially at Sony's conference, will lie about their games and bullshots will be everywhere
PC will continue to get neglected at the show even though everything will inevitably show up on PC
Nintendo will only show Mario
Nintendo will release some 3ds successor like retards
>>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10
For me, a W101 sequel with kamiya helming it again

I've lost faith in a lot of franchises so there's very little I'm hyped about. But a sneak peek at From's new game would be pretty cool. And seeing a remastered Smash Bros for the Switch with one or two new additions would actually convince me to buy that console.

When it comes to dream announcements, a Kid Icarus Uprising 2 would be just that.

Give us Half-Life 3. I don't even care if they show gameplay. I don't give a fuck if it's a 10/10 GOTYAY. All I want is for the wild ride to be over.

Drakengard 4, I go wild whenever they let Taro make another game

a new call of duty we can shit on

Halo 6 announcement
TESVI teaser
Metroid Prime Trilogy HD
Death Stranding gameplay
Good Microsoft show
Good Nintendo show
Sony to bring back the orchestra, that was great last year
Battlefront II to actually be good

Nothing but I'll still be disappointed

Skyrim II
Battlefront II being more of the same
Nintendo talking about already announced titles
Microsoft fucking up
Sony delaying games

>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10
Definitely has to be The Elder Scrolls VI. Especially if it covered more than one region.

Cyberpunk 2077
Not like I follow or watch any of them anyway
No Bannerlord/Mordhau/Cyberpunk 2077
>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10
Bannerlord/Mordhau/Cyberpunk 2077

Dragon Age 4
More weeb shit

>Dragon Age 4
>every character looks like this
>they all refer to each other as xir
>the bad guy is a white cis male

Scorpio literally steals the show

It's not even a hope, it's a given FACT

the salt on Sup Forums is going to be GLORIOUS

i can't wait honestly

>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10

A new Fallout by Obsidian

Xbrothers... nay... XKINGS!
Our time is at hand.

I'm excited for more disappointment.

All i want is a new smash bros for the switch or at least a port of the wii u one

Dead Space 4.
Half-Life 3 as an exclusive to Xbox Scorpio because I wanna see PC owners rage.

New metroid
Cyberpunk 2077
Half-life 3 (;-;)
Jak 4

FFVII remake takes up most of Sony's conference
GOW in 2018
Death Stranding in 2018, still no gameplay
KH3 30 second trailer, no gameplay

3DS successor
Fallout 4 VR

>That one announcement that would make the show a 10/10
New Fallout by Obsidian
New game by SKA studios, maybe a sequel to Salt and Sanctuary

As someone who has only ever owned a 360, I sure hope so for your guys sake. Last 2 years have been fucking awful for you, you deserve at least 1 or 2 good games this year for staying loyal.

And we'll get it on PC as well

>tfw own both an Xbone and PC


Bayonetta 3
New metroid
More confirmed third party and release dates
More information on Odyssey (but not botw more information where it takes up the entire day, just a 10 minute discussion would be fine)
New Pokemon game
Animal Crossing

Few new games, but nothing mindblowing
Better than 2015's e3 by a longshot
Maybe new Pokemon
Maybe discussion on Odyssey
SNES Classic reveal

Skylanders shit
Successor to the 3DS, rendering the Switch completely useless
No third party support
Pokemon (except it's another spinoff like pokken)
Shit nobody cares about or shit we already know
Any spinoff for that matter, we do not want another Animal Crossing situation
Holy shit fucking Amiibo

>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10
Mother 3

Definitely not happening.

Just give me Sm4sh deluxe for the switch so i can throw my wii u away

Skate 4 on PC
NFS Underground 3
Bloodborne 2

Indie shit
Project Scorpio

>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10
Switch has good games

More scorpio, bringing back that techy feel of a new console machine
Death stranding gameplay
VR bullshit, storyshit dramatic camera angle aka naughty dogish games, shovelware
TV autism, some equivalent of prease understand, muh Hulu mail apps streaming services etc
Half life 3, battletoads, mgr 2 or similar heavy hitter cuhrazee fest

Itsuno's new game is Devil May Cry 5
Itsuno's new game is not Devil May Cry 5


I need good Obsidian fallout in my life. Just give them the engine and the IP for like 3 years PLEASE

It to not be shit

It'll be shit, full of bullshot trailers and disappointment

Dealing with Sup Forums being even more of a shithole for a week

>That one announcement
Nothing. Takes me than a single game to make E3 any good in my eyes

Next version of the Vive will be cheaper because the lighthouses will use 1 gear instead of 2. How much cheaper however remains to be seen.

I want a Demon's Souls remaster + PC port.

I expect at least 23 new games with a "strong and independent" female protagonist.

Did you just assume xis gender? Fucking cis scum shitlord

>tfw you will never have another comfy RP game

Shit mistyped RF, fuck

Some switch games, maybe new DKC
Some mario game footage and some boring indies for switch, more ubisoft EA shit that all looks the same
Microsoft showing off some new retarded technology that isn't actually useful for games at all, maybe VR related
Games that require amiibos for a significant portion of their functionality
>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10
New timesplitters title that looks good

>i am totally a gamer my dudes

a new Ratchet & Clank game gets announced
we only had one in the last 3-4 years

>sm4sh deluxe gets announced
>on the one hand, you can finally sell your wii u
>on the other hand, it will spawn another group of 'IT'S OKAY WHEN NINTENDO DOES IT' threads
It's a double-edged sword.

>Games that require amiibos for a significant portion of their functionality
Is this really still a fear people have about Amiibos? Not defending them, it's annoying as fuck how various customization options have been shifted over to things like this, but the worst I think it's ever gotten is that spinner in Hyrule Warriors, yeah?

>it will spawn another group of 'IT'S OKAY WHEN NINTENDO DOES IT' threads
I won't care because I'll be too busy playing Smash to even see those threads. It's a win-win situation.

Maybe one day? Marvelous own the IP and the team that made the games.

Here's what I expect
>Fucking nothing

Here's wat I'll get
>Shit I didn't ask for
>Shit nobody asked for
>maybe 1 enticing thing at best
>A Trainwreck of cringe

Heres how it'll be better than last year
>Lineup won't make people sleep on day 1
>Meme potential
>Maybe new shit that isn't leaked and just 100% out of nowhere

Here's what I look forward to
>Report card
>Drinking game on comfy theatre




>>Drinking game on comfy theatre
The best part right here.


The idea that the best part of NEW GAME stuff is the streams for memes and drinking shit being he best is honestly upsetting.

I bet they could announce Nintendo Sony and Ms binding together to be a third party entity to valve as well as make 1 unified console (so now 1 pc and 1 console) and I'm.aure the drinking game would still surpassed that in levels of fun

Also optimally you want this setup
>Ms on software (PC comm mainly but they also make good tools)
>Sony on hardware (demand for good software demands pc rivaling hardware quality)
>Nintendo on games (because they somehow know what fun is still)

Cyberpunk 2077
REmake 2
Shenmue 3
Rocksteady new IP

Evil Within 2
State of Decay 2

none of the above get shown

>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10

definitely cyberpunk 2077, i've read a rumor that it's coming in may 2018 so there might be a chance its being shown no matter what cdpr is saying right now

>hurr durr half life 3

Has it already been almost a year already? I still remember Ubisofts shit presentation from last year like it was yesterday.

Good games
little to few good games
No good games
>that one announcement that would make the show a 10/10
Dragons Dogma 2 or DMC5, both with full budgets and no rushed dev times.

On the Nintendo Direct:
Smash Bros, Mario Party 11 (Not casual baby's first party game shit edition), Mario Odyssey footage, weeb games, GameCube VC

Mario Odyssey footage, Virtual Console launching god knows when, 20 minutes focused on indie games that have been on PC for 5 years.


Metroid Prime: Federation Force 2, Super Mario Odyssey delayed until 2018, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 delayed until 2018, Muppets.

Nintendo have been given a freepass to just port Wii U games to the switch and people will love them for it

Honestly just more star wars stuff. I know it's EA and they'll probably do a fucking awful job of it all, but fuck, I'm just such a slut for star wars.

lads do you reckon we'll get a Metal Gear Rising remaster?

Elder Scrolls VI for Switch