Name one (1) flaw

Name one (1) flaw.

Pro-tip: you can't




UGLY face


where do i apply to become a HTD marketer?

Ugly and a shit character. There I named two.

The game was forgotten about a week after launch.



Doesn't have male genitalia.

Is it good though?

10 finger forehead



this is now an aloy thread


Aloy, you say?

>entire board didn't give the slightest shit about Horizon
>Horizon-kun comes on
>4 threads back to back pop up in
You could at least be a bit subtle about it you know.

lol Aloy is an ugly as fuck female

I think hes the only one of the few fans of the game here that can stand the amount of ass rage and shit flinging that happens whenever the game is mentioned.

Ashley Burch




Remember when you were able to report viral marketing threads? This is either legitimate, actual viral marketing for this fucking piece of shit game or we have Barneyfag 2.0 who is going to spam these threads until his dying day. I know Sony put all their eggs into the HZD basket and ultimately failed, but to keep making the same 3 threads ad inifinitum is pure, unfiltered autism.

>no penis

I have remember that all I need to do to wind people up is post an Aloy.


she's ugly and kinda retarded also art style i bland

Way too average close to ugly in some angles.

I still fail to understand why not make your main character beautiful especially when the art style is realistic.

Her original art concept was way better, her being an extremely cute 17-year-old girl with a way better hair style.

One year down the line we will remember BotW link and B2 way more because they look more memorable, have better aesthetics, and do not look below average, as well as a lot more porn to come, this girl barely has any.

The concept art for the entire game is fucking amazing. The only thing that seemed to remain fully in-tact is the lighting.

t.artbook owner

that delicious tum tum

I feel like I got autism after reading your post
>way too average close to ugly in some angles

you know they used a real persons face to model aloy's face right? you dont know what your talking about go play nier some more fuckboi

1.) Does not have a feminine penis on her forehead and armpits.

her head looks like an egg
but like a particularly ugly egg


>they used a real persons face

Was it a fat black man?

Fat Albert is beautiful. That...thing OP posted isn't.

SHe should be named Aboy

your trolling skills are weak son

fucking disgusting chipmunk face?

Then you realize she looks closer to the guy in your gif rather than actually females out there, hell she could post as a really decent trap by just looking at this picture


Can you stop making threads about this game, no one wants remember this pile of steaming putrid shite. Do us a favor OP and fucking neck yourself.

That there arent more armpit pictures.

Yes. Watch me get called a shill.

Zero Dawn: Black and Chrome edition

All jokes aside - what the fuck were the devs thinking? She is fucking ugly.

Her shitty voice. What do I win?

I would marry her.

Aloy has a better walk cycle than 2B. Really she fucking throws her hips about its hypnotic.


woah everyone is getting upset over how cute aloy is maybe i should stop posting

I want to raise Aloy.


Voiced by Ashly Burch

Not 2B

>not blindfolded

She looks like Zach Efron.




If only they released a patch to move her eyes a bit further apart, that'd be perfect.

You are not wrong, question is: do you not want to bone zach efron?

>anime faggots crying


She is cute, has a great ass and you know it.

>complimenting a dude's ass

Everybody on Sup Forums is a faggot, but most of us aren't literally gay.

>there will never be a thick aloy :(


Can I say the gameplay is shit or will that get me bullied?

>t. Hasn't played the game

Maybe I played it wrong. What are some tips for Fun Gameplay in this game?

haha these guys get mad as fuck

these guys get it
fuck ashley burch