not Cracked BUT BLACKED
some guy LITERALLY removed Denuvo from Syberia 3
Other urls found in this thread:
quote from the "cracker"
>Game starts up about 40 secs faster without D sooo... yeah Denuvo kills performance... Especi𝘢lly when you 𝘢re using two Denuvos in one G𝘢me"
>Syberia 3
Yeaaaa no
>Game won't run on Linux because of Denuvo
>Game starts up a lot faster now
Why are publisher still putting their dicks into Denuvo's stretched out syphilis bunghole again?
It's cool and all but this game unplayable with mouse and controller doesn't supported in crack version.
cool, but where the fuck is nier.
Not true. Just propaganda from poor piratefags.
cool, where is the nier crack?
Never you weeb. Syberia 3 just had Denuvo poorly implemented. This won't happen again.
>not buying Nier at full price
it's literally the best game in at least 3 years
>shitposting about Syberia
Reddit is two doors down bud.
no demo = no buy
ps4 got a demo, why not pc?
umm no sweetie
Denuvo confirmed ruins performance and stops games from working on Linux.
I got it for free on PC, but I actually regret not paying for it.
I'm going to buy the DLC for sure.
Because pc fags would pirate it
the demo? who pirates a demo
I'm not fond of Denuvo but this doesn't really prove it reduces performance beyond startup. We've known for ages that it does a bunch of shit when you start the exe checking for validity but then is *supposedly* calms down as the game runs. I'm inclined to believe that as interception dlls like FAR are still possible.
>pirating a demo
CPY are weeaboos and Tarofags so they want you to buy the game
>it's literally the best game in at least 3 years
So gaming is actually dead?
fact: denuvo kills performance
fact: denuvo kills ssd's
fact: denuvo does not prevent piracy
fact: the implementation of denuvo costs the publisher more than 'lost sales'
Piracy is a crime and you should go to jail if you partake in it.
Yes, but its ok if you have a life and are fine with not playing games again until Yoko Taro releases his next masterpiece
Has there even been a successful/good Denuvo game?
Using a library is a crime and you should go to jail if you partake in it.
pc fags
>paying for game demos
what is this? ps4?
>Syberia 3
God, it must be painfull to be poor.
B-But it was supposed to be her turn...
I never read a book in my life.
Asshole thief.
What's with that a?
resident evil 7
>being happy for free Syberia 3
The fuck is Syberia 3 though?
Total War: Warhammer, but that's because Warhammer Fantasy fans are fucking thirsty for any sort of game.
do you think denuvo has some warranty deal?
get's hacked too early - pay outs
Tw warhammer? Im hisfag but still get a lot fun with it.
That's right, jay
Nah, they're just another DRM service like all the other shitty ones, like securom, etc. They just pay for it and hope for the best.
>devs are hacks who can't even put steam cloud in their releases
They deserve to be blacked.
You know steam refund exists right ?
TWO Denuvos? Sounds like bullshit to me, especially since this supposed cracked version isn't uploaded anywhere.
Anyone can open up Notepad and write that they cracked Nier Automata, but that doesn't make it true, and even if it is true, it doesn't matter if there's no evidence people can check.
Wait the game is already out? I didn't know it was a thing. Anyone confirm if it's good? Considering buing. Steam reviews make me worry.
Gee, Bill.
>It ruined Just Cause 3
>Now Avalanche made a Vulkan driver for Mad Max and JC 3 will never get one
I guess this is proof there is a fan base for virtually any game
I mean that in a good way but I thought Syberia was snoozeville
what version of denuvo is this?
i know the last game that CPY cracked was x32, which is a lot easier to crack than x64 (which is what nier uses)
I've never heard of 'Syberia'. Is this one of them zzz tier weaboo games?
ME:A is x64 though.
real talk. how do we stop piracy? denuvo needs to step their game up.
Basically a more modern point and click adventure game.
Lots of puzzles a problem solving.
It's French
By having no minimum price on games and letting people pay whatever they feel like paying - even if that means not paying at all.
>everyone pays a penny
>all of 130 people
>wow that game you worked on for 3 years for 8+ hours a day made a whopping $1!
>don't forget the taxes and credit card/paypal processing fees
>oh shit, we lost money
You need to be 18+ to post here.
The question said nothing about games being profitable. It only asked how to stop piracy. The answer was presented.
Denuvo causes that.
ok shit for brains, let me call up EA, actiblizz and the rest of the gang to reveal your brilliant plan. *snort*
He's right you know
>point and click adventure
why did they bother
Animated Text adventure would be superior
ew...people play puzzle and/or adventures games? in this day and age? especially point and click? the only decent ones are telltale.
>Piracy will cease to exist by 2018
>LITERALLY removed Denuvo
They used 2 denuvos and got cracked
I think he refers to using Unity and Denuvo as a "Dual Fucked Up". I assume he was able to actually completely remove Denuvo because of Unity.
What the hell are you talking about Telltale games are shit
>Still no Nier crack
Fuck these cracker guys, get your fucking priorities straight
Wait a while since you already did for 10+ years like me I imagine or get it on console, it's a bit unpolished on PC as of now.
But that isn't performance, it starts up quicker because it has less to load.
Not that retards take the time to think about that.
>fact: denuvo kills ssd's
>install Nier:Automata
>notice how my SSD is shitting itself and everything takes a million years longer to load
That's not how SSDs work and not how people claim Denuvo kills SSDs. I suggest you try to actually clean your system instead
>uninstall all these games, the computer's running slow
Get it on the Switch
>Le Denuvo causes bad performance meme
Why do the majority of games using Denuvo run with no problems then?
FIFA 15 = FIFA 16
Battlefield Hardline
Star Wars Battlefront
Lords of The Fallen
Mad Max
Need for Speed
Can't find benchmarks but here is a 3hr stream
Plants vs Zombies
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
Mirrors Edge Catalyst
Eve: Gunjack
Edge of Nowhere
That leaves
Far Cry Primal - Ubisoft game with bad performance and bugs... What a surprise.
Dragon Age Inquisition - It doesn't run that bad and all problems on the PC version are also in the console version which doesn't even have Denuvo.
JUST Cause 3 - Shitty port, also has bad performance on console.
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Shitty port, also runs bad on Xbone.
Hitman - shitty port performance has improved with patches.
Anno 2055 - Another Ubisoft game, say no more.
Batman AK - A shitty outsources port.
Homefront: The Revolution - A terrible game that has the same performance problems on console as it does on PC
Total War: Warhammer - All the Total War games run like shit.
Out of the 26 games that use Denuvo only 8 have performance issues and several of which are just shitty ports.
The claim that Denuvo kills SSDs comes from the fact that during the game when Denuvo accesses the SSD it does tons of writes per second. SSDs have a limited number of writes, therefore doing so practically brings SSD to its limit faster.
Take note that list doesn't include the most recent Denuvo releases. All of which run fine.
This fuckin guy
>Neo-Sup Forums is actually defending DRM and hates on pirates
Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened to this board?
If pirating wasn't so prevalent, people who actually pay for the games wouldn't have to deal with DRM shitting it up. Both are bad, but DRM is clearly the greater evil.
You can always stop trying to fit in and go back to redit.
>Look I'm already here for 6 months, and let me tell you, le reddit meme ecks dee!
normalfags are legit too dumb to pirate. owner of kickass torrent got caught because he bought music from itunes. Im not joking.
That's the influx of Normies for you.
>Denuvo figuratively spitroasts your game
what a bunch of fucking hacks
>hurrr what if we put drm in the drm what now crackers? checkmate
like berseria? or god eater?
>celebrating the destruction of video games
>even less pc games in the future
There is still no proof that Denuvo increases sales significantly.
If there was, they'd show it and you wouldn't hear the end of it.
Denuvo is just a big fuck you to consumers.