Is it a good world map design?
Is it a good world map design?
It's pretty shit.
>flora not even connected to water
Someone with no understanding of Geography drew this map.
Is this a good design?
>not real
Is that Guild Wars?
I think of this anytime someone bashes a map for being cliched or unrealistic.
took me longer than i'm comfortable to admit
unlike the other anons, i like it. showing off intressting places and good names too
>looks like a fucking boot
Every time
this is my original campaign setting map, you guys want to roll some characters in my campaign?
>fucking caldera
show something to roll for
>they missed "misandry" by not real.
I wish I was fucking joking. i really really do.
>give places exotic names like Zahar'at and Adera't
>"Hey, what'ya call this place?"
>Ruby Wastes
That'd be like the fucking Persians naming Dasht-e Kavir fucking The Amber Expanses
Looks like warlords map but what the fuck with this comments
R8 this unfinished map and my general lack of understanding how rivers work
Why do i have the feeling the big gray city is going to get destroyed/attacked by a huge fucking monster way before the end of your story ?
>putting a city right next to a mountain
wew lad rushing an observatory are we
>That'd be like the fucking Persians naming Dasht-e Kavir fucking The Amber Expanses
"The Ruby Wastes" wasn't named by the Sandfolk (my campaign-specific Halfling subrace) that currently inhabit that region and are responsible for the exotic names of the cities/towns like Zahar'at.
the Sandfolk are a group that recently conquered and colonized the region. the region initially belonged to the Dune Elves (my campaign-specific Elven subrace), who called (and still call) the Ruby Wastes their home. but they were far too nomadic and disorganized to repel the Sandfolk and were subsequently conquered and enslaved.
the Sandfolk still avoid the Ruby Wastes for the most part, preferring to stick closer to the mountains and seas where they've built their burgeoning empire and glamorous, rich cities.
You're technically right.
Now post Guild Wars 2.
too many rivers flowing up hill, down hill and then up hill again.
No rivers flowing down from mountain tops
your desert has no reason to exist in its current form or stop in its current form. You need a large mountain chain to create a rain shadow effect. The mountain you have on the coast is kinda right but the desert would in no way become that large.
too much of the city is built against the mountain, not enough against the river or ocean
why are there no roads connecting north to south
>Realm of Warframia
>Nanospore Ocean
>Dark Souls Generalis
>Tower of Lewd
now THAT is some lore i can get behind
>why are there no roads connecting north to south
That's just because it's unfinished.
Yeah the rivers are totally fucked though and I need to do something about it.
what really bugs me about this map is the unending ocean, does it have no seas?
Is this good world design?
Zahar'at probably means the same shit in the native language anyway you dolt.
my suggestion would be to create a dotted road through the desert and treat it as a merchant route that's traveled heavily by caravans.
>Unending Ocean
>Clearly an end to it
Come on now, OP...
Yup, still as depressing as when I first got 100% completion.
>a giant mountain range that cover the entire world in a circle but nobody uses or lives there.
What do you think?
good idea.
That makes the most sense too since the big desert city was originally a rest stop for merchants that grew into this giant trading hub.
So why not name the fucking place correctly? World Building and lore matters. When you give fucking places generic names it just makes it feel stupid and pointless. You either commit to it or don't.
that's not my post you're responding to, and I already gave you the answer and explained it here:
>fantasy map
>not a single tamriel in thread
Seems hard to buy. An entire race lives solely in the desert how exactly?
Also, how does that desert even exist?
Is this a good world map?
>because being located on an island = strong navy
But that is how it works, you have a strong navy or you're conquered by someone who does.
>you will never play gameboy color games again
but thats just earth with an extra island at the bottom
They're just using real town names.
there are irrigated plots of land on which to raise crops near oases and near the rivers. the scale of this map doesn't actually allow you to see the oases (you'd have to "zoom in", and I'm working on more zoomed-in local maps), but you can at least see the 2 main river systems around which most of the "settlements" lie. this map is meant to serve as a broad overview of the campaign setting, but there is a good bit of detail missing.
Was ist mit Lester?
It was such a good game.
Also it had another entire world map that you discover after falling into a volcano right after you think you beat the game.
>your desert has no reason to exist in its current form or stop in its current form. You need a large mountain chain to create a rain shadow effect. The mountain you have on the coast is kinda right but the desert would in no way become that large.
oh yeah forgot to ask.
The big hilly area to the south of the desert isn't enough, eh? Has to be tall mountains?
That's fine I just need to know what to change.
hit the blunt too hard
I mean the games still exist. There's nothing stopping you.
actually that seems neat. I like it when games do that, always a fun surprise
>but nobody uses or lives there
What? The world nobles or whatever they're called live there.
Dude if you haven't played DQ3 what are you waiting for?
Game's a fucking classic.
...except people do live on it.
Good show of your knowledge sweety.
Only one town, wow.
I've been itching for a new RPG, might give it a go. Does it hold up well
Yeah but it was only really great in nostalgia glasses.
If I played it today it would probably feel tedious and clunky like a lot of older games do.
Rotate your head.
very well, especially considering it's an NES game. Of course you can always play the SFC or GBC versions which add neat animations, really good graphics and some extra content.
Nah, DQ3 holds up really well. I'd agree with you if you said 1 or 2 but 3 is still great to this day. What's clunky about it?
Doesn't pretend at or even care about not looking contrived.
Is Sup Forums good at worldbuilding?
Not just maps, but people and animals too?
i want to start a discussion
Play the SNES version.
Magical world map made with no thought about climate.
Barren land connected with arctic and with lush greenlands. At one point without any mountain to separate them.
Rest is decent but that biggest landmass is horrible
The SNES and GBC remakes are some of the best games on their systems.
It is. Although at a first glance you can see inconsistencies and things that shouldn't be there, but that is the consequence of gods fucking with the world and ancient conflicts that probably had explosions more severe than nuclear detonations ravage the planet. Take the Crystal Desert for example. It used to be a sea.
I see an area labeled Shiverpeak Mountains but it doesn't look any different than the rest of the icy area.
So I'm guessing the map maker is just shit at representing mountains on the map.
>eternal crusade
>mighty pornforge
I'm in.
That desert there is because of read the post related. People that inhabit that world are very much aware of it.
OC lore-fag reporting.
no i dont feel ready to share anything
Whats on your mind mang?
The nobles wear fucking space suits because they can't stand the fact plebs breathe the same air as them, why would they let anyone else on their mountain?
I'm just a major worldbuilding nut, so I'm super interested about the things people can come up with.
I'm more into animals and people than maps (my last map was 2 years ago and is actually gross), but this thread was as good as any to see what people are like creativly.
I respect your views user, its ok
>all zones are rectangular and surrounded by perfectly rectangular mountains
That shit really pissed me off
Good map?
I like creating nations/cultures/civilizations but I hate intimate character design so I'll never write a book about all the random thoughts I have.
feels bad
I'm more of a Balmora kind of guy.
Best world map, though not very original...
Ah thats pretty cool man, I've never been good on proper civilisations. I tend to have like 2-3 similar towns and thats it
You should write down what you have anyway, who knows, it may come in use in future
I'm a massive worldbuilding freak - I have entire Miyazaki (the animation guy, not the Dark Souls) inspired world mapped up and fairly detailed, but even I have to admit there is something to the argument some literary scholars made that world-building (or at least the lack of moderation in it) may be the single thing holding Fantasy literature back from becoming a genre that anyone can take seriously.
While I can't agree entirely, I can at least say that world building is - and aways will be - only as good as the purpose that it serves, and that world-building for world-building sake - no matter how fun it is for the author - is generally worthless.
It does not stop me from doing it, but at least I have no delusions about its worth.
Things might however, be somewhat different in game medium. It's actually possible that where as world-building was essentially pointless literary activity, videogames might be entirely carried on it.
And this makes me really, really sad that there are so very, VERY few games that actually take advantage of it. I mean: there are dozen games that have world-building as part of their narrative. But there are close to zero games that actually take advantage of that world-building and make it an integral part of their gameplay.
Morrowind - for all its flaws - is one of the very, very few games that do. Which is also the REAL reason why that game is so worshiped and has such a cult following.
Looks more like burgerblocks
how can you even tell at that scale?
Well, Caldera literally means "a volcanic crater", so its not such a specific name.
t. another sjw ruining games
real mountains have curves amirite?
No, for a good number of reasons, but the one that bothers me most is the utter lack of almost any rivers.
There's a reason almost every successful civilization for thousands of years was near a body of water.
I jot stuff down from time to time. I've thought about maybe trying to slap a simple ruleset together and writing a P&P style book but seems like a lot of work.
When you consider that it has like 7 moons then yes.
Worlds are almost secondary to the games built within them nowadays, Open World games mostly are flops because they don't populate the world they just fill it with mindless tasks thinking "that's good, players love collecting flags!". On the flip side all these linear games are so focused on creating corridors to cater to the story/gameplay they don't create a sense of world around it.
Stuff like John Wick I treat as good examples of worldbuilding because its not arbitrarily explaining the underworld aspect of the movie. It exists and you are simply run through it, it leaves you asking questions, wanting more and to know how it all comes together/works. The story couldn't be a simpler story of revenge but I felt the ZERO handholding it has during explaining John Wick only helped make everything better.
Wow I feel dumb now.
>your desert has no reason to exist in its current form or stop in its current form. You need a large mountain chain to create a rain shadow effect.
yeah, that is totally the reason for the sahara desert too.
You know, the biggest desert on the planet.
Not every desert exists by the same principles as atacama.
And funnily enough, there is shittons of water pouring down over the sahara as well every year.
gray city just has that distinctive, pre-designed grid pattern, unlike, say, the northern red city
And besides, the scale that big, unless those main streets at gray are xbox hueg
Say that to Tyre.
If it's anything like australia it's because the natives used forest fires to hunt small game.
You realize that the Sahara just exists because of the Atlas mountainrange and the water just flows towards the Mediterranean sea again.
It's always was shithole, but when germanic niggers invaded they literally destroyed forest for fun