>95% chance to hit
95% chance to hit
Other urls found in this thread:
>Japanese mathematics
the answer is 5/6
4,16666666666666667 / 5
The board clearly says 2/5, would you doubt the board?
>99% chance to win an election
go back to school retards, can't you read? It clearly says it's 2/5 lmaoing at ur life.
>enchantment chance 100%
>enchant failed
>Cast Heal on ally
>50% chance to hit
>Critical hit chance 90% when below 10% HP
You rolled a 1, just be happy you didn't end up damaging yourself.
2/5 is japanese for 5/6
God damit Japan.
>There are still people on this planet who use fractions instead of just converting to decimals like a fucking civilized human being.
>joke is that it becomes a miss
>becomes a hit anyway
>healing, buffs or debuffs have a miss chance
>not success rate, which depends on auras, affinities and resistances, but straight up miss chance
>Both low healthed
>Die in 1 hit.
I'm pretty sure the stress of being so close to winning has taken a year off my lifespan.
>attack damage increase by 2000% when on 1% hp
I'd totally watch an anime where all of our country's greatest entrepreneurs were turned into little girls.
>5% chance to hit
1/3 called you. *2/3 says nothing personnel.
Best strat is to max your luck stat
>attack damage/attack speed increases when you are on low hp
>the game has no mechanic which lets you cap at low hp to consistently use the passive
>the end game is so number crunching that you are either are at full hp at all times or die in 2-3 hits
Amazing balance, lads
speaking of god damnit japan, if you haven't seen that old stuff yet.. google "shogun trump"
Enjoy your imprecision.
is there a site that has the newer batsu games, I found one a while back but it's only up to 2007
>you can only take x% of your life in one hit
55hp builds were beautiful
>3% of critical
>crits twice in a row
>then also crits on a different enemy the next turn
Just fuck my shit up
Yeah, it's called reddit, kiddo. I suggest going back there.
No, but really. They have all the episodes and are up to date with the Batsu games, plus have a lot of other translated material.
>inb4 they actually rolled it with their RNG to decide whether to port it or not
Fuck you, leatherman.
Is there any other choice besides reddit,
not a big fan of the site in general, let alone the people. I'll use it though if there's nothing else,
Batsu game is pretty good.
95 != 100
would Sup Forums fuck femtrump?
Those misses are even worse when you discover true hit in every Fire Emblem game after Thracia 776.
I hate it as much as the next guy, but they have the links pretty organized. You can try team gaki's site, but it's a mess and trying to find something might take a while.
And don't even bother looking at the fucking comments, just grab the links and leg it.
what game?
>50% chance to pick the right door
>lose 2/3 times
>>lose 2/3 times
>lose 2/3 times
has this ever been scientifically proven?
Guild Wars 1
You'd activate a permanent spell that drained some of your mana for I believe 10% of health max on hit, then you put a lot of charms on your gear that reduced your life for buffs like more manaregen, activated spells that gave you back health on xx, and you were basically invincible bar dispels and the like
Then you could also coule that with a necromancer casting a spell on you that made enemies take damage whenever they attacked you and various other buffs, and suddenly you were a glasstank flashfarming the most punishing areas in the game with ease
The monty hall problem has been mathematically proven. Which actually has some nice history, if you want to read it up.
>Impossible odds
I forgot the vital spell that reduced all damage taken by 5+, so you would just take 0 damage from most damage sources
is this loss?
You could do it entirely solo as rt/mo with the leech jug held in your hands.
Y-you don't understand user.
Yeah there were countless adaptations of the basic idea, assassin builds got popular too iirc
But 55hp+necro UW farming is the classic
>1/20 chance to miss
You gotta miss sometimes user
Fractions exist for a reason, they're used in so many theorems because they're plan easier to manage than shitty decimals.