was this game really THAT good?
IMO it was ok, 7.5 if you really want to give a score, but clearly it isn't memorable, and not as good as previous games in the series or other contemporary ones
Honest Sunday discussion
Better question, why do people wanna shit on BOTW so much? Is being a good game a sin on Sup Forums or something?
because we care and they ask for money?
Yes, user. Being a good game is bad on Sup Forums because it isn't going to give you blowjobs every time you turn it on (even THEN, if the blowjobs don't come with a complimentary $50 bill each time, Sup Forums tends to knock off points for that too).
That aside, it's been pretty much JUST the game I've been looking for over the last 2 years. That being an open-world adventure that I can take on the road with me and play while I'm not at home, but can still play at home. It's been scratching a VERY specific itch for me, is what I'm getting at.
It's overpraised and the hype will eventually die down to the point where people will start being honest about the game's faults.
But we really didn't need to have this exact same thread again. Be more creative OP, jesus fucking christ I'm so sick of you autists who repost the same shit over and over. You're like shitposting ghosts that will never stop haunting Sup Forums.
I'm gonna tell you a secret... Games are not objective stuff, you might feel that this game is 7.5 and others might feel it is 10 and both are viable opinions. For me yes this game was that good, 10/10, 185h played, 100% completed, I wait for the day the first DLC drop so I can return to the game.
There was dlc on day one though, or did you collect all the happy meal toys already?
Gotta make this thread every day huh OP. Why are you so threatened by software?
Switch shirt collected and it was fun for doing ridiculous selfie shots
It really depends on what a 10/10 means to you. To me, and to most game review websites from what I understand, a 10/10 just means that they're confident anybody who plays this will enjoy it, that if you're not sure what game to buy, this game absolutely won't be a waste of your money. Which in that regard BotW I'd say is easily in the 9-10 range. Probably one of the best uses of your money this year, especially if you're not into niche stuff like Gravity Rush, Persona, or Nier: Automata. Horizon is also a 9 at least in that regard.
But if you're trying to use a 10/10 to describe a perfect game you're never going to find a 10/10 anywhere. Except Super Metroid
>clearly it isn't memorable
Still in denial. Classic Sup Forums.
>Switch has been out for a month
>it already has a superior library to the PS4 and Xbox One
it's popular, and therefore I have to form a contrarian opinion to feel superior to all the sheeple
Yes it really was THAT good. The game isn't perfect, it has a few flaws. But they don't amount to anything but minor nitpicks.
The people who continue to shit on the game are usually clueless children who understand fuck all about game design.
I meant the amiibos, they're one of the greediest things in the industry but no one seems to care that horse armor tier dlc is tied to crappy figurines.
10/10 after hard mode is added
The real reaaon for all the negative Switch threads, just wait for the 93/100 ARMS MC
Game is 10/10 I usually hate open world but there's something about being able to skip everything or nothing that makes the experience very personal. Probably going to be a bunch of PHD thesis written about BotW in the next couple years so I'm going to go in depth.
I'm really curious what critics are going to think about Arms. It's the first true motion controls games since the Wii era, basically.
Tbqh I'm waiting for xenoblade 2, I don't know what that FFXV fag will do when he has to defend XV against both P5 and XC2
Make amiibo useful and piss of people who don't buy them or make amiibo useless and piss of people who do buy them, amiibo was always going to cause shitstorms, I just ignored the amiibo stuff personally altho it sucks they are needed for the fastest speedruns (but will be hilarious to see amiibo being used at SGDQ)
>mfw when Metroid releases for the Switch and it's fucking amazing
>mfw people will shit on it
>mfw metroid fag will never ever catch a break
>not going to go in depth
who fucking cares? I'll rejoice if the next metroid game is good. I don't care what a bunch of neckbeard faggots think
That's the Wii U library though
At some points the game is 8/10 or 9/10
Some times it's 15/10.
That's why it's so heavily praised
>I don't know what that FFXV fag will do when he has to defend XV against both P5 and XC2
Oh there is absolutely no hope for that blunder desu, The game was doomed before released, actually since Versus got scrapped.
why is that xfag smug in the background? xbox is by far the worst of the 3
Nah there was hope. I knew the story would be trash because Nomura is the same tard in charge of the kingdom hearts story but I at least expected to have fun.
Unfortunately the combat was shit and heavily unbalanced. The open world was also lacking when compared to its contemporaries.
The one saving grace of FFXV, the dungeons, also cock slapped me in the post game because when I thought I was gonna get double the amount, it was just a gauntlet of HP sponge enemies with no level design. Pitioss was cool tho
.open world
.cool looking weapons and armours
.bad story
.bad graphics
.make your own game meme
.no dungeons
.no real exploration
.short legs characters
.breaking conventions in a 30 years old franchise
.Link is canonically a fuckboi now, main audience are preschool females and angry pedos
Breath of the Wild is a really good game that does a lot of very nice things, but I do think it has objective flaws that can be easily listed out.
1. The rain should not cause climbing issues when it's a light drizzle. Climbing should only be impacted for torrential rain.
2. There are real issues with the shrines. 21 combat shrines is far too many, and there are a large number of easy shrines (as in, shrines that are only 1 or 2 rooms of a very basic concept which have no ingenuity or expansion of that concept). In addition, some freebie shrines should not be freebies.
3. The combat is insanely easy to break with both food and armor. Defense is an outright damage reduction, not a percentage, so you can trivialize enemies by stacking upgraded armor very easily. Food can also be stacked in your inventory like mad and consumed instantly in a pause menu. This is especially bad because it's impossible to die in one hit when you're at full health. You will ALWAYS have a quarter heart left and be able to heal.
It's a really good game but these are actual issues that should have been addressed. The shrines are the biggest problem, as they just needed more intricate puzzles and more content overall.
>.no real exploration
Any opinion you had is completely invalidated by saying this. I guess I fell for the b8.
Seven weeks later and Sup Forums is still ass blasted. Wait until the awards start rolling in.
>not posting this pic
t. Anderson
Shrines aren't meant to be "AONUMA SLAMS HIS BIG FAT PUZZLE COCK INTO YOUR EAR AND FUCKS YOUR BRAIN" content. They're short breaks from the exploration gameplay. You get your ah-hah moment and move on. Freebie shrines are freebies because you had that break in the overworld. The game wouldn't be better if you had to do an hour worth of increasingly complicated scooper puzzles in a single shrine.
I'm not saying that some shrines shouldn't be freebies, I'm saying that some that were freebies should not have been. There were definitely some where the method to get to the shrine did not warrant it being a freebie shrine.
I'm also not saying that every shrine needs to be very challenging or be over 10 minutes long, I'm saying that there are too many shrines which are easy and fail to build on concepts.
Well, in my opinion it's a 9.8, It brings back the freedom of the original 1986 Zelda to current time.
1) Weather impacts the gameplay. That just part of the design and theme that Nintendo were going for. The weather, the climate and the landscape are all intricately connected. Nintendo made a living breathing world of consequence.
2) The battle shrines are a little boring sure. But the others are fine the way they are. There's no 'freebie' shrines. The puzzle is just on the outside that's all. Overall, the idea of small bite-sized shrines throughout the gameworld is good game design.
3) You know you aren't forced to do anything right? The game can be as hard as you want it to be. The game doesn't make you take life replenishing meals mid-fight. Just don't do it. Try storming the castle with no meals. Set your own difficulty.
The 'flaws' people have are just nitpicks. They're not fundamental flaws. The closest the game got to having an issue was the framerate drop in some isolated areas, which has now been patched.
>It brings back the freedom of the original 1986 Zelda to current time.
This is quickly becoming the equivalent of pic related
>I'm saying that there are too many shrines which are easy and fail to build on concepts.
I don't get this meme. The shrines were great and they allowed multiple options while in the past Zelda's there's only one. Sometimes I figured out 3 different ways to solve a shrine, sometimes I just cheesed it when I didn't feel like doing it.
Perhaps because its getting constant undeserved 10/10s? Why do you think people shit on Bioshock Infinite and Fallout 4 on Sup Forums?
>Why do you think people shit on Bioshock Infinite and Fallout 4 on Sup Forums?
Because they're shit games and are at best 2/10.
You opinion m8, just like those 10/10s are also opinions. Maybe you can pretend the game isn't good? that might help you.
well I don't really even like zelda that much and loved this, mostly because it's polished
And maybe BOTW isn't actually 10/10 either?
>shit on BOTW
>OP gave it a fucking 7.5/10
Jesus Christ you guys are delusional, most people who "shit on" it mostly agree it's still a good game, just not the flawless 10/10 critics are penning it
>but no one seems to care that horse armor tier dlc is tied to crappy figurines.
Because outside of Chibi Robo the DLC they unlock is negligible, can be done by save editing, and people are buying the figures for the fact they're figures, the fact that they unlock things is a secondary thing. I don't know why you think everyone's going out of their minds to buy Amiibos just for the DLC feature, it's that's the case then everyone would just spoof the damn things.
fo4 starts great, then lands on it's ass, bioshock was poorly made cash in on mediocre game series (I really don't get the praise, they are good but not that good, mostly because they are childish and edgy at the same time)
Honestly, anything less than 10/10 is just bullshit. It's the most perfect game I've ever played and I've played games since SNES. That said, if you don't enjoy the open world genre then it still won't be for you since it's all about exploration and freedom.
It might be all the brazilians and latin american people. That's what I could get from /vint/. Also, night time Sup Forums rarely shits on the game.
See that mountain?
There's a korok seed on top of it
Honestly from a critical point of view anyone who thinks BotW isnt a 9/10 or higher does not deserve an opinion. You clearly cannot distinguish between what you like, and what makes a game good from an objective point of view.
If you ask these people to name 10 games they think are better than botw you'll either get shitty interactive movies (naughty dog) or indie games. You might get a few actual games like Yakuza.
into to the trash it goes
There are actually quite a lot of caves on the sides of mountains like the bottom. And honestly Id take a lynel and a shrine over a building. Lynels are fun to fight.
Your third point is a false argument. It's legit to criticize a game when it's that easy to negate all danger. Skyrim had the same problem.
No its not. Not him but that is the same as complaining about a game having an easy mode.
There are passive/inherent negations of a challenge. Like playing dark souls without using the estus flask you have. Then theres not kindling fires. You have to chose to kindle the fire so thats your choice in making the game easier and you can't complain about it. Choosing not to estus in general is ignoring a critical mechanic. Just because the game has avenues to make it easier does not mean that is a flaw.
This second point is not true. There are multiple shrines which have no real puzzle in order to access that are freebies. Example: the one in the side of a cliff behind a bombable wall. Further example: the one in icy water that you should ride a log to reach. There is nothing remotely puzzle-like about reaching these shrines and they do not deserve to be freebies.
Also, rain is really annoying and should not be. Ravioli's Gale negates it, but there's no reason to think someone would get that first.
If you want Zelda to improve you shouldn't just give it free 10s.
WW is a fucking joke and is a 96.
And I thought the hzd threads were bad.
If Dark Souls allowed you to stack unlimited estus and let you pause the game to heal up it would make the combat worse by a large margin. The healing items being limited by how many empty bottles you had on the previous games was a better system than the whole food system.
If you want a good challenge and the only thing the game can offer you is a really high challenge of a cake walk then the game has some flaws.'
How would people here rate the 3D Zeldas? I always felt like TP was like a 6 or 7 at tops out of 10.
>Sup Forums claims to hate casual
>BOTW is the most casual game out there
>Sup Forums loves it
Really makes you think
If TP is a 6 or 7 then WW is a 4 at most. TP does everything WW does but better except subjective stuff like aesthetics and music.
It goes beyond me how that piece of shit is so highly rated. I've started believing that Zelda games are just the perfect type of game for semi casuals, simple exploration with easy puzzles in a fantasy setting and there's so little like them that Zelda games have to be rated highly.
Zelda games have flaws but they're still head and shoulders above 99% of the shit the rest of the industry puts out. Shadow of Mordor got GOTY awards for God's sake. If TP is a 6/10 what the hell is your scale for?
Dark souls lets you have unlimited humanity you can farm. Choosing to farm 1000 humanity is your choice. You have to choose to kindle the fire. If you do you chose to make the combat worse. That is your choice. Complaining about it is silly. No one told you to have 3 pages worth of healing items. I have a page dedicated to speed potions, another dedicated to increasing stamina and restoring stamina. Then I share the last page with various meals and potions.
>Zelda games have flaws but they're still head and shoulders above 99% of the shit the rest of the industry puts out.
Because legitimate criticism gets these kinds of replies and actual issues that people have with the game are dismissed because they "haven't played the game" or "that's not the point."
>legitimate criticism
easily explained in pic related
also noticed there are an increased number of users unable to think on their own and buy whatever a youtuber says or read on a blog
Strong independent female protagonist? Which game is he talking about?
I have a huge soft spot for WW, but I haven't played it since release so there's a strong chance my opinion would shift drastically if I replayed it.
I mean on an honest 1 through 10 score, not this bullshit modern day reviewer scoring system were they give mediocre as fuck games 10/10 ratings. I honestly felt like TP was only an above average game, with SS being below average. I just genuinely can't see how anyone would rate any of those games at an 8 or higher.
>I honestly felt like TP was only an above average game
Even back in 2006? It was a really boring year for gaming.
Pausing the game to heal and stackable healing items are still subpar compared to what the Zelda series has done before. Farming humanity can be exceedingly tedious and can only be done in a few locations, so humanity is still a limited resource which can easily be used up if you die even an average amount of deaths. Hell, Woolie is a fairly average player and he has burnt through something like 30 humanity fairly quickly.
Just sayin, they took a step backwards there when the old system they had was really perfect. Granted I think they did this because of how much harder hitting some enemies can be without the right armor.
Reviewers have been handing out 8/10 and 9/10 to mediocre shite for years, so when a genuinely good game like BotW comes along, there's only one thing they can do.
have you completely missed the release of the Vive and Oculus Rift last year?
Compared to TP, WW
>isn't finished
>has a large chunk of it's main quest as tri force hunt
>has worse combat with fewer techniques
>has way fewer and worse items
>has fewer and worse dungeons for the most part
>has worse/less interactive/lower effort mini games (battleships, mail sorting, target shooting, hide n' seek, hang gliding VS pot-shooting canoe ride, flying gathering fruit, fishing, snow sled, cat hide n' seek)
>has no collectibles (even if TPs rewards were terrible)
>has worse bosses
>has no mounted combat
>has fewer unique assets and areas like hidden village
>has worse overworld content, filled with islands with nothing on them
>has an arguably worse companion
I'm upset that this game scored the same as TP (which should be lower), and both of them scored higher than ALttP and ALBW. SS is also 92 on metacritic. I honestly don't trust BOTW's 97 for this reason, but I'll see when I get around to it.
They only have shovelware.
Nigga there had been a plethora of amazing games released up until 2006, why would I judge the game against games only released that year? Also Blood Money is fantastic, but yeah that list is meh.
Legitimate criticism of BotW amounts to nothing more than nitpicking. The game doesn't have a single fundamental flaw.
Some of the gameplay choices might not to be to everyone's taste but they're not flaws.
Most people can admit that it's a brilliant game.
At first, I pegged most of the BotW haters as just salty, jealous sonybros.
And while there is a lot of truth to that, I'm willing to now concede that there are genuine Zelda who have issues with BotW.
The Zelda series is so big that it means different things for different people. There will now never be just one game which will appease all Zelda fans. Look any any thread on here where people list their 10 top ten Zeldas are you will rarely find two lists the same. People like the series for different reasons. So if a new Zelda game comes along which doesn't check the boxes of the things some of those fans like, they just hate the game.
I've felt this myself. I'm a massive Zelda fan - been playing the games since the 80's - it's my favourite vidya series. But I cannot stand Majora's Mask, even though it's a firm fan favourite. I played it back in 2000, bought it again on 3DS, tried multiple times to get into it but it just won't click for me. It's not giving me what I want from a Zelda title.
But I objectively know that Majora'a Mask is a good game, the problem is with ME. So while I can appreciate why some true Zelda fans don't like BotW because it jettisons a lot of the series conventions, you will never convince that the game has any fundamental flaws. It's a modern masterpiece.
tldr: you can't please all the people all the time.
What do you gain out of starting these threads every single day?
The whole armor system is a mess. The same enemy being able to deal half a heart and 13 hearts depending on armor asks for a lot of issues.
>Nigga there had been a plethora of amazing games released up until 2006
lol. All we had was shit games for ages. Only reason I had anything to play at all was because of handhelds back then.
>why would I judge the game against games only released that year?
It's what I do at least. I still think TP has aged much better than other games, Nintendo games generally do. Even if I would compare TP to modern games it's not like the action-adventure genre gets a lot of games.
Just watch, the next Zelda is going to blow it out of the water but won't review nearly as well because muh player experience, so emotional
Solid 9.5 for me. Great game and although the final boss was a tad lackluster, thematically it was brilliant.
How does it make a shirne better, if it has multiple solutions? Isn't it making it even easier?
I know right? It's almost like the game is suggesting that the player should think, to strategise, to organise and adapt to each situation rather than mindlessly mashing buttons. What were Nintendo thinking?
It's about freedom. The player can tackle situations from any angle they see fit. They have choice. That's rewarding gameplay.
>Isn't it making it even easier?
Not really, forcing only one solution for a puzzle limits what you can do which is what the complete opposite of what the game is about - freedom.
>equip armor with high number
What the fuck are you talking about the switch is a under powered tablet with one game at least the bone has forza,gears,sunset,halo and backwards compatibility
>Literally doesn't know how to play the game
>Complains about it.
Do you mean that the strategy is to dodge? Otherwise, please defend the armor system.
Well shilled.
I'm just fucked off that you don't get the classic outfit unless you buy an amiibo or complete EVERY shrine. By the time you actually get it, you're done with the game.
Or we could just ignore reviewers and try to give honest opinions and scores of our own. Really, anyone who uses metacritic for anything other than shitposting on Sup Forums should be put down.
>Legitimate criticism of BotW amounts to nothing more than nitpicking
What is the difference between nitpicking and a flaw? Everything has flaws man, you can't just invalidate someone's criticism by going "nah, just a nitpick bruh". Something doesn't need to be game destroying to be a flaw, even 10/10 games have flaws.
>But I objectively know that Majora's Mask is a good game, the problem is with ME
That's just personal preference. It does trigger the fuck out of me when someone calls a game bad because they don't personally like it, but still, not every game is for everyone.
>Is being a good game a sin on Sup Forums or something?
can't be popular and good at the same time
I agree with you wholeheartedly
>Everything has flaws man, you can't just invalidate someone's criticism by going "nah, just a nitpick bruh".
Everything has flaws, sure, but nitpicking is really all it boils down to when it comes to game like BotW.