How does one spend 10 YEARS developing ONE GAME, on the Dreamcast no less?
How does one spend 10 YEARS developing ONE GAME, on the Dreamcast no less?
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Plenty of companies spend 10 years developing a game.
Duke Nukem Forever
Final Fantasy Versus XIII (XV)
The Last Guardian
Your real question is why is this guy so shit, and why did people fall for his scam?
>Next gen 2D RPG
>Dreamcast and Ouya
This will never stop being funny. Especially when you look at the game.
>10 year development
Is that why all those games are shit?
WTF am I looking at? The other person looks like an abomination. I want to burn it with fire.
Dude looks like a Neanderthal yet talks like he never hit puberty. I get that one guy abandoned him in development but probably because he realized developing a 2D retro game for two dead consoles is retarded (Dreancast AND Ouya)
>Dude looks like a Neanderthal yet talks like he never hit puberty.
That is actually how Neanderthal's talked though.
Still not as much as a loser as Anthony Burch
Is that rubber Johnny?
How can he be so smug and so insecure at the same time?
I miss Bob's Game threads.
Because he's smug like an Internet tough guy is tough, it's an obvious front so he can forget how insecure he is for five minutes.
By being a complete fuckup.
Go watch his impression on reddit and tell me again Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens didn't mix.
You can tell he's just bullshitting, the whole conversation sounds like a 11yo bragging about having sex with someone else's mother.
He's basically just admitting to fucking an unconscious person and complaining how common it is for it to happen.
It's funny how this game looks about the same as the RPGmaker hentai games I play.
Truly /ourguy/.
If he really is suffering this much from stress, then maybe creating video games isn't for him.
But where else can you cheat people so easily out of their money?
become a politician?
Organized crime.
Something Wall Street something.
Career as politician.
Social Media celebrity.
The fact he did tutorials on how to make a game before ever making a single game should say it all really.
Calling Ouya dead is being generous, it never even lived.
What did they mean by this?
>tats on arms
Is he literally bragging about banging that whale zoe?
Wait, seriously?
So has this shit ever gotten released or what?
>tfw got jewed
I wanna die. The sooner this shithole america gets nuked the better
user you didn't actually donate to this kikestarter, did you?
The foreskin part, much much worse than the dummies that lost a couple bucks to that guy