Arma 3 is 50% off.
What is the multiplayer actually like?
I'm looking for a new good FPS.
My definition for good FPS is the red orchestra series. Not CoD/Battlefield.
Arma 3 is 50% off
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The multiplayer is as realistic as you can possibly get.
If you see life at a constant 10-30fps when you are around more then 20-30 people.
Game can't handle that many people, won't matter your rig.
King of the Hill is fucking amazing. What is Red Orchestra gameplay like?
What specs do you guys use for Arma 3? I have a i3-4150 and a GTX 950 and it lags like hell inside the AO.
But what about the upcoming patches and DLC user? 64 bit is out.
>What is Red Orchestra gameplay like?
It's 60 player capture point gameplay with realistic damage and weapons. No firing from the hip with any accuracy, MG's outrange snipers, special slots like sniper/mg are extremely limited and play a role in the fight, not just a different way to kill people.
Not a tiny little capture point only 1 person has to stand on. Capture point is a huge chunk of the entire map and you need most of you're team in it to start captureing.
I could go on but it's a pretty great WW2 FPS that's nothing like any of the popular FPS's on the market right now.
Can I even run arma 3 with an older gaming PC?
lol no, I could barely run it with 8GB of ram, an I3-4150 and a GTX 950. All on low settings. Maybe you could get about 20 FPS in single player but in Altis Life or King of the Hill, forget it.
Red Orchestra sounds cool. I've only played on King of the Hill and there about 120 players max on the USA servers. Firing from hip is nearly impossible since most firefights are from 200-300 meters unless you're walking on the streets of the area of operation. There aren't any limits to classes. You can use tanks/helicopters/fighter jets/APC/. The map is really huge and not limited as far as I know.
Basically what I'm asking is, is this one of those "get shot wait 30 minutes to play again" or how does it work? Iv only seen that one mod that is exactly like that. I don't have THAT much free time to game.
I have 16gb and a kickass processor (use it mainly for VM's) but the videocard is a bit old. Guess I'l have to read up and see if I can run it
i5 4690k, 16GB and GTX970
game still runs 30fps in the multiplayer..
its just the engine is awful, i switched to Squad recently, almost consistent 60fps at high settings, with drops to 50 and mid 40s in that new urban map.
and its great, everybody is communicating and playing the objective, sometimes you end up in a shitty squad though, its still in early access which is a bummer.
normal preset. I have the same exact build, runs 30 on servers that arent shitty.
What about ARMA2? Do people still play that?
Is it worth buying? I've heard oldfags talk about how it's not the "same" anymore. I really agree with you about the engine part, it's the only thing that's stopping Arma 3 from being a good video game.
I don't know anybody that plays Arma 2 anymore. The Arma 2 DayZ community is long gone. Good memories with friends though.
I'l have to keep an eye on that thanks
i5 3570k @ 3.8GHz and a 7850 OCd Standard/High settings at 1050p
On the 77th jsoc coop i get 30 FPS min in the AO but usually around 50 FPS
Epoch shit 40-50 FPS min
KOTH servers are shit so dont play there
Battle royale 50 FPS min
Wasteland 40 ish
Arma have tons of scenarios so you can choose what you want.
From casual mods like battleroyale or koth and coop scenarios with friends to tryhard hardcore mods where people's trying to simulate realistic combat actions
its shit unless you enjoy roleplaying with wannabe army neckbeards
Battlefieldcuck spotted
There's still a few Epoch servers some Origin servers and one or two vanilla Dayz servers, but it gets boring meeting the same groups.
If you're into mil-sims and you have no problem playing games below 60fps then Arma 3 is a good purchase.
however when it comes to Squad, you better off buying it on those free weekends where it goes on sale for $20, that happens every couple of months.
>What is the multiplayer actually like?
dead unless you find yourself a good group.
Seriously, most of the random servers are either "Altis/Stratis Life" rpg shit or Wasteland (think something like Dayz but without the zombies and with way more weapons laying around) which gets boring really fast.
Now, if you find yourself a group then it's great.
>My definition for good FPS is the red orchestra series. Not CoD/Battlefield.
Much slower than RO. Think something along the lines "I've been playing this for 4 hours and only shot twice, seen like one enemy". Most of the time you'll be walking / running / driving with your group, the actual firefights are extremely short - most of the times it's over within 2 minutes, and then it's back to walking/running/driving.
That being said, it's extremely fun with a group, and even without a group it can be enjoyable to just pop in some random server, get yourself some weapons and take some shots at randoms.
Just got ARMA 3 with APEX, played shitload of SQUAD and PR.
Does someone have a group that does any scenarios at Mon - Tue? Watched alot of Dyslexci and Panimala. Would love to play it with some cool people.
>What is the multiplayer actually like?
Broken at a fundemental level, the client can never have a higher framerate than the server.
However as a singleplayer game it has virtually limitless replayability due to the sheer number of scenarios and campaigns the community shits out every week and it has a pretty robust AI command system as well.
I personally don't find ArmA3 as enjoyable as OFP or ArmA2 though because infantry soak up too much damage, one shot kills are very rare.
It's been both fun and frustrating.
waiting for incoming engine update, if it really makes difference, I'll reinstall. Battles with 250 active players at once, and no dips bellow 40 fps sure sound nice.
>King of the Hill is fucking amazing.
you are one step above autist life shitters, but just one
It's shit.
If you like Red Orchestra get Squad.
If you enjoy co-op Arma might be for you. It's a huge time investment though, you should join a group.
If you are just looking for PVP get Red Orchestra, PR or wait for Squad to get more content/polish