100% chance to hit

>100% chance to hit

Other urls found in this thread:


poor game design

>100% chance to hit

now we're talking

>0% chance to hit

>Level 5 mage
>Attack level 60 Paladin'


>1% chance to hit


>30% chance to hit

>100% chance to time travel

100% chance to hit vs 100% chance to dodge, who wins?

>Pally bubble hearths

Every time

>30% chance to hit
>load save
>30% chance to hit
>load save
>30% chance to hit


>100% chance to hit
>100% chance on crit
>have an ability that makes sure that you can hit your opponent

>opponent has 1% chance to hit
>opponent has 1% chance to crit
>opponent has ability that reduces his chance of hitting opponent
>opponent hits and crits

they say, 20% of the time it works, EVERY time.

>Item has increased crit rate
>Normal hit

>Hit enemy with rocket
>AOE kills you but not the enemy

>90% chance to Crit
>No crit

>100% damage resist
>Still take 1 damage

>0% chance to pass mission

>Friendly reminder that it's always a 50/50 chance to hit or miss no matter what percentage chance

>you can get critical crits

>percentages go over 100%
>100% is actually an arbitrary number and not a percentage based on a multiple amount of other variables
>gear with 100%+ chance is actually only adding a small amount to an overall player stat percentage which raises like 4%

Path of Exile is shit.


This happened in XCOM:EU because the dev's didn't include decimals. So it showed 100% chance to hit when it's actually 99.8% or something.

>10% chance of getting a 30% chance of inflicting poison

>100 damage, +90% chance to do 125% damage
>your Damage State is based on weapons, strength, armour and skills
>you only do 25 more damage


>100% chance to get pregnant
>you haven't

Jokes on you, I'm infertile, I can't get anybody pregnant. -1000% chance to get pregnant stat.

>party is doing around 80-100 damage each
>baton pass to Yusuke
>Rising Slash
>500 damage

>Only move that can win has a 20% chance to hit

>25% chance to teleport when struck

Thats +100%, not 100%.

I like those odds.

Not when I play him
Almost died to a neutral camp and didn't spin once

Just because there's 2 options doesn't mean it's a 50/50 split

When it comes to my goddamn luck it is


It can also happen in the early Pokémon games because shaky programming meant that everything had a 1/256 chance to miss.

>melee attacks can miss

>21% chance to hit
>16% chance to crit
>it's a critical

>70% chance to hit
> miss
> miss
> miss
>turn off game

>ram cannon into enemy tank's ass
>shot takes a 90 degree turn and misses
Fucking Valkyria Chronicles, I had much better luck with Xcom for whatever reason

>Weapon hits multiple times per attack for less damage per hit but similar overall damage to comparable weapons
>Stack crit chance and get at least one crit every attack
Thank you Z-Rapier

>"hits 1-5 times"

>chance on hit to instantly hit two extra times
>extra hits have a chance to instantly hit to extra times

>game has percentage chances to hit
>there is no amount of skill that can save you from a random number generator ending your game
turn based strategy was a mistake

The rng god is vicious

>games doesnt programm gambler fallacy to be true

+100% i assume is 2X the amount from before.

I know you're baiting, but God damn I hate faggot like you that make this argument.

>try to savescum to get a better result on a random outcome
>the game's RNG is already fixed so it gives the same result every time

>this entire thread
>''b-but turn based combat takes strategy and planning it's not RNG at all s-shut up!''
Silently chuckling at your lives.

In a universe where one exists, the other cannot.

>''b-but turn based combat takes strategy and planning it's not RNG at all s-shut up!''
nobody in this thread said anything like that, maybe you should read the thread before you try to shitpost, cunt


What games include 200% probabilites Sup Forums?

> Level 1 Lockpicking skill
> Successfully pick Master level lock first time

Thanks Todd.

>Skill lets you hit again every time you hit
>Be in a really bad spot with a tough enemy
>100% chance
>75% chance
>It was a crit
>Baddie dies and you save yourself from a wipe



I think he means Xcom 2 except it's "shoot again after getting a kill".

>102.5% total avoidance to push crits and crushing attacks off the attack table

Yeah thought it might have been Xcom but wouldn't ammo factor in here? (Only played EW)

It's great huh?

>line up the perfect Edelweiss shot to crit the enemy's radiator
>It misses by a mile and goes sailing off somewhere out of the map, exploding silently in the distance
Every time.

>level 74 lockpicking skill
>can't even try a very hard lock

why can't todd find a good middle ground

>about to die to some shitlord
>literally spin three times in a row
>survive and get the kill

>90% chance to hit
>4 times in the row

dodge has to win

>hit chance is 90%+actor.dexterity-target.agility with a fixed 5% chance to crit for double damage if it hits.
>if the hit chance would go over 99%, say like 120% chance to hit, it would turn into a 99% chance to hit with a 26% chance to crit.

what do you think of this system Sup Forums?

>Game lies about the hit probabilites

>Final boss reduces your HP and MP to 1
>You've finally got the perfect time to use that Megalixir you've been saving the entire game

>it's another ADHD faggot who hates turn-based games episode

>200% chance to hit
>You've now got a 99% hit chance but 100% crit chance
>You only require a Dex Build to break the game

Absolutely down for that. Dex builds are great when they govern both dodge, hit and crit rates.

Oblivion's lockpicking was still the best. If you want to roleplay just choose autopicking for your percentages. Otherwise, you can just use the superiorly fun skill based lockpicking.

Fun > realism in game, specially if you can just use the skill based option by choice.

>100% chance to mit

Level in Skyrim doesn't matter. It's about the perks you pick.

You can have Lockpick level 100 and still have the same skill as when you started the game.

Skyrim and Fallout 4 level system is fucking retarded.

Snakes shouldn't be playing baseball then.


I'm talking about 3 and NV though. Right numbers are Lockpicking 99 and a very hard lock. You're too unskilled to try.

2 5 6

Warframe had multiple levels of critical so 150% chance of critical hit was a thing.


The way that's cut is too perfect.

Yup. By abusing riven mods, you could go full-crit build on an Amprex and take out level 150 elite enemies fairly quickly with a damage stat of fucking 11 per tick.


>try to fight enemies to level up
>every space you land on is an event

Pretty sure he's referring to the reaper skill in XCOM2. Every kill with your blade grants you another attack but with decreased percentage. You can clear tons of low hp enemies easily with it.

For the King?

Also the revolver skill tree thing. Shoot everyone in line of sight as long as you kill every target in one shot.

I would go to MIT and bully all the nerds.

>100% chance to hit
>Glancing hit
Telephone Glasgow

Dokapon Kingdom.

I'm guessing the game uses a seed which is saved with the file. There's a good chance that doing a different action first will alter the outcome.