It's Makoto's birthday, say something nice about her!
It's Makoto's birthday, say something nice about her!
she uh. she's a female
Happy birthday, best girl.
Used goods
Happy birthday! Congratz 2 u 4 ur big day!
You managed to be an even shittier tryhard than Rise did! Good joh! That takes work!
She has a nice ass I guess
Yakuza cock sleeve.
Bullying Makoto should be a federal crime.
Abloo bloo I'm worthless compared to my amazing sister
Bloo bloo can't do nuffin
Oh wait I can! Let me find it, yes, here is the dime! *turns on it* I'm really strong!!!
I get a motorcycle! Everyone wants to be me! Look at me!
Better not mess with ME kids! I'm a tough grrrl! Rar!
>IP count doesn't go up
>max makoto's slink
>her new persona isnt a bike anymore
who the fuck came up with that bullshit
fucking really?
Hi sis, I brought a criminal home for advanced interrogation, since it's your birthday I'll allow you to watch.
You're the most boring and bland girl and I have no clue why people fawn over you.
I love her!
>makoto defense force
Makoto and Joker make a great couple and will have beautiful children!
She's my wife!
I liked Makoto but her Winter outfit is gross, it really ruined the last few scenes of the game for me. Her summer outfit isn't really better, the only outfit she looks good in is her winter uniform.
>can't give her a gift during her birthday
beep boop
Joker always looks like he's about to say that Rukia's execution will be happening tomorrow followed by cross cuts of every NPC's face.
I love my autistic robot
Beep boop
Happy birthday, wife.
I love how le epic makoto is in the game, she immediatly knows everything and is super strong and bad*ss, so fr*cking cool!! And she's such a tragic and bad*ss character, epic.
Fuck off
I prefer the Summer outfit, but the Winter outfit is fine. I like her school Winter outfit the most anyway.
>her new persona is basically a transformed version of the bike
I don't see a problem here
It at least has more effort put into it than other designs and she gets a new summoning animation to go with it.
>waifunigger is mad becuse his le objectively le best girl! :333 isn't loved enough
>It changes from a bike every time you summon it
Went from my least favorite tier two persona to my all time favorite
>"Respond when you see this."
Did you respond to her, Sup Forums?
Why did she specifically invite Akira to see Kazuma Kiryu's movie? How long do you think Makoto spent thinking of a reason to see this movie with Akira?
What, do you disagree that she's fr*cking epic? That's lame, bro. She's super cool.
No, makoto is the coolest girl in the game. Super bad*ss, very cool. Epic
Actively taunting Kamoshida as the deadline approached was great.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting user. The waifuwars are never going to die are they?
>Effectively sent "pls respond"
Was it autism?
If you can't appreciate how super cool Makoto is you can just say so, bro. To me she's the ultimate bad*ss with an epic persona design.
You ruined P5 you bitch
I wish you would've died.
But OP's pic isnt the spaceport palace.
Show me your true butt!
>being this mad
get a load of these tasteless niggers
Best P5 girl and one of the best Persona girls in general.
I'll buy Persona 5 for you
Maybe 3rd best girl or so.
Yusuke is definitely best girl. Not even the most zealous waifufags can deny this.
I don't really agree but I understand
Ann's reaction was of excitement. Hence another reason Ann is best girl for marriage.
No one else's waifu moves in for a day.
She's cute
Why do all girls named makoto are cute?
if you didn't choose this you're not a real man
Somebody mentioned the other day that Akechi is not on the Title Screen
I just wanted to say that he is
need more yusuke appreciation
I liked her better when she was just a cute clumsy stalker.
Beep boop.
Beep boop
agreed but did she buy that skirt from stan?
She's a useless piece of shit
I can't even begin to imagine what kind of pathetic contrarian manchild would actively shitpost a girl solely because of her popularity.
It's hilarious.
>won every best girl poll there is
Truly a queen of this kingdom.
Mako best.
i really don't like Sae
I never did Ryuji's Rank 7 and now he won't text me about it
is it gone forever
look at this, she's so epic and bad*ss even though she's had a tragic past with no one loving her, she's so le epic and cool. She just doesn't give up and knows everything, super cool!!
She was a bitch in that scene but she's a good woman overall. She just tries a bit too hard sometimes.
Oh good, time to celebrate the anniversary of the day my life went to complete shit.
Dry vagina.
Makoto a best. BEST!
her sister is hot
Say something nice to her threads should be an automatic ban.
waifu threads should be an automatic ban.
crying in waifuthreads about waifuthreads should be an automatic ban..
Happy birthday punchy priestess.
She's pretty cute.
Also perfect to bully.
Haru doesn't bully. She only loves.
Happy Birthday best girl! I'll always love you
Light bullying is mandatory.
She has great legs
I love her baby bangs
Wow could they really not scale up that texture a bit?
Happy birthday Makoto!
Is it really a crime in japan to prevent a rape?
Nice argument
So her hair was not really braided? Dropped.