Horizon will be a commercial flo-

>Horizon will be a commercial flo-

Oh wait, Sup Forums BTFO once again

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>4th of March

>cool game sells more than child's game


Zelda has already outsold Horizon and is guaranteed to at least double those sales before the end of the year.

>5 replies for a 30min old thread

OP BTFO once again

>Sony-ggers are still shilling for Horizon

It's already over, you lost. Get over it.

I hope buyers enjoy their game(s)



>under 5M
It's a disaster

>Pokemon s&m is still selling
Wtf m8

The real story here should GTAV, still in the top 10 after what, 2 years? I know it's multiple versions over multiple platforms aand generations, but fuck me.
Imagine the shark cards nigger.

>4th March
1 mil in a day is pretty good

Also remember how Zelda BTFO horizon NPD?


>andromeda outsold Horizon

>OP isn't autistic enough to post this picture aga-


Oh wait, he did



>commercial flop
literally no one said that, it was marketed and shilled to death, obviously its gonna sell, doesn't stop it from being mediocre though.


Do you notice how there is literally zero discussion of the gameplay from people playing it whatsoever, it's only muh grafix webms and sales figures that reflect the fact that normies bought it because of the insane marketing budget

>Caring about NPD
Are you fucking dumb? We already know digital sales make the majority of sales in the US but also it is ONLY the US.

In EU horizon was also incredibly successful.

Of course, digital is not counted for both Zelda and horizon

And unless you have proof otherwise (that are not estimates from VGchartz), Zelda outsold horizon in Japan, and in Europe, France, Germany and Spain, and Horizon sells are slowing down in Britian (Sonybro central), with Zelda outselling it this week

We already have the official numbers from Sony mate and they are way higher than zeldas numbers in WW total.

Sony literally cannot lie to their investors when they give these numbers so you can drop your tinfoil hat right there.

Zelda has 1.8 million in confirmed sales. Not counted in that are the last three weeks of US sales, all EU sales, and all digital sales. Zelda has 100% outsold Horizon already.

How is this relevant? Mods!

Horizon has 2.6 million in confirmed sales and just because zelda outsold horizon by 20.000 in some countries doesn't mean shit mate.

Horizon has sold more overall and there is nothing you can do about it.

>buying a whole new console for one game when theres a version of it on the old console

I think people are underestimating the impact of the Pee U version

>Horizon beats zelda
>It's actually Aloy hitting Link
Makes you think...

>Nintendo hasn't realized sold figures yet
>EVER trusting vgchartz

Breath of the Wild may have not so well, but more poeple have played it. Thanks Nintendo! t. PC owner

What's so good about GTA Online anyways. I can't believe I still got people loggin in daily just to play that shit.

In all fairness, BotW sold more copies than the Switch itself, it just didn't have the install base to beat HZD

>most hyped game of the decade
>can't outsell Horizon: zero inspiration

so, you know how much did it take to make the game? right ?

Rehashed franchise number 9001 is full of inspiration amirite?
Enemies from 3 decades ago was the result of modern knifes edge inspiration and innovation

More like 300k in Japland and US

Keep living in denial though sonybro

>implying it didn't
Check more reliable sources like NPD, PAL and Mediacreate

Do we even know concrete Zelda numbers yet? Also the number in both US and Japan is far more than twenty thousand. How are you so sure horizon outsold Zelda?


>The least traditional Zelda game of all time
>Throws convention out the window completly

You're straight up retarded and I feel sorry for you.

You're all morons.
Horizon is widely available and sold 2.6m on a console with an install base of 56m
It has an attach rate of 4.6%

Meanwhile there are only about 2.6m Switch owners out there right now while the system is continuously sold out and Zelda has a 102% attachment rate.
Not only that, but it will keep selling for years like a lot of Nintendo titles.

Since when we trust VGchartz's guesstimation than NPD's sales numbers?

This. I really enjoyed horizon. I hope nintenbros enjoy Zelda.