Why do these fuckers donate their future to obese and ugly twitch streamers?
Why do they donate just so these self absorbed fucks read 1 message.
Our families are dying of cancer at an amazing rate yet we donate to neckbeards instead of reforming healthcare to cure instead of treat for profit.
Carter Ramirez
why do you care retard? there's better shit to worry about
Sebastian Evans
If you aren't a millennial then you're either too old or too young to be posting on Sup Forums.
Camden James
Ultimately, millenial generation will be known as the generation that fully realized the CIA social engineering projects. It took awhile since 1950 to slowly engineer how people became to this present day.
Ultimately millenials value entertainment above all things. They need to be laughing or be entertained. If they are not, they have to think and only "weird creeps" think, right?
William Adams
Twitch is a billion dollar industry of dumb fuck kids donating their paycheck to some rich fuck. That money could reform the medical industry and force it to cure instead of treat.
Joseph Gutierrez
Its not my money
Christian Campbell
>Play an Asymmetrical multiplayer game >Some streamer joins my lobby >I go down because I was trying to be careful not to trigger a bug while helping him >Try to inform him of the bug and how to avoid it >Before I can finish my advice, he immediately goes into a tantrum >This next ten minutes are spent with him insulting me and calling me a salty faggot because of it >Send a message to the opposing player and reveal the streamers position
Xavier Butler
I wish those people donate to actual programmers and good designers instead of camwhores.
Charles Sanders
Keep in mind not all milllenials are idiots.
Levi Torres
>>Our families are dying of cancer at an amazing rate yet we donate to neckbeards instead of reforming healthcare to cure instead of treat for profit. Kill yourself, you braindead fuck.
I think the people who donate are absolutely subhuman, but you're easily on par with their idiocy when you write absolute trash like this.
Landon Garcia
>implying they want to create cures to make their own industry irrelevant
Aiden Jenkins
Yes, and the same is true of anything else.
Rich people buy yachts,yet literally nobody needs a yacht.
Video games themselves are completely frivolous, but here you are. This is how you sieve your time, even though you could be volunteering.
And you aren't going to stop. You aren't going to leave Sup Forums forever because I didn't give you new information, you know this is a waste of time. But you'll keep doing it because your enjoy it, and you don't really care about volunteering.
Jaxon Richardson
>le millenials should fix these problems for us! >we haven't had decades to do it ourselves! >watching twitch streamers play video games is stupid! >I'm going to watch 7 foot tall muscular millionaires smash each others heads over a leather ball and scream at my television
Shut the fuck up you dinosaur.
Aiden Brown
Here's how you fix this: You tax people more. Not less.
Ryan Long
And every single shitty hollywood movie produced in modern times costs literal millions upon millions, some even bordering on a billion dollars, to make and advertise. Our society worships celebrities that sit in ivory towers and hoard most of the first world's total wealth, we pay athletes more than we pay teachers, servicemen or even doctors, and materialism is ingrained in people as early as high school when they're told to show up in a nicer getup than all their friends at junior prom to make them envious. In our world money is mismanaged and the rich will always throw heaps of it at stupid shit, what are you gonna do about it?
Logan Moore
You can look at anything and see people spending money wastefully. Why do we need so many types of cars? We could do fine with 1 type per category. We dont need sports, think of all that time wasted watching them, power wasted on TVs showing them, on the giant stadiums wasted space, the cost of maintaining them, the cost of paying people to play and look after all that shit, ect ect ect
Lincoln Cox
it is all the jewish plot, go ask Sup Forums
Hunter Moore
>People actually donate money to Pewdiepie >A man who has more money now than you will ever receive in your life
Easton Sanders
I agree. We need a fascist state with two parties, each ruling over the other so neither can become too powerful. Nobody will be allowed to waste effort on frivolities.
Eli Williams
Liar ahead
Cameron Bailey
or maybe big pharma eternal jews could use their money and stop being enemy of humanity
Parker White
Justin Morgan
People give money to entertainers, I'd love to know how in any way this is different from movie stars or singers being rich.
Daniel Miller
people donating to charity is the real plot
William Phillips
Are you retarded?
Henry Gonzalez
Why not change the norm and beat the fuck out of dumbasses that donate to ugly fucks who are already rich. Remove them fro the gene pool and further humanity.
Henry Wood
>charity no such thing, it's all jews
Lucas Morris
He posted a shitty anime moeblob, of course he's retarded. Weebs like him can only speak in greentext, memes, and buzzwords, never contributing anything worthwhile. I'm more inclined to think you're retarded for even asking.
Jackson Cooper
>why do people donate money to retards
because they're stupid
>when they can donate to cancer or something
theres no cure for cancer (really)
Nathaniel Davis
This is what I'm talking about. Pewdiepie makes millions a year. Why the fuck would you give him anything unless your brain is damaged from the education system. The baby boomers fucked up the economy and twitch is milking these dumb ass kids. It's time for a revolt, crying about it and talking about the NFL/NBA solves nothing.
Zachary Ward
Alright, we'll organize gangs to beat up every single person who goes and sees a movie, or watches sports, or buys video games, because all of those things and much, much more puts money in the pockets of people who are already rich.
Charles Watson
>its another episode of Sup Forums having no idea what a millennial actually is
Kayden Allen
Am I retarded? Are we all retarded?
Jayden King
that's what I meant, almost all charities spend 70% on fees of the people working and rest is used for materials and shit that doesn't help anyone
Cooper Diaz
or you are both dumb fuck newfags that don't know jack shit about Sup Forums sports should die, pointless money waste
Sebastian Gutierrez
So go do it. Save the world. We're waiting.
Carson Garcia
Yes, because we all come here every single day out of habit to wade through the same shitty off-topic threads and through the same arguments at the same posters over and over again day in and day out. Not kidding either, if you've ever had a repeat argument or discussion here there is a high likelihood that you've argued with the same person more than once. And we keep doing it, and nobody ever stops or changes their mind about anything.
Jace Murphy
and that's why I just come in all guns blazing, shitpost all over everyone and leave
James Watson
You support capitalism with these things. Donating to streamers on twitch is the same as lighting hundred dollar bills on fire. All it does it make a rich fuck richer and he can claim video games as business expenses. It's not similar to any of the things you listed.
Nathan Sanchez
Lucas Martinez
That's why you reform the medical industry. 90% of charities are a fucking scam. Change the entire system instead of pouring money into a system built on insurance scams.
Samuel Allen
same goes for everything that is spend on other things than shelter and food, you can't win with this communist bullshit
Jason Bennett
and yet people still want to say immortality is a curse. I'm content, you're content, we're all content to come here and do the same thing ad Infinitum.
Jordan Rivera
If nobody knows the difference is there any reason to make a distinction?
Blake Hernandez
just kill the owners of drug copyright patents and take medicine back to people, most drugs are cheap af to make and greasy wall street fuckbois raise the prices because they hate humans
Chase Kelly
Only impressionable retards say that immortality is a curse
Chase Thompson
>they hate humans But who doesn't?
Angel Ortiz
Your point is? I watch a couple sexy young girls that have a few sugar daddies from the millennial generation that donate thousands a month for nothing. They have wives and kids but donate to some young girl on twitch so they can feel like a young man. Pic related, her Top D OHFYOU isn't even on the list because he wants to remain anonymous and donates thousands a month to a sexy ass teen who teaches gymnastics and profits from millennials on twitch.
Connor Sanders
>reforming healthcare to cure instead of treat for profit. Fuck off lefty. The system would worked fine a long time ago for poor people before the government and medical associations started fucking over doctors who did their job for cheaper.
Juan Cruz
>describes america
Jordan Kelly
>two parties >lololol must be America
Nathaniel Cooper
I wonder where that meme started.
Josiah Morris
>FIX EVERYTHING I FUCKED UP WHILE PAYING FOR MY RETIREMENT Hopefully Gen Z rises up and kills everyone.
David Long
You're complaining about retards being retarded. There's no fix to that, they've been here for thousands of years and they will continue to be here forever or until humanity dies out in some way.
Grayson King
I know that feel
you either hop onto the Stream train or not
Ryder Mitchell
That's a good point. If this generation wasn't indoctrinated to worship the boot we could take over. But they are afraid and let the military police quell any revolt with force.
Chase Richardson
Henry Lee
Jealousy, cute. Usually people use the disposable income they have that would otherwise be used on cable and other shit to support the entertainment they like. Just because you are too poor and "insert any amount of money here" Is considered your future doesn't mean it is that way for everyone. Why do athletes' earn Millions?
Colton Miller
Lucas Rogers
Based Trumps gonna nuke the pharmacy jews and their vile ways. Can't wait for public health care to become private. Then unworthy and inferior people will die, sparing us the job.
Daniel Myers
I listen to streams for over 60 hours a week while at work and don't see any reason why streamers shouldn't have income
Zachary Ward
>I am unemployed and don't pay taxes: the post.
Hudson Walker
Is 1983 too old? Because fuck me I can't get what Sup Forums is anywhere else, it's fucking normies and care bears forums out there.
Cameron Thompson
Millions of senior citizens end up broke due to medical expenses before they die. You may want to have millions invested before you get old or the corrupt medical system will rob it dry before you die. Invest in that system , invest in some twitch streamer that doesn't give a fuck, or work to reform the entire medical industry and push insurance companies OUT that scam America?
Gabriel Powell
Probably the idea of miserable existence coupled with immortality means that your miserable existence will continue forever, which, I admit, doesn't sound good. People who think this way miss the big picture: misery is always contemporary, your existence, however, is not. People don't get bored of life even living for a century and there's no indication that if someone lived for thousands of years he would become disinterested in everything.
Nathaniel Gomez
>reforming healthcare throwing more money at corruption doesn't solve anything, all that accomplishes is advancing research even more for you to require more pills to live. you want to reform healthcare, you take the entire system and burn it down. you pass laws so healthcare is ran like a service to heal and not a business to sell products. you enforce the production of food so people can't take in 3 days worth of salt, sugar, and carbs in one meal. you enforce restrictions on prepared food to restrict the use of sodium so someone doesn't jest 5,000mg in one 3 minute microwave meal. the shit is so broken drug companies advertise their products and people beg their doctors without diagnosis to be hooked to pills. the sad truth is there is no money in preventative care or cures, its in prescribing something that a patient will pay for for the rest of their life. until that notion is forever destroyed nothing changes.
Ryder Mitchell
Game? We need context
Jason Foster
Why does everyone confuse millenials with Gen Z? Its fucking annoying.
Christopher Taylor
David Campbell
>Unironically people defends this Kek
Isaiah Cruz
I don't really like humans but I don't make millions of people miserable by raising medicine prices leftist and antifa seem to be glad when they got locked up "we did something" no you fucking didn't, you just assumed the position authority wanted you to cuck
Luke Peterson
or live in europe
Gavin Thomas
>families dying of cancer Better elect a government that doesn't believe in science
Gabriel Johnson
millenials meme was made by angry baby boomers being angry at young people not fixing their retardedly huge problems they created by voting to fuckheads and being greedy
Luke Mitchell
I think because millennials was set on a shitty time period that halfway contained two vaguely distinct groups, people just shift it down to the next one that can be easily identified by fire emojis and dabbing.
Parker Torres
>posting about how terrible the world is on an anime imageboard instead of trying to do something to fix it
god i fucking hate retards
Tyler Morris
You are either jealous or you don't quite get fundamental logic in capitalism, from my standpoint(and I'm generation older than "millennial"=hate "this/that gen" fad BTW.) its total wonder that Twitch (whole IT sector in a way)managed to find a way to turn these type of people into something resembling socially useful , sugar on top is,they even make a profit and probably can live out of it(are not burden on society). I personally don't even watch famous youtubers, and I don't even have twitch(I would probably be really butt hurt t see some moron earns money by playing idk.latest Blizzard bullshit), but anyone who is capable of making a workplace out of literally nothing is more than welcome in my book . that's just mature way of looking at stuff.
Mason Ross
Throwing money at any institution is better than donating to twitch streamers. There is NOTHING to gain from that. Even if you donated to BERNI MADOFF you had a %5 chance to profit which is better than lighting your money on fire by donating to degenerate twitch streamers.
Ryder Gutierrez
My Ass 2: Rerevengeance
Caleb Reyes
>we pay athletes more than we pay teachers, servicemen or even doctors The athletes getting these fuck huge payouts are the world's best. Until you can find the world's best teacher and get millions of people to pay attention to them your comparison is flawed.
Logan Sanders
>literally stop liking what I don't like
Wyatt Ortiz
Before medicaid you had to go to an unskilled medical worker that could potentially fuck your life up or you just wouldn't get treated. Medical care was always way too fucking expensive, especially if you're poor.
The ACA expanding madicaid's eligibility means a lot of people that had to go without are actually getting treated.
Keep in mind the ACA covered millions of people and our health care system is still overpriced and worthless to millions more people.
But who knows maybe our doctors are so super special that they need more money to leech off of everyone else in this fundamentally broken system.
Free market magic has to kick in and not completely fuck over the poor one of these days, or not and millions of people will fucking die, who cares it's just the lives and health of our citizens we're gambling with.
Matthew Gutierrez
>implying you want to live to experience the heat death of the universe and/or being sucked into a blackhole which would endlessly stretch your being into an atomised noodle thousands of miles long experiencing unending horrific pain
Gavin Cox
>ACA expanding madicaid's eligibility You forgot to add the fuckhuge asterisk that this only applies to certain states. The two states I've passed since that insurance scam was passed didn't expand Medicaid, meaning I was just as uncovered as before the shit passed. The only difference was now I had to go through the hassle of applying, just to get denied, or pay a retardedly high tax.
Zachary Gutierrez
Being immortal doesn't mean that you break the laws of physics that probably make you immortal in the first place. Also, yes, it still sounds better than just dying.
Aaron Jones
>implying humanity can comprehend entropy on a macroscopic scale
Asher Gray
There has never been an entity like Twitch in civilization. Do you donate money to Mcdonalds or Burger King when they drop epic memes? Do you donate to Lebron James when he wins championships? Do you donate to Eminem when he drops a fire single?
Michael Jones
Also, what he obviously don't understand is that those same athletes risked their whole youth by constantly constrain themselves to a extreme,and one small injury is lifefuckedbyebye(no one gives a shit bout you). Also ,those "huge paychecks" usually melt away on all medical complication they must endure after their 30(their bodies age at twice the pace). Check Cassius Clay,Foreman, most of NFL players(I don't follow sports too much so I don't know many examples by name, but I do know that on one successful athlete ~ 10000 people ruin their lives ireveresebly.
Leo Adams
>>You forgot to add the fuckhuge asterisk that this only applies to certain states.
Because those states specifically rejected and coincidentally they were ALL red states, weird coincidence.
Lincoln Cruz
What do you want to do with your immortal self when the sun consumes the Earth? Is that still preferable to just ending it?
Ian Diaz
It's a half-assed Universal Healthcare that punishes some for the benefit of the poor. If it can't be repealed we might as well go full on and get full UH.
Jacob Clark
I actually like Twitch, but I don't donate to rich people for free content. Supporting an up and coming streamer is one thing. Donating to some rich fuck that makes over six figures is insane.
Samuel Watson
This is how stupid you sound to me.
What happened to trump allowing healthcare providers to compete across state lines?
Brayden Collins
Since I'm immortal I assume I would come up with something by that point. It's a pretty long time to be alive and do stuff, you know. If I won't then I'm a shitty immortal.
Aiden Roberts
Hudson Flores
dumb millennial poster
Jonathan Young
I'm only speaking for myself, but the fact that I'll only be alive for like another 70 years at most isn't even enough to motivate me to do anything of worth I doubt I'll be able to learn interplanetary travel even with several hundred thousand lifetimes
Joshua Ross
OP you're such a fucking jelly baby, people can spend what they want on whatever they want, fuck "muh healthcare" that's what taxes are for and it's the governments job to make those reforms, you just want money and upset that random people on internet make more than you ever will
Parker Powell
>Why do they donate just so these self absorbed fucks read 1 message.
How old are these people who donate? Are they teens or adults? Cause as a kid I spend all my money on Pokemon cards so I get that kids do this shit (though this isn't like buying from a store), if they are adults then I don't know man.
Samuel Ramirez
>that pic
Why do people refuse to treat money like the complicated abstract concept that it is?