Why the fuck is this rated so highly? It's one of the worst games I've ever played

Why the fuck is this rated so highly? It's one of the worst games I've ever played.

It's just one of these games you slog through to experience the peculiar story.

It's like a 7/10 at worst OP. If that's the worst game you've ever played then you clearly haven't played many games.

The gameplay is horrible. There are FPS games from the PS2 gen that play and feel better.

Not OP, but I'm about 5 hours in and ready to give up. The gameplay is bad. No part of me is like "I wanna play another hour of that!" I'd rather play a different game.

I get that people like the story, but is it even that good? So far there hasn't been much of it outside of lore. I've arrived at the city, trying to help this guy get his family out, and I'm rescuing little sisters. Not much of a story. Lore wise, it's like dystopian atlas shrugged I guess? Is there more to it later?

the atmosphere, the art and the story are what made the game
I liked the gameplay because of the superpowers but it was more a secondary thing

There a few plot twists and you'll learn why Rapture failed and about a few important characters.
I actually enjoyed the gameplay but if you don't like it, than it's up to you to decide if you want to play it for the sake of lore and story. I'd give it a try though.

I really liked the atmosphere, especially the mall area.

If you're talking about the FPS elements, that's because it's a 10 year old game you dumb faggot. Back then not everything was CoD yet. It's kinda clunky but not worst game ever tier.

If you're talking about anything else then whatever you just have shit opinions but that's not new on Sup Forums.

BioShock is like Ocarina of Time. Hailed at 10/10, but not worth playing in 2017.

really? I replayed it this month and liked it a lot

decent little shooter with boner inducing art deco design

The bad gameplay makes idiot PC gamers think that it's good.

it being 10 years old has nothing to do with it, it felt just as mediocre then as it does now. Fucking FEAR came out almost half a decade before it.

>because it's a 10 year old game you dumb faggot
Not OP. I actually like Bioshock but
>FEAR is 12 years old and it's still a fun FPS
>Serious Sam is 16 years old and it's still a fun FPS
>Duke and Quake are 21 years old and it's still a fun FPS
>Doom is 24 years old fuck brutal mod and it's still a fun fps
How old the game is has fucking nothing to do with it.

It really is an overrated game. It worked neither as an FPS nor did it work as a horror game. Still doesn't.

Try Bioshock Infinite OP. It's the game Bioshock wanted to be but failed.

>horror game
Who the hell praised this game as a horror game.


I played BioShock and the original Doom for the first time this month. The gameplay on Doom is way better.

my point wasn't "lel old games were bad", it was that bioshock came out before literally every mainstream FPS honed their gameplay into a synthesis of the Halo and Call of Duty franchises, filled with things you now take for granted. yes, plenty of games were already doing those things, but now literally every AAA game must do it. bioshock didn't have to be that synthesis in 2007.

>Fucking FEAR came out almost half a decade before it.

Bioshock release: August 21, 2007
Fear release: October 17, 2005

Nah mate, fear is way overrated on here. Slo-mo spamming: the game. The gimmick gets old about half way through.

>bioshock 1 is bad
>but infinite is good

I would call it bait but it's actually a mainstream opinion, so it appears that society itself is trolling me. Surrounded by retarded faggots on all sides, the demiurge's evil plan.

If your not doing combos with your plasmids and weapons then your doing it all wrong
>Sticking mines to an explosive barrel
>Toss it at a Big Daddy with telekineses

The gunplay isn't as good as some other games, sure, but you didn't play it for the gunplay, you played it for the somewhat Deus Ex-like gameplay, the story, the atmosphere, the new setting etc. The gunplay wasn't bad either, it was decent.

Why the fuck does your thread have 22 replies? It's one of the laziest I've ever seen.

Oh so you are only a console player.
That explains it

>hey guys I dislike popular thing

do you even know how to make a successful thread on any website

Kill yourself

>Bioshock wanted to be a confusing unfocused mess with template gameplay and more cut content that most other games have period

I'll start by saying I love Bioshock and have played through the first game at least 16 times (I lost the paper I was keeping tally marks on)

But honestly I have started to hate that every time a game/novel/movie rips off 1984 it gets called a masterpiece.

But, user, the story wasn't that good either. Stop pretending like it was. If you liked Bioshock 1 story then you can't talk shit about Infinite's story.


It came out during a time most fps were boring as fuck millitary shooters.

Do people really label Bioshock as horror? it certainly had some spooky moments at the beginning, with an eerie atmosphere, but it wasn't horror..

go play your movie games

fuck you. this game was the bees fucking knees when it came out 10 years ago and it still holds up today.
p.s you got autism kiddo

Wow, you have really shit taste.

I take it you don't like games with good gameplay. OK.

It's a mediocre game from a gameplay perspective. It had great graphics for 2007 and a different art style and theme to every other FPS of that era.

Because most people didn't play System Shock 2, and the setting is pretty novel

it does have good gameplay don't be shit at games

I don't want to start a new thread for just this question so I'll ask here:

Is Quake 4 any good?

It has shit gameplay even for that time. Doesn't help that it's piss easy.

I don't know
