What are some games that completely failed to live up to the hype?
What are some games that completely failed to live up to the hype?
That album was great though
everyone thought we were getting some amazing story about how the relentless pursuit of revenge could ruin a man but instead we got VOCAL CHORD PARASITES
but you just wanted to talk about the gorillaz, right?
the only good new song is busted and blue and maybe strobelite
This being a gorillaz album is a fucking piece of shit.
also, games that were shit too
the obviously No Man's Sky
MGS V, wich is the fucking same as Humanz, being a standalone game in a standalone series, would been great, but the story is trash.
and for my taste, pokemon sun/moon is another piece of shit
Did it leak or something?
The real question should be: which game lived up to the massive hype?
>Gorillaz has a black guy now
Fucking SJW diversity bullshit
>black "gorilla"
>asian gorilla called noodle
Really try harder with the bait, I know this is Sup Forums but fuck try at least a little bit.
It's not even funny how dumb it was.
Not everything is bait.
Sometimes people are just joking.
Listening now
>thinking every album is gonna be plastic beach or even demon dayz
I think it's pretty good.
genuine jokes died out around the time the "merely pretending" comic got popular.
stopped listening to gorillaz after demon dayz, it went downhill real fucking fast
other M
Admit it, seeing Adam had you hyped
>Really try harder with the bait
They made him black for no reason
>Good songs
The six that were previewed before the leak minus Hallelujah Money
>Okay tier
>Shit tier
Everything else
>filling the tracklisting artificially tier
the 6 interludes
Pretending to be retarded is a pretty low tier joke. Granted the guy calling it out as bait is pretty stupid too.
FFXV without a doubt.
Stil remember the meltdown when the leaks started to pour in
thats the ghost from rock the house, not the drummer
Del and Russel are different characters
He's also not black but in fact blue.
thats the ghost from rock the house, not the drummer
>Hallelujah Money
He's also not black but in fact blue.
>MINUS Hallelujah Money
Are you blind
He said minus
I like it though beside the obvious Trump shitting
>Baboon lips
>Thug clothes
How can you not tell he was a black ghost?
>tfw most of the censored words in Let Me Out are trump
at least Damon had the decency to censor all the trump references
You guys do know that Gorillas rotate their musicians with every album right?
Anybody else not digging the *older* versions of the characters? I feel like they lost their charm compared to the old ones
funny shit is that everybody hated Plastic Beach on release and now its another favored album
give it a year and opinions will change humanz
Because I'm not color blind.
Well 2D and Murdoc are approaching their mid 50s now
>tfw literally only one good song (instant crush)
>the opening song (give life back to music) had an amazing first 17 seconds, rest of the song is awful
what a fucking disappointment
still better than the new Kendrick Plebmar
The transition to 3D really ruined the character designs.
Wait a minute, is the full album out somewhere?
2D is 39
fuck you i still hate plastic beach
It was leaked 4 days ago
The parts where damon sing are alright, but the rest of the features are fucking trash
The """""symbolism""""" is painfully obvious.
RAM was nowhere as bad as Humanz.
It had some weaker tracks and one outright bad Doin' It Right whereas Humanz is mostly weak and bad. It's just bland.
The majority of that album is pretty good though
I only ever liked the first two Gorillaz albums, the rest has been constant and consistent disappointment and the new album is no exception.
>The transition to 3D really ruined the character designs.
I agree, I prefer regular 2d over 3d
D-Sides was pretty good though, better than Demon Days I'd say and I like most of Demon Days.
where's the mega
That gorilla or whatever that shook her ass in that dare video got me hard as diamonds back in the day
>she's my collar
>busted and blue
this is a longer album so of course it has more filler songs but overall I'm happy this came out
>Listen to one song
>Don't like
>Listen again
>Sounds better
Every time I listen to a Gorillaz song it follows this pattern, outside of a few which hook me instantly
I like that they experiment. Some of their 3D moments like in Stylo or Do Ya Thing are great.
Everything after that in my opinion just feels like they lost the focused vision they had in the first two albums. Everything sounds so fucking experimental now and I just can't stand it. None of their new shit has a clear structure or some sort of idea behind it, it's just an endless series of verses and hooks trying to catch on to some new sound people are going to lose it over like they did back in the day instead of sticking with the sound that made them big in the first place.
Where are you guys finding the album? I've only found two links and both were Vinyl rips that were recorded extremely poorly and had a shit ton of background noise.
>>she's my collar
the lyrics in this song are so painfully bland that it ruins an otherwise ok song
people also still believe the earth is flatt
you can stay a retard forever
There isn't a single song I want to listen to again. Much like plastic beach, this album has no "clint eastwood" or "feel good inc" song on it, no timeless song.
>Damon going full sjw on trump
>Murdoc, one of the most vile, degenerate, and despicable people on earth gets triggered when trump is mentioned
>instead of sticking with the sound that made them big in the first place.
are you fucking serious
the whole point of gorillaz, the mission statement beyond self-titled (which was just a parody of popular mtv music + a couple experimental tracks) is to deliver new experiences, no two albums are ever going to be the same
damon wanted to experiment with a club album, and he did it, if you are worried the next album will sound like this one, don't worry
damon has stated he has 40 fucking songs ready for mastering, just wait for H sides if you want non-clubby songs
I like Plastic Beach but I agree with you.
S/T is still their best IMO
that link is one month old, dumbass, the album just leaked a week ago
>Damon going full sjw on trump
>removed all the mentioned of trump from Humanz that the other artists wanted to put in
you can find the album by literally typing 'humanz' into piratebay
How come albums always leak but it's rare that a game ever gets leaked before release?
I thought plastic beach was amazing!
But both of those were singles
All of them
get it?
The issue isn't about songs sounding like the ones from this album, the issue is the songs being fucking boring and poorly structured because it's trying harder to do weird experimental bullshit than it is to be a functional song. That's what I hate. If he wants to be some trendy faggot riding a new wave every 8 months good for him but that doesn't mean I have to be along for the ride. That's why I said I hate everything after the first two albums, as far as I'm concerned Gorillaz stopped being relevant after those two albums and they've been cruising on their quickly built legacy ever since. They're the M. Night Shyamalan of music, get lucky a couple times and then proceed to make garbage for years like you never understood what you were doing in the first place.
Both of these are the shit vinyl rip someone with a $20 ceramic cartridge made. There is so much distortion and background noise, you fuckers need better ears.
This. There a few fillers but overall it was great. Didn't realize it was unpopular.
Then again, I enjoyed The Fall after a few listens so maybe I'm just a fanboy.
that's the vinyl rip, the good one is the house party rip, which isn't 320kbps but is actually a perfect rip otherwise
I'm fine with that opinion, but Damon has hit gold with Charger and Momentz so I think it's worth for him to keep experimenting.
Just wait for the next Blur album if you want predictable music.
I think it's more of the people he was working with that made it seem like that.
Damon was more of the "dude the world is going to end because trump lmao"
>you can find the album by literally typing 'humanz' into piratebay
The problem is that the most popular one with almost 6k seeders is only 100mb big so the quality of the sounds is shit
looking at these pictures I have to wonder, who's idea was it to put 2D down as 6'2"? He is clearly not that tall.
>literally getting spoonfed
this is why people like you get such a bad reputation here
there's a new one that is like 210mb ding dongz
its a 320kbps rip
seeing as how Jamie works on the characters I wouldn't be surprised if he was the sjw.
I don't really care about it but the fact that Murdoc doesn't like him really puts me off, it's completely out of character.
The best rip currently out is 70MB big, 128kbps.
The only 320kbps rip is riddled with problems, and no bass, even post-mastering.
They looked fine in the Saturnz Barz video.
I already had the album dude, no need to quote me, just telling that moron that there are better versions out and to look for them.
i want to fuck noodlez
They do all the time. But only consoles that are hacked does it happen for.
3ds got pokemon and Monster Hunter weeks before. Vita got persona golden early. ps3/360 had games like Uncharted 3 and Gears of War 2 almost a month early. To name a few.
PC it happens with games with shit DRM, rarely do games with good DRM leak. I remember playing Supreme Commander 2 months before launch.
If X1 and PS4 were hacked we would probably see games early for them as well.
I really dislike the rappers they have been using.
Bayonetta definitely, the worst soundtrack I've ever heard in a game
gotta fine the niggest of dem nigger, goyim.
we are a diversify group dat love to be progressive.
what r u? a bigots?
Humanz is a very good album, the only problem in my mind is that I'm comparing it to Plastic Beach. Gorillaz has, since Demon Dayz, had a very hard focus on making an album flow. Demon Days has the story at the end while having the animatics flow, Plastic Beach is very heavily about the animatic flow, etc. This one seems very loose compared to the other two and, while the song quality is different, I only feel it diminishes on a few songs like most albums will. If Humanz had a good story behind it, I'd probably love it to pieces because that's the Gorillaz thing, but it doesn't, so it kinda' just feels half-assed even though there's all this backstory and stuff that Jamie did for phase 4. None of it feels connected with the actual music, so meh.
They were literally chosen by Damon's daughter.