What is the point of videogames?

What is the point of videogames?

To have fun.


They're great to argue about with complete strangers all over the world.

I'm so confused right now.

whats the point of life?

woah.... the homestuck number

local man lived a good life

To distract you from the fact that there is no point

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of the women.

Waste time

its a trend thing
you get the newest and hottest console and games for it than you post how much fun you are having with it on facebook and collect the likes.

ppl that actually like videogames and want them to run good are strage social dropouts that play on pc.

Eating 413 chicken tenders and the dying; everything else is just filler.

7 off of WEED LAMO

what a loser

fun? there are many many games not related to having fun at all.


playing video games and eating chicken mc nuggets

but the ones from kfc that are bigger and actually made of chicken.

Le tip to you my fellow sir
have a +1 bacon narwahl!

Too pass time without remembering the situation you are in, and remembering painful memeories.

There's no point unless you're edgy.

To prove to god that you are worthy of the kingdom of heaven. God bless, user.


this is subjective
i play vidya because i enjoy it

To stave off the truth of existential dread

In America it's to distract from endless gorging.

some videogames are about interesting gameplay that holds your attention. some videogames tell compelling stories. some videogames provide interesting or immersive experiences. many videogames combine these elements.

Ultimately, I think stories and experiences are more valuable than gameplay, at least as far as singleplayer games go.

In Georgia it's to distract from endless americaning.

But those are not valid answers, user.

What is the point of life
