Why does piracy always strike a nerve on Sup Forums ?
You don't see a reaction like that on any other board.
Why does piracy always strike a nerve on Sup Forums ?
no other board pirates out of spite
Sup Forums has indie devs that don't want their shitty walking simulator pirated, also I suspect ubisoft shills with their classic "90% of pc gamers pirate everything"
because "mhu brand loyalty". There are people here that buy multiple copies of the same game/console.
Because shills.
>multiple copies of the same game
everyone has done this at least once
Sup Forums is merely pretending
It doesn't. It's all just a meme.
You know this. That's why you made this thread. You are now going to start screaming about how everyone is condemning piracy while absolutely nobody in the thread does so other than you.
no other board actually has paid shills, they are too small for that
also, the amount of teenage fanboys here is higher than on any other board
yes, but not 5-6 copies of a new released game.
Even here lots of people suffer from social reward illness, they want to be that warrior fighting against the meanies, but they're just parroting.
It's mostly shill-posting. It's in their interest to keep the biggest number of retards paying for overpriced garbage.
This user is correct
It's quite fascinating how at all times there's a few topics that are completely artificial shitposting machines
I've seen more posts like "WHY DO YOU BUY ON STEAM YOU KEK ITS NOT EVEN YOUR GAMES" than the OP one
>theres people on Sup Forums who own 5 3ds's
Sup Forums has more shilling than all other boards combined. That's what happens when mods don't give a fuck.
Pirate all you want, just don't pretend you're morally justified. Don't make up bullshit excuses to sooth your guilty conscience. And stop making these shitty threads.
no... i really fucking havent...
It is morally justified though
And the shills have arrived
>not relative
Do you believe in god too, user?
>TORRENT WHEN. lol look at this cuck cucking himself on cucksteam how do you like being cucked
>I just like having convenient digital library, cool box, multiplayer or updates
>omg stop trying to sell me your game Sup Forums is the only board that hates pirates
NOBODY does this though
>muh legal troubles
Don't pay the idiot tax and "buy" your games, they are available for free.
Pirate shit games. Buy good ones. Simple senpai.
tell that to the guy that bought 4 copies of botw because "brand loyalty'
why would you play shit games in the first place
He literally said he's okay with you pirating if you're not making some hard mental gymnastics to came up with reasons
You're a SILLY guy
>playing shit games
sasuga user
>GNU shirt
Its because videogames is just about the only hobby where consumers feel like companies are close family members and not a corporation of thousands trying to milk them for every cent they can.
Biggest board on the site and it shocks you that there would be shills here. Fuck off.
Everyone pirates, but only """Gamers""" feel they are entitled to do so.
In anime scene in particular piracy is really deeply rooted in the mentality, since that was the only way you could watch lots of shows for a long time. There were no official English releases for many of them, subtitled or dubbed. So of course they'd have hard time transitioning to official localizations, even more so when the quality they provide is often same or even worse to fan-translators.
This is something that has regularly come up in /jp/, since visual novel translators occasionally visit the board. For long time most high-profile VNs only got fan-translated, so people could get them for "free", even though fan-patches were only patches that you'd apply to whole copy of the game. So now that official localizations are happening, they are being pirated 10X up to as much as they are bought, because people are used to getting the games for free, why should they be paying for them now?
The reason niche devs are raising a stink about piracy is that it affects them much more than AAA publishers. Sure, Fallout 4 probably had more people pirating it than random catgirl game, but those numbers are insignificant when compared to legit sales. If pirate counts for AAA games were something like 40 million per release, you can bet that AAA publishers would also raise a stink, but that's pretty ridiculous hypothetical situation.
what the fuck is that guy in front of the line wearing? 20 century boys reference?
The talent behind music and movies make the bulk of their money on ticket sales and signing bonuses. Linux, to my knowledge, isn't based on piracy, but just people giving shit away.
How does the talent behind vidya make any money if they don't make sales?
that would be Sup Forums, even Sup Forums is bigger
>being this cucked
top kek
jewgle "neutral milk hotel"
I believe that's reference to Neutral Milk Hotel album?
>We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks.
Wow, really? Then why aren't there more gamers in mensa?
no nier for you pirate BITCH
Oh shit it does look like him
Everything until the first timeskip was Monster-tier or better. Everything until second timeskip was worse but pretty interesting read. Everything after the second timeskip was nonsense shit
All of those industries except anime are mainstream and can sustain themselves off normie money.
Vidya is not mainstream and piracy really does hurt the industry, especially low-mid size developers. Anime isn't mainstream either and Sup Forums should feel ashamed of not watching it legally.
>buying games
>The talent behind music and movies make the bulk of their money on ticket sales and signing bonuses
How the hell is "they make money off other people anyway" a justification for piracy when it comes to music and film but not when it comes to video games?
>No biggie, other people will pay for the game anyway, I'll pirate it
On a topic about visual novels/eroge, it's not like this is problem unique to western market. When Alicesoft put out free content patch for Sengoku Rance, it got around 500K downloads, while game itself had sold 50K copies at that point.
This was before Yandere had even mentioned working on English patch of the game(and they included it in the patch), so it just goes to show that Japanese too pirate, despite what they'd have you believe.
If you remember back when Hongfire still hosted torrents, when seed for new eroge came up, almost half of the leechers were Japanese IPs. These days it's happening with RAWs on Nyaa too.
Its the THIRD EYE you idiot
Virtually every game I purchase lately is a Japanese game with somewhere between 20k-70k sales. I'm happy to support them so that they can keep making games I like.
video games are actually some of the best price/time ratio media you can buy
I can buy a game for $20-30 and get 50+ hours out of it easily
a movie is $14 for 2 hours
an album is $20 for 1 hour plus repeat listens
anime BDs are inflated to shit and a full series can easily run over $60+
and software is even more inflated, there's no fucking way I'm paying for sony vegas or photoshop
there is absolutely nothing wrong with pirating
>oh no mr shekelberg won't be able to afford his 100th Ferrari! call the police!
brb pirating your post
Tell me about Sup Forums. Why does he wear the mask?
you know publishers get 100% of the money from sales, right? devs don't get jackshit
Because it's full of fags shilling their own game.
>Anime isn't mainstream either and Sup Forums should feel ashamed of not watching it legally.
The thing is, plenty of people do. While they don't buy the Blurays, they do use the legal streaming sites, since devs of those have repeatedly said that YES, watching streams actually helps the JP studios!
Turns out that's a load of bullcrap. Keijo was one of the most watched shows of the season on Crunchy Roll, but the manga still got axed because of lackluster Bluray sales. There's still argument to be made that since anime is generally intended as advertising material, somebody should have picked up the manga for the western market, since joint-promotion works even here, as is evident by that Monster Girl series, but that didn't happen with Keijo so point is moot.
Since the official streams or western Blurays sales don't have effect on the success of the JP market, only reasonable way to support shows is to buy Japanese Blurays, and those either come way too late for interest to still be up, or more generally are way too fucking expensive for most Anons.
because Sup Forums is shill central
>Vidya isn't mainstream
>Somehow still bigger than Hollywood
Are blockbusters, dare I say it, niche contrarianism now?
No. Maybe if you have a reason to justify it, like if its a new port, or a port to a different system you own. But buying 2 of the exact same game, exact same edition and all that? Nah, thats just autism.
While it's true that publisher pays a developer before any copies are sold, if a game from specific developer sells well, the publisher has a reason to contract them again, since apparently consumers like the product that they have made.
If game made by specific team doesn't sell, why should publisher hire them to make another product?
Because shills appear here more than any other board. Faggots shilling their shitty games.
>like if its a new port, or a port to a different system you own
that's what I meant
>In anime scene in particular piracy is really deeply rooted in the mentality, since that was the only way you could watch lots of shows for a long time
There are still plenty of shows not on Netflix or Crunchyroll
There are still plenty of shows on Netflix and Crunchyroll that only have the sub and no dub, or in Netflix's case vice versa (yes I know dubs are for plebs but still)
There are still plenty of cases for both that dont have a bluray rip and just use the low quality tv/web rip
And there are PLENTY of shows that arent on either, and fuck having to play $80+ to watch ONE show's blurays
Also. streaming. fuck streaming.
If there was a service that let me directly support the studio or something like patreon (not kikestarter nothing good ever comes from that) I and many others would prbably do it
If there was a service that let me directly download shows instead of streaming and had the bluray rips as they came out I'd take it
But right now nothing beats piracy. With gaming and music its probably easier to find places where you can legally download and have it installed instantly, so laziness/accessibility arent excuses. Hell, for gaming and music its more reliable to purchase since for games you could be getting a version with broken online, or an outdated version that doesnt auto update. and for music you wont be getting the best quality unless you got it from what.cd
>Consolecucks actually do this
So this is the power of truly owning your games physical
You don't want piracy?
cool, now
Bring back demos
Erase paid early access
If I buy the game make it actually mine. (you know what I'm talking about steamfags)
Stop releasing overpriced dlc, especially when its just cut content.
At this point overhaul steam completely its a rotting corpse and the wal mart of video games, and the most triggered people are ALWAYS steamfags who justified so many harms this damned platform done to gaming its unreal.
And the most important part: STOP MAKING SHITTY GAMES.
I'm damn tired of digging trough a mountains and mountains of shit to find a golden nugget. Every time these games just oozing from people who freshly popped out of college, have zero fucking clue how to make a game good.
usually the second time I buy a game it's on PC
like spelunky, I bought twice. super meat boy, I bought twice. bayonetta, earth defense force, I've bought RE4 like three times, valkyria chronicles
I own a lot of duplicates. I thought it was normal
Imagine being so underaged that you can't even remember what it's like to lose a game and have to buy it again
>There are still plenty of shows on Netflix and Crunchyroll that only have the sub and no dub
The appeal of Crunchyroll and other simulpub sites is that you get show subtitled within days, if not hours of the JP air-date. Given how tight-lipped JP studios usually are with their material and with how much more people would be involved with dubs rather than just subs, it's reasonable that they wouldn't want to risk for leaks.
Funimation has tried their hand at simul-dubbing, but given what kind of rush the team has to work under, result is usually rubbish.
>There are still plenty of cases for both that dont have a bluray rip and just use the low quality tv/web rip
Video quality is consistent problem for Crunchyroll. Given that they recently lowered the bitrate on all of their shows, do you seriously think that they'd shell out extra bandwitdh for actually good looking Bluray footage?
I'm not defending them here, CR is rubbish and barely affects JP studios. Despite their landmark million subscribers, they are more interested in hosting a convention than paying reasonable amounts to their translators, editors and programmers.
This user is right
Also just let me
>go to the store
>pickup a copy
>insert into pc/console
Fuck day one patches, registrations, required internet connectivity, and so on
Release a fully working copy of your game that I can simply run without any bullshit and I might consider paying money but until then its a lot more easier and convinient to pirate
yeah, if you're autistic
Man /m/ buys so much shit that they more than make up for pirating anime. Even then most of the shows are free now anyways even without piracy.
Some of the gunpla thread posters have spent 10k in gunpla.
Don't even get me started on the buy threads on Sup Forums. Holy shit man there was one guy with 50k in figures alone in one of the threads.
pretty sure Sup Forums is pirating Marvel out of spite at this point
Thats fine I think. If you're a big fan of the series and want every version for collection purposes or something, its fine.
I fucking said in my post "if you have a reason to justify it" you fucking illiterate retard
I remember when storytime threads and wednesday scan dumps were a thing. Do they still do that?
yup, they never stopped
Yeah you are right. The purpose of those types of sites is just plain accessibility and convenience, and they pretty much nail that. It's a step in the right direction, but not enough of a reason for people like me who are already knee deep into anime and value other stuff over just convenience.
They pay for physical products because those figures are unavailable to pirate. If they could pirate their children's toys they would do it.
I did it with gta3-5,cod4,and the sly cooper games
tell me this how the fuck is it justified that you got a case with a code in it.
I just want to put the damned disk or cartrige in and play. Thats it.
I said it before so many times how much hard steam done to gaming but everyone overlooks it. So many shitty trends spawned from it.
Dude I remember saving up money and doing chores so I can get my gaming mags. It sometimes had a demo disc, and the rewievers were honest. If the game sucked it didn't matter where it came from, it was teared apart. There was no paid shilling for the games. I remember a now 40+years old guy still doing it and he had amazing articles. He even shat on a game which he gave a 9/10, if it had bad parts.
Then came the internet era, devs started pouring more money into ads than the actual game, and now who can you trust? These fucking """"""journalists""""""? The nu-males who are often jewish too and just simply shilling for leftie bullshit? Or the women who don't even care about gaming at all, just want attention and to spread their SJW mindset?
At this point pretty much piracy is the most logical solution, you can't trust anyone who is in this damned industry now.
>and the rewievers were honest.
They probably were still getting some kickback to give better scores. Colluding is hardly a new thing. I mean you're cushioning the statement by saying that they would 'tear apart' a game for bad parts, but you then said the person still gave the game a 9/10 score. I can agree with the general idea that review score padding has likely gotten worse over time though.
The rest of your post I don't really have much comment on. Pirate if you want, buy if you want. Jockeying for either side is silly in my book.
nope, they were not shilling. However I do remember there were a random ads. It was a few when it started, from a general buy this console and game, but it never affected the rewievs.
But it gradually had more and more in it, and they started to became not even releated to gaming at all. Like a whole damn page for a coke ad, but it was still tolerable.
Then came the internet and there were tons of tiny squares everywhere in it with ads, and less and less screenshots, or game footages cut out and placed between texts as the time goes on.
>There was no paid shilling for the games.
well generally where I lived this wasn't a thing, the mags lived off of random ads and its sales. There was not a "This game is fucking awesome, you should buy it" - xy, just some typical hype sentence with the game or something other at the background and thats it.
I'm going to buy Nier Automata again on a second steam account for no reason other than giving yoko taro more money
No other board tries to ridicule you for buying shit and supporting the industry.
its consolefags who are upset about piracy, mainly because you can't pirate console games.
they are just furious with envy over the fact that PC games are gratis, while console games cost as much as $60
I almost always pirate and I was never under impression that someone hates me for it.
I'm aware that at the end of the day, someone,somewhere has to pay.
But,my personal experience was that only game I payed gave me horrible ,crack-like addiction and almost fuced me up.
Games I pir8 gives a fuck about me as much as I give a fuck bout them and I find it fair.
No mutual dependencies. Golden.
Larger magazines received review copies of the game in many cases if I recall correctly. Providing negative opinions of a game could affect both advertising, and chances of getting future review copies. This has been a thing for quite some time now.
Again, I'll agree with the idea it's gotten worse over time. I will not agree that it's only a recent invention.
wrong image?
I just felt like posting a loli
I did it with Fallout 3, but definitely not to support Bethesda. I just got it dirt cheap in the local market, and a year later figured it would be cheaper to buy GOTY edition on Steam than buy DLCs for the copy I already bought separately.
Also the physical copy I bought first had pretty great dubbing in my language while the steam one doesn't, so it was worth it just to be able to copy the voice files.
Do you not know about gunpla piracy? That shit is wild in China right now. They pass around plans for the runners of the kits they want and just 3D print the pieces.
um yeah I don't think you should post that
I guess I have if you count remakes (full blown remakes, not ports, I never buy those), and I bought a couple games twice as a kid because I lost the first copy, but I never did either out of brand loyalty.
>someone,somewhere has to pay.
What a fucking shit mentality.
>"100 people is pirating the game, but one guy is paying for it. That makes it OK :)))"
You did a good thing, user. You should always buy quality games which had a positive effect on the industry as a whole.
Kill yourself, faggot. Head back to where ever the fuck you crawled from.