Why hasn't Hitler ever been made into a Civ leader?
>h-he killed 6 gorillion! Stalin and Mao killed millions more than Hitler did, and they have featured as leaders
>w-well their genocides werent ethnic based! False. Stalin deported millions of chechens, ingushetians, Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians and Volga Germans to death camps on the basis of their ethnicity.
>a-at least they won the war! Hitler lost, that's why he's not featured! Yes, Hitler lost the war, after many victorious campaigns. So did Napoleon, and he's also featured as a leader. In fact, Napoleon lost the war twice, after losing he came back and lost again!
Isaac Moore
Hitler is a more politically controversial figure than either Stalin or Mao because of the Nazi party's eugenics and ethnic cleansing policies. So it's no good for Civilization. He's also not a very good leader, not that Stalin or Mao were.
Dylan Thomas
Because it would be illegal in Germany. Just go back to pol, naziboo.
Dominic Russell
He was a racist
Caleb Taylor
How can one person be so obsessed with playing as Hitler in a virtual board game?
Ryan Long
Hitler is only more politically controversial because of the media and history books. That's all. All the other leaders like Stalin and Mao are just as bad by the same ethical standards.
Jaxson Perez
Your bigoted rhetoric is not welcome on Sup Forums.
James Martin
because if you're not a pleb you'll know many different German rulers who are more appropriate.
and Hitler was Austrian, and Austria is featured in Civ too, so that wouldn't make any sense.
Austin Jenkins
Just download a mod
John Roberts
Excellent thread. I'm sure it'll be about video games in a couple posts.
Josiah Green
Stalin and Mao are worse, higher death toll and more brutality.
Elijah Harris
Nobody in Germany likes Hitler, while both Stalin and Mao are liked in their respective countries
James Perry
I never read these lol
Adam Rodriguez
Camden Martin
Napoleon won a lot harder than Hitler ever did before losing
Nathaniel Gray
Because he fucked up Germany and his policies and ideas were retarded. There are of mods for you alt-right retards to jerk off to.
Also, >Stalin killed more than Hitler Source&
Jose Ortiz
As one mongolian saying goes ''That I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't trying to destroy me''
Jacob Thomas
hitler is still considered more politically incorrect because Nazi imagery as a whole is incredibly stigmatized everywhere. Stalin's a bad bitch, but you can't attribute much imagery to his crimes against humanity
Isaac Stewart
Because civ games only has the best leaders for their countries.
Losing a war and getting your country split in two isn't a good leader.
Also an hero
Chase Gray
Too recent, (((they))) don't want him in there
Alexander Moore
Who is that man in the glasses on the right?
He looks familiar.
Daniel Taylor
Napoleon won plenty of wars, Hitler lost the only war he was leader of
Carson Sullivan
>Stalin deported millions of chechens, ingushetians, Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians and Volga Germans to death camps on the basis of their ethnicity
This is western imperialist revisionism, they died because of famine not because of a deliberate and targeted genocide.
Easton King
Read the second paragraph of OP's post.
Jose Rodriguez
easy, Stalin and Mao shouldn't have been featured either. Mass murderers don't belong in games celebrating human achievement.
Owen Powell
I mean he was a good leader for his people and country, he just got memed by the international community. He was liked until the German people were demoralized and guilted into oblivion
Jack Brown
This. WW2 ended something like 2 or 3 decades ago, we can't be doing this shit. The time isn't right.
Logan Miller
In this context, "death toll and brutality" is just Naziboo whining.
Here's the answer you are oh so eagerly waiting for. MUH HOLOCAUST. Hitler is no good because he killed DA JOOS. And the EBIL MEDIA would never tolerate such an ANTI-SEMITIC character being allowed in a fucking video game.
Thomas Moore
>Because civ games only has the best leaders for their countries.
That's why they picked the greek woman who is a literal footnote in history books as great leader?
Jayden Jackson
I think u upset the commie OP
Carson Watson
Lucas Powell
So why do they have Cleopatra? She an heroed too and her reign was the end of Egyptian independence >WW2 ended something like 2 or 3 decades ago American education
Michael Price
>Stalin >good leader
homo sovieticus detected
Thomas Scott
Because Hitler was a piece of shit and the Nazis were human garbage. End of story.
Nathan Williams
Thomas Reyes
Because Paradox Interactive is a Swedish company, OP. And Swedes are emasculated, castrated and pitiful little gremlins who could never include someone as scary as Hitler in their alt-left, antifa-approved games.
Now fuck off and take it to their forums. It's not like anyone here can do anything about them.
Robert James
jews. Literally jews. What other (sub-human) race has been able to convince the entire western civilization that the chosen people of god deserve everything including their own holy land on a platter? It's not surprising they wanted to (and managed) to demonize the one ideology that were critical to jewery
Ryder Phillips
>Paradox >Civ literally kill yourself
Brody Carter
100 million human beings murdered
Kayden Brown
Cultural significance of the Nazi party's eugenics programs is much more important here. Once again, numbers are irrelevant.
He was a good public speaker, he wasn't really good at anything else. Especially in war.
Christian Miller
Fuher looks cooler with the shades
Isaac Stewart
>like 2 or 3 decades ago
You think WWII happened in the 90s m8?
Charles Moore
>Civilization >Paradox although Paradox included Hitler in their World War 2 game
Aaron Phillips
No the treaty of versailles fucked germany. He actually revitalized their economy.
Justin Mitchell
Easton Gray
>Civilization >Paradox
Landon Walker
For starters, the game would be banned in Germany and a couple of other EU countries..
Austin Wilson
>revitalized their economy >by invading Poland
Luis Nguyen
it doesn't matter what he did, he is perceived by people to be the worst person in history. For a company trying to make money creating controversy for no reason is bad. also this
Gavin Williams
Cameron Morris
You mean Shadow Hitler
Luke Murphy
His political and social reforms were great in pretty much every regard. What the fuck or you on about?
Anthony Morgan
79,99€ for a game rated "Mixed" on steam??
Levi Smith
It is not about how bad their crimes were, it is about how they are perceived today.
Russia still loves Stalin. China still loves Mao. France still loves Napoleon. Germany hates Hitler. Representing Germany by Hitler would make a lot of potential customers angry, which would not be the case for those other nations.
Plus, politically Hitler had extremely little intentional influence on his country after his death. That can't be said about modern Russia, China or France and their respective dictators.
Joshua Cooper
>Yfw you realize that if it wasn't fot Hitler, you probably wouldn't have been born. Thank you based Hitler for shaking up the world so that my ancestors actually met and fucked.
Justin Green
This fucking thread again It's because displaying Hitler in media or art is forbidden in places, and so game developers won't want to make a country-specific version WITHOUT hitler
Not to mention that the majority of people (Those you may call "normies" or "blue-pilled") will be slightly upset to see that happening, and might cause the game to recieve a massive backlash, and not sell well, among other things, which is not exactly what videogame publishers want, get it?
I respect that you don't throw away Hitler as evil incarnate like most people do, but you gotta understand game developers would gain NOTHING out of putting him in the game. Aside from being an antagonist, of course.
Jayden Cox
Nolan Phillips
Because nazis are loser faggots
>tell your people that everyone is a coward who did not die fighting >hide in your bunker like a little fag
Half balled faggot
David Flores
He was a very bad goy who defied world order international jewry and kicked banks out of his country. Stalin and mao were good goyim who did exactly what kikes wanted to achieve.
Julian Reed
>german minorities get slaughtered in poland >hitler saves them
Cameron Rogers
I do not
Josiah Wright
literally just Germany
Brandon Clark
>Napoleon >dictator
Ryan Turner
oy vey
Robert Bailey
Joseph Brown
Germany doesn't hate Hitler, but it's illegal to not pretend to hate him. Literally illegal opinions.
See Look Who's Back for a slightly more balanced German view of him.
Lincoln Kelly
>Germany hates Hitler
Yeah 80+ yo people and only because they were told to hate him.
Nathan Price
How long are you gonna hold a grudge for Goldstein?
Dominic Bell
They would have to say goodbye to any sales in Germany. All around they would risk huge backlash for very little rewards. It's very obvious why it's a bad idea but whatever this is just another Sup Forums thread in disguise.
Lucas Powell
Pick up a dictionary, child.
Tyler Walker
My point still stands.
Eli Smith
>in disguise
Kayden Allen
How do you call a person that governs a republic in an autocratic way?
Chase Nelson
I have a similiar background. Thank you, Hitler.
...but then again maybe I wouldn't be a lonely shut-in virgin if it would've not been for Hitler. Fuck you, Hitler.
Levi Gonzalez
The latter part is definitely Stalin's and Churchill's fault
James Rivera
Hitler is pretty epic. Of course the libshits hate him because he was right. We need another white strong man to lead us.
Only Trump and putin is similar, but they're owned by the jews
Caleb Diaz
The problem was that they were unsustainable, economically, in the long term. If Germany was to keep up with them in the long term it would've hit Germany's PP pretty hard. Some of them were a bit over-ambitious. Not all of them, most of them were pretty decent but some were there just for show.
Joseph Price
yeah only old people hate Hitler in Germany sure god the bullshit I read on this site sometimes
Liam Brown
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Jace Peterson
Joseph Moore
nope, real reason is the jewish propaganda that started in the 50's
Juan Martinez
What game is that?
Julian Wright
Jesus Christ, there are people who believe this.
That book is parody sold on being controversal
Jaxson Lee
That's how it is, deal with it you fucking roach.
t. german
Elijah Wilson
lol sure you deluded fuckwit
Jace Robinson
>We need another white strong man to lead us.
It's funny when you realize the non-pretending Sup Forumstards could easily hold the title of people that are more racist and fascist than even Hitler himself.
Carter Baker
Stalin and Mao killed their "own" people. Hitler murdered a lot of various people, no one would really care if he killed Germans instead.
Nathaniel Sullivan
because nazis suck deal w/ it, nerd
Grayson Flores
Hearts of Iron IV
Robert Scott
r/the_donald would never admit their orange fetish could ever be owned by someone else HoI4, it's shit
Xavier Reyes
My Adolf looks fine.
Xavier James
was hirohito or tojo ever a leader
Ryder Moore
Yeah those are fake skeletons.
Hudson Reyes
How do you know the opinion of all people in Germany when it's illegal to even express indifference?
>god the bullshit I read on this site sometimes You sound like a redditor, faggot.
Parker Jenkins
There's nothing wrong with using subhumans as tools. When we win the war against white males, we can eradicate them
Jaxson Baker
You gotta be one of the libcucks who thought Trump can't win and brexit is not possible or you are a fucking roach.
Connor Jenkins
Hitler wasn't racist though.
Brandon Gray
>revitalized their economy. That's a spicy meme. He didn't revitalize shit. The Nazi economy depended completely on plundering conquered lands.
David Torres
Making it sound silly doesn't make it any less true
It's not about ebil media or conspiracies, it's just that people are too exposed to the idea of Hitler being actually evil so they can't accept him in a semi-positive light in anything. And mind that, I'm not saying he wasn't a bad guy, the thing is that if you go learn history in any serious place they'll immediately tell you it's better not to project your own morality on the past because at that point you'll just alter things to fit your views. In X war there isn't the "good" army or the "evil" army, their roles are completely contextual to the events. And that's kind of how people see Stalin, it's rare to see someone go "ugh, Stalin, what a monster" because people are more impartial to him. With Hitler instead is different, they've seen the movie where Hitler was evil, the comic where Hitler was evil, the "3rd generation holocaust survivor" speaking on TV about how Hitler was evil, they read poor Anne Frank's diary about how Hitler was pppevil, they see politicians warning against the neo-nazis that supposedly don't realize Hitler was evil, and so forth.
Captain America is revealed to be a hydra agent/nazi: PANIC! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS, MARVEL? Stalin on the other hand gets to be Superman's adoptive father in an AU: nobody gives a fuck.
Jewish people are a thing, they're a big presence in the american and european middle-high class, the chechens bullied by Stalin aren't, so guess to which one's bully we end up being more exposed to?