Which games are you playing today Sup Forums? Pic and character related for me. A thanks every now and then would be nice btw.
Which games are you playing today Sup Forums? Pic and character related for me...
i need healing
>A thanks every now and then would be nice btw.
shut the fuck up and do you job, retard
>play any class
>someone switches to Pharah
>can't resist the urge to switch to Mercy and fly around
Fuck off Genji
Why should I when we get no thanks and only blame anyway for your mistakes?
i need healing
Overwatch is a fucking shit game made for casual cunts
I'm gonna play some modded Skyrim cuz I need my dick to be pleased
I swear to God, I fucking hate Genji and Hanzo players for this so much.
Rocket League, probably some PUBG with a couple of friends and might continue my Mount&Blade playthrough. Also probably gonna hit up some SA:MP.
Breath of the Wild, bout to do the Gerudo area with Trap Link, and then a couple other regions to the south before I guess I have to fight Ganon.
Also, Mercy is the least rewarding healer, get some fucking skill faggot.
Do people get mad at Mercy because she always get gold medals and cards?
How is she the least rewarding?
Because you don't do anything yourself, you have to rely on others.
Pretty much like all supports. Gee, I wonder why they are called FUCKING SUPPORTS? Maybe they SUPPORT the team?
i'm too lethargic to play video games, i don't know really what to play. i'm kind of tired.
Mercy is the most rewarding character for my dick.
>Carrying team on smurf in plat
>Mercy on my team isn't going pharmacy with me but no big deal
>Take a few shots then fly over to Mercy
>"I need healing!"
>I can see Mercy right below me, not healing me
>"I need healing!"
>Still no heals
>She's just standing behind our Reinhardt, healing him even though his shield is up and he's at max HP
>Our Zen eventually comes back from spawn and heals me
Holy fuck some of you Mercy mains are cancer. She's the easiest hero to play and some people still sit there and tunnel vision and keep a healing beam on Reinhardt with full HP while everyone else dies.
I wish she was better than 2 other healers-niggers. Unfortunetly Blizzard is afraid of being accused of racism so pure aryan goddes has to underpowered compared to them.
No, every other support except maybe Symmetra can hold their own against a Genji or something, Mercy is pretty much fucked or has to hop around and stall for time until she sees a teammate to magnetise to.
I'm a Mercy main and I hate those retards too. Bonus truth about Ow in general: the game with the most amount of people that doesn't mind their surroundings. IF YOU PLAY OVERWATCH, FUCKING PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR AUDIO, MORONS.
If only they gave her a gun and you had some fucking skill.
How the fuck do i level my account the quik play games take 10min waiting time.
Realistically how many penises does Mercy suck a day?
She's not sucking yours so why bother?
None, Mercy is pure.
Heroes of the Storm, Kingdom: New Lands and still working my way through Witcher 3.
I need to stop wasting my time on moba shit, but it's really nice to have something you can pop on and play when you feel like listening to music.
Lowest difficulty standard uprising games. Standard games instead of All Heroes because that way you can't get queued with hanzo/genji/reaper noswitchers. You always win so long as you play either rein or mercy and don't get a colossally dense person playing the other, XP gain about equivalent to quick play except higher because your winrate will be at or near 100%.
This offer only good till may 1st.
I want to impregnate her.
About as pure as week old milk
Who the fuck laid those tiles, they're crooked as hell.
this is actually impressive
Mercy wouldn't do this kind of thing. Please delete this.
can't an older woman have some fun though?
Where did you get that picture of my mommy?
She wants to feel young, user.
>biggest cock goblin in OW
>"p-pure M-mercy wouldn't d-do that!"
lmao virgin
your mother has been doing "overtime" to push you through school
Looks like Mercy's wings are malfunctioning and she's having trouble flying.
I played a bit of OW today
later I probably finish Wolfenstein New Order
Goona play some Europa Universalis IV with my old man.
What's wrong with her here? Is she ok?
She needs to fix her wings.
When a healer saves me from a certain death, I thank them - any impressive or life-saving play is worthy of a "thank you", no matter the role they're taking.
But I won't thank them just for playing healer. If you desperately crave attention, you can fuck right off.
I hope she gets better soon
She will.
>not doktor
Doktor a shit
Mercy is best girl and medic
Why is she not wearing clothes. What's going on here.
Can your Mercy do this?
Played a little of Overwatch Uprising as Zenyatta. I always appreciate the "Set and forget" nature of his healing.
I can spend more of my time tearing ass rather than waiting for my team to die so that I can revive them.
I hate this "please thank your healer" shit in games. I'll thank you if i feel you did a noticeably good job compared to the average trash you normally get playing healer
Sure, why not
Pic related and Overwatch.
i need healing
I unironically want to see Overwatch VS Tf2 and watch the TF2 autist steam roll the """"""pros""""""" on overwatch.
I'm playing Doom mods and waiting for the new MetaDoom update to come out.
Also, i hate OP's pic, because it's turning me on and i hate when this happens with characters from games i don't even own or play.
Why don't you play Overwatch?
My PC isn't good enough, so maybe when i get a better one.
I just resubbed to WoW and got my Frost DK to 110.
God help me.
I only say thanks when a healer goes out of their way to actively save my reckless ass. Otherwise a healer is just doing their job, and they deserve no more praise than dps for killing or a tank for holding down the point.
Playing FFXIV and just doing Palace of the Dead
Overwatch and Guilty Gear Xrd.
Honestly I'm getting tired of OW. It's been a couple hundred hours already and all matches feel the same now. My copy of Titanfall 2 arrives tomorrow so this is probably the last day I play OW in a long time.