Will this be the nail in the coffin for Kickstarter games? I haven't played Mighty No. 9 or Yooka-Laylee...

Will this be the nail in the coffin for Kickstarter games? I haven't played Mighty No. 9 or Yooka-Laylee, but from what I've heard they aren't very good. The former is awful, whereas the latter was just disappointingly meh. It seems that the ruse of
>I used to work with this awesome company!
>I am/we are the brains behind (X)!
>Trust us with your money and hopes! We'll do so much better without publisher oversight!
is being exposed for what it is.

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It already looks awful so the final game won't be any better.
Shovel Knight still reigns as the first and only good Kikestarter game. Even Huniepop is more fun than most of the others.

the art is shit but the demo is solid

On a lighter note the new pathologic remake is looking pretty good youtube.com/watch?v=gh5CB2lnZ7c

I should clarify:
>Kickstarter games
there are a lot and it's not fair for me to label them all as shit. I'm talking about a particular type of hyped-up game, from "rockstars" credited for their past successes. The guys who could go on KS today, give a description of their game and get tons of money by tomorrow. For instance, Kojima, Sakurai from Smash Bros., Kamiya, etc.

The point is if these "legends" can't get a publisher to back their games there's a big chance they're trash. Look at all the previous examples that have proved as such. Kamiya will definitely be on the list next.

FTL, you fucking faggot.

desu FTL development wasn't funded by Kickstarter, just polish and distribution.

It pretty much has to go toe to toe with Symphony to not be disappointing, and that sure as fuck isn't happening.

The game being "about as good" as a DS Castlevania but with odd 3D visuals and shithouse character design will not be met very favorably.

>I haven't played Mighty No. 9 or Yooka-Laylee, but from what I've heard they aren't very good. The former is awful, whereas the latter was just disappointingly meh


Still really a kickstarter game.

Without the campaign we probably wouldn't have had the Advanced Edition.

And, particularly, the funds payed for Ben Prunty's godlike OST.

>I haven't played Mighty No. 9 or Yooka-Laylee, but from what I've heard they aren't very good.

literally Sup Forums the post

While Mighty No 9 was bad, from what I hear Yooka Laylee is fine. Its just not revolutionary or anything.

>whereas the latter was just disappointingly meh
I don't really agree on that.
Is it as good as BK? No, but it's still pretty fucking decent

Why does the faggot even care about Kickstarter games failing if he doesn't play them? Sup Forums is filled with faggots who don't play games and just care more about drama.

>I haven't played Mighty No. 9 or Yooka-Laylee, but from what I've heard they aren't very good.
Jesus christ. At least pretend to have played them like all the other people here who don't play video games.

Drama is great for exposing where a dev's priorities lie though.

As long as they don't somehow go backwards in quality from what the demo had I think it'll accomplish what MN9 and YL couldn't.
That demo was perfect and exactly what I wanted to see.

They are already fleshing the game out with characters. There is at least one update per month on what they are doing and receiving feedback. If anything, I am at ease.

And also this old guy.


>They are already fleshing the game out with characters.

Isn't that kind of thing supposed to have been done way back in the pre-production phase?

Made to breed

Nah man, this is Kickstarter. You make a page saying you were somewhat associated with a game in the past people enjoyed and you plan to make a similar game.
Once you recieve a shit ton of money and enjoy a few holidays with it THEN you actually start making a game.

I do not know if they decided on these characters at the start, or if they are done with their models and part of the story until recently. They simply gave us what other NPCs the player is expected to meet in the game.

>It pretty much has to go toe to toe with Symphony to not be disappointing
It at least needs to compete with Hollow Knight which won't be easy too.

Speaking of Kickstarter, when is Shantae supposed to send out their physical backer rewards like the coins and shirts?

if this game ends up being bad then im convinced that metroidvania can only be made by new developers... rabi ribi, momodora RUTM, hollow knight, all of these FAR outclass these "old guard" games at this point

beat me to it.

mighty number 9 is legitimately good, but the only reason I can see that is because I didnt pledge an inordinate amount of money toward it and set my hopes insurmountably high. the game is fine. backers are just retarded.

>When you hear young imbeciles in Sup Forums talking shit of old games when they do not realize that old games had serious limitations of disk space, performance console they were made for.

>mighty number 9 is legitimately good

mighty was dogshit. Yooka was exactly what it was advertised to be, and generally well-received by backers. So your post doesn't really work.

You are right about the deceptive advertising, though. The original games were made by more than just one dude/a small handful of dudes. For instance, it's clear that whoever designed the levels for banjo was not present for Yooka.

what are you talking about??? i mean the old DEVELOPERS, not the old games themselves.. like, dawn of sorrow, metroid fusion, SOTN, i consider these 3 games REALLY fucking good.. but for some reason i don't think that bloodstained will be good at all compared to the games that i listed in my first post


Bloodstained will probably be decent
Now that shemue game will be the most epic disaster until star citizen cancellation happens

Iga is a game designer unlike Ina, I'm pretty sure it'll be a decent game.

Also, Mighty No 9 isn't that bad, just an average game (5~6/10), Yooka-Laylee is awful, though, just like Banjo.

There's supposed to be an update soon. They'll probably bring it up then.

DoS and SotN were directed by IGA though. As in director for over a dozen of Castlevania games, not ideas guy. Igarashi is no Inafune, if that is what you are suggesting.

But talking out of the ass is the constant in Sup Forums.

Yooka-laylee is nowhere near Mighty No. 9 levels of bad. I do think the worlds are too big, but I'm still finding enjoyment out of it.

that's what im saying though. like, he made/directed good castlevanias in the past, but i don't think that bloodstained will be up to snuff given what i have seen so far.. like just because he made a good game in the past doesn't automatically guarantee that this one will be god tier (which is how MN9 was funded)

Fucker, did you even play the demon? Did you?

is this going to be a castlevania or a metroidvania?

no, i'm not a kickstarter. i watched a video on youtube though

it was dude, dont be sour because you thought it would be orgasmic and wasted $1000 on it.

you know what? be mad that I payed $8 for it at walmart and it was better than megaman x

A metroidvania, or IGAvania

>Will this be the nail in the coffin for Kickstarter games?
Yes, it will put a nail into shitty nipnog Kickstarter games, because nipnogs have ridiculously low work productivity and can't work on a tight budget given tight release schedules.

Meanwhile, actually competent devs will keep releasing good Kickstarter games like Pillars of Eternity, Expeditions: Conquistador, Divinity: Original Sin and many more.

You could always torrent it. The point is that you could not feel the game. It looks like a metroidvania, plays like a metroidvania, has metroidvania mechanics. It was a motherfucking metroidvania in its pre-alpha stage.

>bloodstained will be up to snuff given what i have seen so far
You saw a pre-alpha demo, shit for brains.

Metroidvania, the best ones.

>good Kickstarter games like Pillars of Eternity

Its painfully obvious bait at this point, but I'll give a nibble.
I only put $35 into it, backed it for $5, bought it at retail on day one for $30.
Its shit, almost on the level of Megaman X6 or X7, hell I even let my friend, who had never played a single Megaman game in his life, give it a go just to get an unbiased opinion, and as I watched him play he loathed the fucking game, and was pretty much forever turned off from playing any Megaman or Megaman styled game again.

dude just my impressions. i'll torrent the demo for you, okay?

>sold a million copies
>perfect reviews everywhere
>Steam and metacritic ratings are in the 85-90% range
>b-but it's bad because I say so
Your name is nobody, your opinion is trash.

Get yourself a informed opinion before opening your mouth.

You can't kill kickstarter now, just make it smarter and smarter and smarter.
20-30 years from now, people will just know if the project is good or not instinctively.

Either that or companies will get some smart as fuck AIs to buy any good project out of KS.

fuck off, i said i would try it. i have played like every good metroidvania to completion so suck my dick

Had you played them, then you would know what to expect of Igarashi.

So I suspect you a liar.

ya... but look at MN9... that's my fucking point. judge the game by the game itself, not his development pedigree

I wish I could convey my sincerity in some way but I understand that your experience has forever been colored by you unmet expectations. I played about half of the game, and spent some time trying to figure out what everyone hated about it so much. I decided to fire up my copy of megaman x just to see if I was missing something. the movement in x just wasnt as satisfying as it was in mighty number 9. I really and truly believe that because I had no expectations, I didnt feel betrayed by inafune, and I only payed $8 for it that I got nothing but enjoyment from the title. music is not as good as x though.

>People keep bringing up Hollow Knight
>I can't bring myself to care about the art style
I just looks so boring.

there are like 15 different zone each with unique aesthetics, music, and enemies... have you only seen the first "dark blue" cave system? it's a massive game, here's the map

I mean the hero more than anything else.
He just looks like a doodle.

In that case, I will say this:

It is an intro stage. Slow moving enemies with delayed attacks, allowing the player to time their attacks and movements and get comfortable with the controls. The scene is small and made in a way to make the player learn the control configuration and learn the basics of the mechanics in the game and skills.

Good for an intro stage and a way to give people a taste of what they are getting into. Your argument has no hold.

The MC reminds me of a newgrounds game character. Really simple. Old NES characters have more detail in them.

Just looked it up on Kickstarter, it made 57k australian dollars? That's like a nickel in American dollars, isn't it? They did pretty well.

That what I mean by it just having a boring appearance. I know this isn't a fair thing to judge the game on but when it looks so bland I just have no interest in even trying it.


>It pretty much has to go toe to toe with Symphony to not be disappointing, and that sure as fuck isn't happening.
No, it has to be at least on par with the worst SotN clones, so at least HoD or PoR tier, which the demo alone already demonstrates it should be able to manage just fine. No one realistically expects a fucking start up project to trump SotN, but if it does well enough then at least it can potentially start a new series to rival Castlevania.

>new series to rival Castlevania.
Konami has no intention of making new games. They already killed off the Metal Gear and Silent Hill series and Castlevania was only an afterthought this last decade with those fucking pachinkos.

I obviously meant rivaling Castlevania in its prime. Rivaling modern Castlevania doesn't mean anything.

Konami is actively hiring for a new Metal Gear team.

>It pretty much has to go toe to toe with Symphony to not be disappointing,

That's a lofty ambition. Remember Igarashi was only the Assistant Director to SotN. He's on record saying it was very much someone else's project and he only helped out. He didn't really become "Mr. Castlevania" until Harmony of Dissonance.

Expecting him to produce a Symphony caliber game is probaby asking too much. I'd say expect something like Harmony of Portrait of Ruin, maybe as good as Aria if you're very lucky.

yooka laylee is exactly what the kickstarter promised is not even bad
not that anyone even bothered to play it to find that out because some e-celeb said its shit so that must be the truth

> just like Banjo.

To make bullshit like MG Survive, you mean.

I think the overall mediocre reviews hurt more than that dude did

it hasn't sold super well but it's great!!
i don't have that impression, i really enjoy the way that it all works together. the controls are really tight to boot

>SotN were directed by IGA though

Wrong. IGA was NEVER a director for the Castlevania games. He was the Assistant Director to SotN and was then the PRODUCER of every Castlevania game from Harmony of Dissonance onwards.

He had the same role Inafune had (though Inafune was only a Producer starting from 1997, so X4, MM8, MMZ, ZX, BN etc.)

Same, looks like it was done in flash.

i read that as your argument has no hold

The same can be said of Kojima though.

To be fair, the game had chicken feed for a budget.

Is that your counter argument?

It'll probably be a decent SotN clone at the very least, but even if it's not, I'm not fussed. There's no shortage of good Metroidvanias these days and there's still more to come.

im the original guy you were talking to, i don't think you have really refuted any of my points so we're just spinning wheels at this point. i hope the game is good.

Yeah, she looks like a third rate Shanoa ripoff. Which is probably what she was designed to be, honestly.

Kojimbo was the Writer, Director, Producer AND Lead Game Designer for MGS1,2,3,4, PW and V.

He was far, far more hands on than IGA and Inafune. They just produced their games, they all had separate writers, directors and designers.

PoE 2 still got 4 millions recently so i guess not

Wrong character, stupid Shanoa waifu shitter.

Your entire argument was that you watched a video on youtube and hearsay. Nothing more.

It is a demo from a game with still a year and a half of development left. And for a demo, it was quite solid.Take that as you will.

i think that his new game will be garbo


>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PlayStation) - Assistant Director, Programmer, Scenario Writer (as Kouji IGA)

However, to be frank, the reason he was promoted in such a quick way was because he made complete crushing success in the Tokimeki Memorial series as the main scenario writer.

yet another bloodstained hate thread
I don't fucking understand why so many hate it on here
I swear no one here even plays games anymore

Anyone who hates an unreleased game is clearly displaying how little intelligence they have.
How can you form an opinion about a game you haven't even played?

It's been associated with MN9, so it was invariably going to get shitposted about. Not much point bemoaning it now, just wait and hope for the best.

Nah, everyone's going to praise it no matter how IGA screws up simply because of the fact that it's a metroidvania unlike the other 2 games that's genre are dead by today's standards. Tell me the last time an indie metroidvania was shit on.


Good kickstarter games:
>Octodad 2
>Blade Symphony
>Zombies, Run!
>Organ Trail: Director's Cut
>Guns of Icarus Online
>Wasteland 2
>Shadowrun Returns
>Cloudberry Kingdom
>Carmageddon: Reincarnation
>Detective Grimoire
>Defense Grid 2
>Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
>Planetary Annihilation
>Mercenary Kings
>Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (yes, that was a kickstarter game)
>Sir, You Are Being Hunted
>Divinity: Original Sin
>Risk of Rain
>Road Redemption
>Fran Bow
>Awesomenauts: Starstorm
>Sunless Sea
>The Fall
>Hyper Light Drifter
>The Escapists
>Hand of Fate
>Rain World
>Tabletop Simulator
>Frog Fractions 2
>Dragon Fin Soup
>Darkest Dungeon
>Shovel Knight
>Freedom Planet
>Hollow Knight
>Stardew Valley
>Skullgirls (DLC)
>Lisa the Painful/Joyful

Shantae got some flak for being too short and boring.

Indie metroidvanias are damn rare. There is Ghost Song, but the developer is slow. Real, real slow.

Also, what said

Add Strike Suit Zero to the list.

People shat on HGH for a while (although I suppose it wasn't strictly Metroidvania) despite the fact that it wasn't bad and was just another entry to a series that was never particularly amazing in the first place.
No one seems to have anything good to say about Axiom Verge these days.
Some people even bitched about AM2R and La-Mulana despite both being generally highly regarded.

Being indie Metroidvania doesn't make you flameproof by any means.

I didn't think that was very good.

You haven't played La-Mulana and think it's a puzzle game. Fuck off, retarded bait-man.