Hey faggot put that gay Persona shit down and come play a real SMT game

Hey faggot put that gay Persona shit down and come play a real SMT game

As you can see there's a lifetime supply of them compared to Gaysona so get on that shit already

Is that seriously one series

if you treat persona as part of Megaten then yes

the combat
in smt
is fucking

CONFIRMED FACT: 90% of the SMT shitposters are people who have only played Nocturne, Devil Summoner, or Digital Devil and thus have just as shit of taste as waifuposters.

I like both.

>no jack bros
>no demi kids

I'll just continue to play both,as I've been doing.

I like both. Also, Deep Strange Journey will be worse than the original.

I´m currently playing Nocturne after seeing lots of recomendations here, and I don´t know why, I´m not really enjoying it very much. I´m 2 and a half hours in more or less, just reached Ginza for the first time, but I don´t know why it´s kind of boring me. Does it get better? I´ve only ever played IV and IV:A, and I liked any of those two way better than this one.

Nocturne is really minimalistic in its story telling and if you don't like that, there' s a good chance you won't like the game. People like it because it has great atmosphere and is demon busting in its purest form. I would say stick with it at lest until you fight Dante, and if you're still not enjoying it, then maybe you should drop it.

How long till that happens? I mean, I´m not completely disliking it, don´t get me wrong, but I expected something different

Give it a little more time to see if it ends up grabbing you, but I didn't like Nocturne much either despite loving other SMT and spinoffs. My problem was that I felt no emotional connection whatsoever to the scenario or anyone involved. The draw of the pure gameplay carried me for a while but once that fell into routine and didn't impress me anymore I had no reason to push through to the end.

I liked Digital Devil Saga a lot more. Outstanding atmosphere, the same solid Press Turn system, but with far more focus on telling a character-driven story, with permanent party members replacing demon fusion.

I tried playing Digital devil saga, but I dropped it the second I found it has random encounters. I can deal with the shit turn based combat, but random encounters can go suck a dick.

The game doesnt really take off until you meet pic related.

I think it's like 7 hours in, depending on how fast you're getting through it. If i remember right, you fight Matador around five hours and then you fight Dante sometime after that.

You might also want to consider trying DDS like this user said Personally, I think DDS is a lot worse than Noctunre and it's one of my least favorite MegaTen games, but it's still really good, and it has a lot of the things that are good about Nocturne, while also being a bit more accessible because it's structured more like your typical JRPG

>starting a numbered game series with 3 and 4

but they are not related, aren´t they?

>Doing everything in numbered order.
Let me guess. Law?

>he didn't beat final fantasy 1-14 and all the in betweens, spin offs, and MMOs (to completion) before playing 15
It's like you're not even a true gamer

pleb shit I bet you didn't play madden 0 to madden 98