Is PC gaming really that great?

PC has been my main gaming device for the last 5 years and most of what I've experienced is bad ports, shitty indie games and draconian DRM. Lately I've been finding myself having more fun gaming on my ps4 and 3ds than PC.

i miss Steam-tan

a) You missed the golden age of CD keys, mods and dedicated servers.
b) You've been used to consoles from the beginning. I've grown up on the PC and I can't for the life of me stand lounging around on a sofa for hours and getting sweaty hands from holding huge controllers with too few buttons on them. Everything about using a console is unergonomic and user-unfriendly to me.

As a big PC gamer, PC gaming is incredibly convenient and user friendly, but it is a little overrated.

Breath of the Wild on my goddamn wii u is the most fun I've had with a game since the Witcher 3, and that game is a damn near potato.

It's great for hardcore gaming fans, cuz of variety of deep and complex games, but if you not this type of gamer choosing pc as your primary platform may be a mistake

I fell for pc gaming meme. Bought 150 games from steam because muh sales. Only playing 3 of them. My ps2 was more entertaining

For almost everyone it's hands down the best option (most people with a Xbox or PS4 only play multiplayer).

If you like Jap games the PS4 is probably better

yeah it is and always will be since you can play old games that are actually good

yea i like it, can have multiple tabs of porn open while playing vidya in my nice chair

Consoles have been my main gaming devices for the last 5 years and most of what I've experienced is bad ports with no way of fixing them, shitty AAA "games" and eye straining resolutions on handhelds. Lately I've been finding myself having more fun gaming on my PC than consoles.

I don't really have the willpower to save up for a big PC rig when it's just going to get outdated in a few years time and mocked by more advanced PC users.

>fucking cuck is playing 4k instead of 8
>everyone point and laugh at 4kuck

Why bother? It's all one big meme after all.

>pd4 + 3ds

patrician tier

Anything is capable of 1080 60 in most games now, and PC is actually the cheaper one if you play online or buy a shirt tier pc every 5 years (being realistic everyone does both)

>Buy a decent PC: play on max performance and pirate
>Buy a console: half the money, rest and more money go to the games

Choose your poison.

I'm not worried about game sales on PC but buying into the latest graphics and performance meme.

Also space is a big part of why I'm not going PC. My room is hardly the largest.

Buying into the latest PC parts is also part of the fun, looking up the best value for money, potential for future upgrade then assembling it on your own is its own kind of recreation. Thats how I see it at least.

You make the choice in the end user. Room is smol for me too but since I have 1 monitor and everything's plugged there PC was the best investment I could make that would last me for about 5 years give or take and would save me money.

Urgh, more like part of the headache. I've seen the parts these computers have. A mess of numbers and letters with I suppose the one with the biggest bar being the best but what the fuck do I know.

Thanks for letting us know user. You're a very respectable, and highly valuable member of this community and Sup Forums would simply be lost without leaders and innovators like you to bandwagon off of.
We're all so low IQ and simple minded here, thinking for ourselves is quite the task, thank the lord oh'mighty though that we have intelligent and qualified anime posting virgins here telling us whats up!

>Anything is capable of 1080 60 in most games now
yeah with drops/not at max

Everything is a google search away even if you don't know shit. Maybe I like this procedure since I did it for a living but I had others liking it without knowing much.

You could also ask a friend who knows about this stuff.

Consoles with their imitating PCs nowadays, needing huge updates, having overdesigned menus which make navigation hard, eshops having complications with payment methods and searching for specifix stuff and random crashing on taxing games look like just as much hassle to me. Gaming is a hassle today in general.

When I said pick you poison, I meant exactly that.

>CD keys
>golden age
The CDkey age overlaps with shit like SecuROM. I'd take an online verification/Denuvo over SecuROM any day.

no DRM>CD key only for MP>online activation only for MP>cd key for SP>CD in tray>online activation for SP>rootkit>>>>>>>>always online

Always online isn't a game anymore, it's a licence for that game, and it has an expiration date. I don't understand how this can be legally sold among other games without a warning.