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Sup Forums recommends you a video game based on this picture.
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Sup Forums recommends you a video game based on this picture.
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Blackwake? Maybe? Not really.
I suggest Dota 2
Oh damn this actually looks cool. Can't believe I've never heard of it. Thanks user.
Lioness Story
Any games with dark forests and shadowy creatures?
The Path
or Limbo
It might look cool, but it's not.
I've already played HOI
Sudden Strike
Surely there is some game
>tfw no mongol game
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Attila total war
Mount and blade.
Help me out lads
No Man's Sky
The Secret World. You'll have to wait for the Legends launch though.
vindictus playing as hurk
already played
is there a specific mongol/horde-style mod?
thanks, i'll check it out
Gauntlet Legends
Elder Scrolls
plague knight nigga
I bet you've got nothin.
Final Fantasy 15
Guitar Hero
DoW 3 playing exclusively orks.
Papers Please
>is there a specific mongol/horde-style mod?
Dunno, probably. But you already have The Khergit Khanate.
Shantae Half Genie Hero
Dead Space 2
Im gonna post a gif. Not a picture.
Left 4 Dead
Fat Princess
Glorious Mission, where you kill Americans
Artificial Academy 2.
Risk of rain
Red Orchestra
Red Orchestra 2
Sly Cooper
pic related
O k
give me something good Sup Forums
Dark Messiah Might and Magic
going with the obvious POSTAL baby
Pokemon snap
Planet of Death
The closest game to this is either or soul suspect...
Not Crusades related but Expeditions: Conquistador.
Zettai Hero Project
thats retarded
That actually looks fucking amazing.
I dont think it would work in practice though.
Mass Effect Andromeda
Space Quest III
Battle Foam
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams
Angry Birds
Legend of Grimrock 2
Valkyria Chronicles?
War Thunder
The first 20 minutes of GTA: SA
men of war
Knights of honor
Medieval Total War 2 - Crusades expansion
The Ag Center level in Wasteland 2.
Risen 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Little Inferno.