Having a partner that's into gaming is a fucking nightmare

Having a partner that's into gaming is a fucking nightmare.

>play MMO together
>can't progress shit without her
>"Oh, you're doing dungeons without me?"
>"That's a nice loot, give it to me."
>get myself ganked by enemy guild
>"oh sorry I can't help you, in fact I'll quit the guild for a while until the war's over"
>"can you help form a party to do this raid I need to do?"
>I'm in a cutscene, I can't make party, how about you make it yourself and invite me after?
>"nevermind I don't want to do it anymore you're mean"
>not doing well in a dungeon
>"can you take your role seriously?"
>she fucks up
>"It's just a game why are you being so critical!?"

If you're looking for a gamer girlfriend, forget it. It's not worth it. She'll ruin everything.

Sounds like you just have a shit partner desu senpai

internet girlfriends arent real girlfriends, user

Find another Girlfriend(Male)

How about not play MMOs

Stop playing MMOs retard.

And play what, MOBA?

Out of the frying pan into the fire

>wanting a girlfriend at all

brought it on yourself when you gave your freedom to the whore of babylon op

>try playing MMO with my moba playing husband
not a grill just a faggot :^)
>tell him not to keyboard turn and other basic shit that goes with MMOs
>acts like a retard for a few hours, says questing is boring and manages to die to literally everything possible
>Can we just play smite, babe? Your games suck

I don't have any of these problems with my boyfriend desu

Feels good to have someone to play with that's on my power level

Singleplayer games?

>Play MH with gf
>Even if she's not the best, she's still competent enough to not die like a moron
>Have loads of fun
Consider playing actual games OP

I stopped playing MMOs with my girlfriend for all the same reasons. I just play shooters now and she still complains at me about how im being "boring" playing shooters.

my boyfriend and I generally play different games desu. There's some overlap that we play together but quite often we'll just play seperately I still try to keep an interest in what he does though.


Shit gf ok my gf literally caryys me in dungeons and every time I play battlefield I get a blowjob

See I can tolerate incompetence. A lot of my other friends are shitters and sometimes I'm the shitter. It's just things like

>doing dungeon runs solo in a matched party in a game where there are no limits to dungeon runs while she's busy
>"You're doing it without me?"
>I can just run it again with you
>"I don't like doing things twice."
>I'm the one doing it twice here and I don't mind
>"Nevermind, you don't get it. I don't want to do it anymore."
>lol k
>"I'll just do it by myself"
>"I WISH someone would CARE enough to help me"
>"But no, no one puts me first"

What am I not getting here

>playing anything multiplayer

holy shit she is just a terrible person.

flush that shit.

only thing that matters is timing
of she/he/it is online at the specified time and can play as much as you can thats good as it gets
rest is just fun

Love and hate are closer than kissing cousins.
All human relationships are an instrument of power and violence.
Get out now.

>be guild leader
>occasionally have 1-on-1 conversations with guildmates
>partner doesn't seem to care
>some of them happen to be actual girls
>"why are you privately talking with that person and what are you talking about?"
>can't bitch about her to any of them because she'll probably read our conversations from my phone while I'm sleeping anyway

Women are the worst meme anyone can ever fall for

>Used to play MMO with gf
>Ran some things with her but not everything
>In the same guild
>Never had any problems OP mentioned
>Hit end game gear at almost max enchantments
>She eventually gets her gear too
>I get bored and quit the game
>She still hops on from time
OP you just sound like a beta bitch. You don't have to do everything together. Unless she's some e-gf she's still right there when you're not playing the game.

just git a gf gud at gaming

problem solved.

that's where you went wrong lol

>If you're looking for a gamer girlfriend, forget it. It's not worth it. She'll ruin everything.
I'd like to play more games cooperatively with my girlfriend but she only ever plays stuff like Animal Crossing or Skylanders and lets me play my mature games for mature videogamers like myself, and we don't get in the way of each other, it's alright

She's the one insisting on doing everything together. Heck, the only friends she has now are all the friends I made. In fact, if she needs anything done, rather than arranging a party herself independantly she asks me to do it for her.

If not, it'll be a couple of days of IRL shouting contest.

>having an immature girlfriend

>dating a narcissistic sociopath
>complaining about it

you get yourself into that mess, leave her and get out of it

>Your games suck
Your husband's a dick

nice flaky gf loser

dude what the fuck. Is her pussy lined with ecstasy and do her tits leak hot fudge? Why are you putting up with this?

Install tinder ---> New gf in a week


We're married, got kids and at this point I don't want her to have custody.

you fucked up

have fun letting a narcissist raise your children and ruin them

Yeah I fucked up and I'm putting up with this precisely because I don't want her to raise the kids alone with the way she is.

it's like my friends wife, we went to see hacksaw ridge and when we came back she bitched him out for going to see a movie without her, even though she didnt want to see it before

its just something women do they are selfish stupid creatures

From this point on, it will get only and only worse.
What a mess you've gotten into.

why do guys always fall for the marriage meme. Are people really good enough to self deceit to think that their particular oneitis is going to magically be different from everyone else's and that odds are not against them?

>Playing games with your partner that's at a different skill level is a fucking nightmare.

My gamer fiance isn't at my powerlevel, we are both aware that our differing skill levels would lead to friction between us, so we just don't game together. So we game separately and talk about our various exploits over commute/dinner/Hulu time.

nah just play different games, my gf plays overwatch all the time and plays with her friends while I play with my own friends in other games

you if want to share interest in games, make it single player or co op games

fuck off back to /r9k/ or Sup Forums normalshit

Solution: Start abusing her.
She wants to abuse you emotionally and guilt trip you? Beat the shit out of her and teach her to never fuck with you again, break her mind and make her dependent on you.

me and my friend(female) mostly play Serious Sam, Gun of Icarus, Battlefield 3/4, ArmA 3 etc.

>It took me years to realize she's crazy
You deserve this.


since everyone gets married left and right I suppose it's hard to keep from marrying someone you really like for years. might be a biological think + pressure from family

Sounds like you're just beta as fuck OP

Sounds real

>that's a nice loot, give it to me

Just adopt some Liberty Prime-tier political behavior and rant on about her being an un-American communist when she does this

LMAO what the fuck nigga.

>lol fuck off slut

I'm not saying you're equally bad by enabling her spoiled brat behavior, but you're pretty close.

Drop the cunt



>step up to her bullshit for long enough
>boom, divorce filled
he's powerless. real life is not like your favorite PUA shows where they tame girls like pets.

Don't forget that we also hate faggots who prioritize their "significant other" before their guild buddies.
Fucking cunts, we were supposed to have a party.

Actually one of my ultimatum. Though she taunts me on a daily basis to hit her and she'd use it against me in court, I never did unless it's one thing: hitting our children.

Sometimes when she loses her shit she would almost repeatedly beat our kids, and I'm just there waiting to beat her up if she does. Hasn't tried in a while.

One of the things that gets to me is the fact when our children approach me while I'm playing, I'd hug them, kiss them, give them headpats while if they were to approach her while she's playing she'd shout at them, shout at me to take them away so she can play in peace.

Yeah makes sense.
Except she's not his wife.

Unless he lives in Canada where if your gf lives with you for a while and leaves you have to pay her alimony.

Get a camera and record that shit.

Like 2 of each occurrence. Shouting at the kids, nearly hitting the kids, the taunting. Record multiple examples so it isn't seen as a one time thing. Then if she hits your kids, beat the fucking shit out of her and show the tapes.

Divorce that bitch and get custody of your kids.

>she beats the kids

secret camera, get proof you fucking idiot coward

who the fuck lets their wife BEAT their fucking CHILDREN and do nothing? spineless cunt

>Sup Forums

You havent been there in a while have you?

Poor crab... You can see the despair in his eyes

I hear a lot of guys these days find gfs on tinder. I assumed it was simply normal.

There is nothing more normal than thirteen year old boys acting like complete shitheads for fun.

>tfw cucking my guild master

>have a steady job with a decent income
>no gf and no intent to have one
>mfw I have all the time and all the money to enjoy life
Midlife crisis will probably fuck me up but I can't help but laugh at all the cucks itt complaining about the absolute cunts ruining their lifes.

>arrange a party for me
>nagging mode loads up


Have you ever tried just to stop talking at this point, walk up to her and start giving the dick? And if she doesn't want to, just say something light-hearted like "OK well I'm going to go pick up some cigarettes from the store see you in a bit"

And don't hesitate along the way, just do this, and when you come back home, see if she's more reasonable

Not guaranteeing anything and people, including women are different, but to me this seems like something that you can't really go wrong with.

How about something that isn't shit?

>im gonna go pick up some cigs from the store see you in a bit
>bitchy woman alone in the house with your shit

user i feel like this is a bad idea.

MMOs do suck tho senpai.

I'll keep that in mind. Current plan is to let kids grow up a bit before leaving.

There's a fine line between letting out your anger on kids and disciplining. Mine are rather young so I can't really explain to them why they shouldn't pull and chew wires so a light slap suffices. She on the hand often try to go beyond a one time light slap and that's where I raise my hand.

Only if you're good looking. If not you can try chatting apps.

I could never give a person unfettered access to my phone because they'd see that browsing this shit hole is the only thing I do on it.

>not vetting girlfriends like you would a potential guild member
Honestly its better if they just don't play videogames at all, because if they're not at your skill level they're just going to be dragging you down at all times

>introduce gf from highschool to mmo
>she actually really likes it and I was overleveled and could protect her from everything
>felt great
>browsing shitbook back when I actually had one (horrible times)
>screenshot of her playing with two fags that she already know have a crush on her irl
>after confronting her and making a big deal about it i try to play the game again
>all i can think about is her
>can no longer enjoy game
>i'm still with her
>she asks me why we dont play games anymore.

just an other reason to avoid a girl who plays videogames. its like they can't process the idea that guys are friendly with them just to fuck them


>sometimes think I want a bf or mommy gf
>realize there's no chance we'd be vidya taste compatible or sexually compatible and mommy gfs don't exist

She's really good at riling me up if I straight-up ignore her. She'll start talking to herself and say shit like

>you treat your friends and guildmates so nicely and yet you do this to me
>how could you after all I've done for you
>I gave birth to your kids and still you're mean to me
>just my luck ending up with someone as horrible as you
>just our kids' luck to have a father like you

I do this. It helps

But granted my wife isn't insane.

ignore woman until she calms down is my fuckin favorite tactic

Monster Hunter is the prime videogame of bonding

she already is dependending on him, amigo

>Beat the shit out of her
Yeah man, that would be very alpha and very very cool.You show her, champ.


sounds like you get triggered easily and hold grudges for minor stuff

>/soc/ shit
>more porn
>recycled memes
>anything but utter 100% normalcy

One of my guildmates actually fell for her. She used him as a pet to fetch in-game stuff for her until she was bored of him.

All the while he's thinking he's cucking me but in actuality she's showing off their private logs to me and some friends and laughing at him.

Honestly, this is just her. Or you, or both of you guys, fuck I don't know.

My girlfriends' only hobby is games, and her attitude is "I'd prefer to play things together, but if you don't want to do something I want to, that's okay, you don't have to. If I ever don't want to do something that YOU want to, I'll tell you." and that's about it. It's perfectly fine and fucking normal, there's no bickering or weird stupid ass arguments/disagreements or whatever. Neither of us are retarded about shit.

So, to say people flat out shouldn't want a girl whose main hobby is games just because your experience has been bad, is stupid.

That's how it started in the first place. Seems normal and shit. Then she starts saying shit when I don't want to do the things she want to. It's "fine", but not really.

What the fuck user
You're full of terrible ideas, play Divinity, Terraria, Dark Souls, EDF, GTA or Lost Planet 2 or something where you can carry.


>play MMO with a friend
>we either race to meet each other's progress when the other is offline or we fuck each other up because we're out of sync with each other's progress when we are online

Perhaps you two just don't mesh well in a certain aspect that's related to games and whatnot or something. I've been with my girlfriend for 9 years and it hasn't changed for the worse at all. There must be some deeper issue there that goes beyond surface level shit like that.

>friends enter the annual shitty MMO phase
>can't join them because busy with uni
>finish exams, spend hours catching up
>"lol you're still playing this shit? we're done with that crap"

every fucking time
>user buy this game
>user buy it we're still playing it
>ok guys bought it
>lol we trying this new one come on buy it
this is why i dont have friends anymore.

Why the fuck would anyone be playing an MMO in the first place

>enter annual shitty MMO phase
>get out of it after a few months
>they don't
>won't play anything else either and wants you to keep playing

This is exactly why the dick comes into play right at this point

Grabbing her by the waist from behind and kissing her on the neck and maybe ask her "my friends don't get this kind of attention now, do they?"

I don't even get it, but usually women like it and I've seen so many women complain about their husbands not doing this (of course they don't ask for it, they just expect him to somehow know they want it) so I can't really explain

You find something like this you just have to take it with a Todd Howard "it just works" mindset

the fuck are all these words
stop using computers

Also, when I read about it like this, I find that kind of dramatic behavior cute and endearing

In the way that you'd expect a woman to act like that in a episode of the bold and the beautiful (a television show, entertainment), so my brain just comprehends female tantrums as entertainment too

I once knew what this word meant.