Inhales throatily

>inhales throatily
>mispronounces words
>mistakes left and right
>references hip hop
>oh wow that's so kewl
>ruins lp

Why is Woolie the fucking worst.

Other urls found in this thread:

t. Matt

Daily reminder that the original Two Best Friends could have been Matt and Woolie.
>What Could Have Been: When Matt came up with the idea for the original video, Two Best Friends Play Kirby's Epic Yarn, he wanted it to be himself and Woolie. Woolie thought the idea was stupid, and declined to take part. Pat was Matt's second pick, even though they weren't even very good friends at the time. Woolie has gone on record saying the reason he turned it down was because he was busy watching Street Fighter IV streams when asked, and at the time didn't think the idea was worth spending his time on. Nowadays he jokes that he semi-regrets that decision.

Niggers ruin everything. Not surprising.

>The Woolie vs naruto videos are actually great
>one only comes out every 2 weeks

He's aight. He's the whitest black man I've ever seen. And he's not Matt. Matt is just awful.

It wouldn't have caught traction if it was Matt and Woolie, probably.
The dynamic of regular, calm Matt and angry Pat was what drew me in at first. Their chemistry in the tbfp videos was great.

I wish Matt would just give up the reins and hand over the channel to Pat. That brief period where it was just him and Woolie was serene. At least Liam is gone for good.


I hate his weird stoner laugh he does, the new mics make it worse. It's like he's turning into Butthead.

Without Liam, the podcasts have gotten miles better. Matt surprisingly isn't too bad during them.

Most of the LPs are pretty good too, barring the Dark Souls LP which is just terrible. Everything is alright for now.

>No Persona 5 LP despite Atlus only sabre rattling and not taking any action

>e-celeb reddit trash
Just kill yourself instead.

Matt actually manages to talk about games he played for a few minutes now. Too bad it's still buried under a half hour of whatever random shit he saw or did with his wife. Xavier Woods telling him he was taking too long with his week and him losing his shit over it was great.

>I hate his weird stoner laugh he does, the new mics make it worse. It's like he's turning into Butthead.
>Without Liam, the podcasts have gotten miles better. Matt surprisingly isn't too bad duringthem.

video games.


This window will close in 3...


Don't forget the parts where he tries to act like he's hood as fuck or in any way (other than skin tone) black.

Somebody post that comic of a guy shoving a controller up his son's ass.

Oh my god, like I cant even believe it! Did you just say a word thats offensive to my wifes bull?!? MODS!!!

Not an argument.

>Poorly references hip hop
the stillmatic amirite guys YE YE YE

Why the fuck would I want that? Matt might be an insufferable faggot but anything that isn't a Matt and Pat LP is fucking shit.



>That ending rant as Gaara at the end of the latest episode

I fucking love it.


Gully gully

The Silent Hill 3 LP kinda sucked.

Wrong website, OP.

>I love watching 2 best friends play

you just broke a rule yourself dumb nigger

When I finally found out what a gully gully is I was so fucking pissed

Still not an argument. I see triggered Sup Forumsacks can only speak in strawmen and ms paint comics. Actually laughing at what a peon brain you have to have to operate on this level.

Anything's better than Matt. Bring back Liam, I don't care. The less Matt the better. Just please, less fucking Matt.

I'm not saying Matt and Pat is always good. I'm just saying that all the best LPs are Matt and Pat. I couldn't name a single good LP that Liam was in. All I can name for Woolie is being part of Beyond: Two Souls and that weird metal as fuck art game he did with Pat. But that was mostly the game being cool.

>it's a "Sup Forums pretends to be an SJW to annoy everyone post"
wow I haven't seen one of these in almost 2 hours

Most SJWs aren't virgin if rape counts as losing virginity.

Yakuza 0 is the best the channel's been in a long-ass time

>this is what grumps believe

I thought the Barkley LP was okay. That was before Liam became an obnoxious contrarian.

>Opposition to my viewpoint doesn't exist, so it's actually just fellow inbreds playing a prank on me
Ok guy.

>inhales throatily
>mispronounces words
>mistakes left and right
These are his worst traits, as well as being fake hype guy

>Even flirting with the idea that Pat or Woolie sinks his ego fellating wish fulfilment wet dream ship over a non issue like streaming P5.
>Wanting to watch Pat embarass himself in P5.
>Would have probably died to Shadow Kamoshida twice before winning.
>The next episode would have his entire party at level 20 while woolie just jokes about the stream becoming a retread of Dark Souls 3.

fuck off Sup Forums

I've stopped watching them around when they started das3.

>>references hip hop
Whattayya, some kind of whiteboi?

You honestly think your containment board is more encompassing than it is. Sup Forums is becoming increasingly hated by all boards here and the alt-right prevalence is shrinking in the Western sphere.

How many emergency LPs do they have left? I guess Detroit is coming in the future. Silent Hill 4 probably and REmake 2 if it ever actually comes out.

>Woolie is somehow even worse at Dark Souls now than he was when he started DS2 and played every other game in the series


If DSP can manage...

I'm more worried about his health
He sounds like he's dying every time he speaks

>needing emergency lps
why do you think they're pushing fisticuffs so much?

him and pat are both giant fat fucks with necks so big around they almost die when they sleep

But neither of those fucks better die or I'm out of the only podcast I can stand to listen to anymore.

>tfw the abundance of Matt LPs has made me miss Liam
He was the lesser evil

Woolie? He's probably the only one of them that exercises. Matt's a pussy who skips leg day and Pat stuffs his face with candy on a regular basis.

I haven't watched Fisticuffs in at least a couple of years save for maybe that Evangelion game. It's become clear they ran out of good games and constantly scratching the bottom of the barrel.

Because when they first saw the announcement they started playing it on their own and by the time it became clear it was BS they were both probably 60 hours into it

Doesn't Pat sleep with a fucking CPAP machine? I don't understand what's so great about food that you would be willing to destroy your body over it. Then again it could be because he is a mega manlet.

Pat would rather die knowing he never tried than die anyway after attempting to get his life in shape

I believe both of them do, Woolie has mentioned something about a "sleep machine" as well but I'm not 100% on it.

I dunno, Pat's short and works from home, if I could get whatever the fuck I want whenever I want I'd probably be fat too.

Nice video games, Reddit.

>matt says it's stupid to get revenge on children who haven't done anything
>woolie can't agree with something that simple because it undermines 99% of black peoples' bitching these days

Also what's with black tribalism being so ingrained that you've got someone who's from grenada, lives in canada, has literally nothing in common with US blacks, but still somehow finds a way to relate?

Doesn't Woolie have diabetes too? Sleep apnea, diabetes, probably high blood pressure because of his racial background. Getting around those lbs is probably ten times more life threatening than dying from fat rolling through DaS.

>we're allowed to talk about Kojima because he MAKES games
>but not lets players that PLAY games
>Sup Forums is for talking about vidya when you don't even play