>There are people out there that don't play Hearthstone
What is your excuse?
-It's a fun game
-It promotes creative deckbuilding
-It's free
>There are people out there that don't play Hearthstone
What is your excuse?
-It's a fun game
-It promotes creative deckbuilding
-It's free
Other urls found in this thread:
I play Shadowverse
I play mtg. I like the fact that you can fuck with your opponent on their turn as opposed to just sitting there waiting for it to be your turn again or relying on trap cards.
If there's a game out there that does it better I'd be open to it.
>if you don't have one of the 4 current meta decks you will never achieve a rank beyond 15
>if you don't shell out every single expansion you will never have a meta deck
>games can literally be won or lost based purely on RNG
i had a lot of fun with hearthstone when i was learning it
but now i've learned it, and see what a dull piece of shit game it actually is
and lets not even fucking talk about the devs, difficult to believe this and overwatch are from the same company
>and lets not even fucking talk about the devs, difficult to believe this and overwatch are from the same company
You're talking about the same company that drove WoW and Starcraft into the ground
Because I stopped playing for a year and any money I spent is now literally worthless as all the cards I payed for have been phased out and I'd be forced to start at square one again.
it really doesn't promote creative deckbuilding, there's a bunch of cards that are actually just clearly better than others
it's also not fucking free and you're deluded if you think so, I've put $130 into the game since I started a year or two ago and my collection is maybe half-complete
and diablo
I am rank 12 with my control paladin right now tho.
>Hearthstone has RNG WAH WAH
>Yet MtG has it and no one throws a bat eye at it
>i can't read
thanks for letting me know
>-It promotes creative deckbuilding
lmaowhat. The fuck are you talking about? I quit it sometime after Naxxramas after the entire game boiled down to netdecking and playing against the exact same decks over and fucking over again.
Devs are shit, game's pretty shit, but give wild a try. I expected it to be a mess of piloted shredder and other overpowered cards, but it ended up being people trying out fun decks. I haven't played it since mean streets of gadgetzan came out though so I don't know how it is now.
digital CCG's are trash
I prefer duel links, used to play hearthstone but I just lost interest and them raising the price of packs in the UK just killed any interest of going back.
Im not going to pay 300 bucks so I can play the actual game
It's the same shit since beta
It's been 3-4 years, the game is still shit
>It's a fun game
>The tons of RNG literally saps the fun out of it
>It promotes creative deckbuilding
>If you deviate from the builds that Blizzard wants you to play you won't win(Quests being the perfect example pf this)
>Not to mention Blizzard insisting that each class can only do one thung and one thing only, killing any deck variety
>It's free
>You meed to take out a mortgage or a loan to catch up to the current meta and thats if you are lucky in your packs
>Each expansion the drop rates for legendary cards become more and more jewish
>Not to mention Blizzard not revealing the drop cates for cards(remember the Gadgetzan pack (((glitch))) that cause people to open the same pack over and over, ehich Blizzard never refund)
>-It's a fun game
after thousands of games playing against the same fucking netdecks it isn't
>-It promotes creative deckbuilding
you can't reach legend if you don't play meta shit
>-It's free
packs aren't free and good luck getting anywhere just with quests
RNG is very, very rare in MTG, and unlike Hearthstone, you can actually interact with your opponent. If someone casted that against you, you have the ability to obviously use a counterspell on it, or cast an instant speed card that you wouldn't want discarded.
That card specifically is only legal in the Legacy Format, which is for autistic faggots.
>it's a fun game
fun for who? the people botting to legend rank with their 55% win-rate netdeck?
or the people playing the arena lottery hoping to 'go infinite' so they don't have to pay thousands of dollars to get cards?
>it promotes creative deckbuilding
yeah, choose between one of three exciting meta decks and lose if you don't very creative
>it's free
during the tutorial only, you aren't going to win anything with basic cards
Because its P2W garbage and not fun at all due to the shitty meta decks.
It has been years. Still no tournament mode. Still no reconnect function that isn't made of pure horseshit. Adventures now removed making the game more expensive. Pirate warrior somehow still number 1 after 2 expacs. Just like midrange shaman was because they never learn. More excuses from Ben brode and Co. about why this game is hit garbage.
This. At least I can make all the decks I want in that game without paying a dime. Hearthstone might as well give out poison to anyone still trying to be f2p for how they treat them.
Haven't a bunch of nolife Hearthstone players come out and essentially said it's practically impossible to play as a F2P and that it would take hundreds of hours of play to complete ~2 decks without paying a penny?
>spent several thousand bucks on mtg over the years
>would probably get about twice the amount I spent if I decided to sell my cards
>spent a hundred bucks on HS
>they're gone forever
>It's a fun game
yes, but most fun is gated behing paywalls and/or endless quest grinding and luck
>It promotes creative deckbuilding
no. it is just netdecking all over the place
>It's free
not if you want to have fun
>it's fun game
But its not.
more like pay to win
Because I prefer Faeria
team 5 is incompetent and they guide the meta and deck designs way too hard
It's also one of the least f2p friendly games out there so it's hard to have fun with stupid decks when you need pounds of dust for all the niche legos and epics
and Eternal is better
it's shit
>it's a fun game
>promotes creative deckbuilding
top kek
>it's free
literally the most expensive digital card game on the market
Because XMage is free in full sense of the word
>got into the game again a few weeks ago
>finally gets myself some jade cards so i can start playing the meta
>new expansion of cards comes out
>don't want to spend money
>gets unmotivated to play
fuck this game.
>I'm pretty sure someone taught their dog to play hearthstone, and he beat me
Basically. I've been playing f2p since release, so I was able to keep up at least somewhat. But they've concentrated so much power in the epic and legendary slots at this point, that it's become an utterly pointless struggle to keep up. You basically have to decide on one deck you will play for the rest of the entire year and now that I've tasted the freedom in other cardgames I can no longer go back to this shit.
>-It's free
Yes if you spend 300 hours building a decent deck, or else you can pay some bucks
Pay2win blizzard shit fuck off
I spend probably 6 months of dailies for naxramas blackrock and the mech expansion and now all of my decks are unplayable.
Appart from that theres the slow power creep, pay2win expansions comming out every 3 months and the slog towards legend every month for literally crumbles of dust.
Fuck you hearthstone I regret all my time I invested on you.
>I spend probably 6 months of dailies for naxramas blackrock and the mech expansion and now all of my decks are unplayable.
Don't worry user, there's still WILD MODE :^)
so crazy amirite XD
>it's free
>it promotes creative deckbuilding
10/10 troll post
Wild's actually good though if you don't want to catch up.
>It's fun
It's far too shallow to be fun, even with the improvements Un'goro made. Many of the decks are still "play minions on curve, beat up other minions the enemy plays on curve, hit face when the board is clear". The game is totally uninteractive, doesn't include such basic TCG tropes as instant-speed spells or battlefield objects that aren't creatures.
>creative deckbuilding
So I can build the aforementioned curve deck, or I can build a janky combo deck using the quests assuming I even opened a good one. You don't even really have to build them at all, the default UI suggests decks that are practically identical to meta decks, no imagination required.
>it's free
To make an all-common freeze mage deck and hang around at rank 16 sure, to play any of the meta decks you need to either grind your dick off or pay for packs.
What other online TCG rivals Hearthstone at the moment?
I grew up with magic the gathering, enough said?
Every competetive card game has net Decker's, every card game that stands the test of time cycles out cards and comes out with new sets so decks change. That's how card games stay relevant. Jackie Chan wtf face to most these complaints. It's not f2p friendly? Most card games aren't ya fucking idiots, do any of you play card games? Sorry you can't face hunter to victory anymore ya djfjdbskdkfkgk cucks. 360no scope your mother's dildo at your foreheads. Goodnight
really shadowverse is the only
one worth mentioning, other ccg didnt even come close to shartstone
It's amazing how they can't even balance a digital card game. Even the Modern format of MTG is balanced more often.
Also, why did they change Ragnaros to have his effect at the end of turn ? Because of Mind Control who costed 8 mana as well.
So why keep the same Ragnaros when they nerfed MC to 10 mana ?
And why did they got Ragnaros out of the format instead of reverting him to how it worked before ? If his effect was too powerful, reverting back would not break him ?
And why does pic related even exists ?
>hearthstone 395m
goddamn thats a lot
rivals in what way? also, CCG not TCG- no trading
in terms of popularity HS isn't going anywhere
if you want better gameplay and a better f2p experience then almost everything beats HS
Shadowverse has similar gameplay but better design and little to no RNG fuckery. Also incredibly generous upfront
Eternal is more like MTG and is probably near the top when it comes to f2p generosity since you get 11 cards per pack with a 100 dust bonus and you keep cards you get from the arena style modes
Duelyst and Faeria have board placement as extra mechanics but I haven't played enough of them to know too much. I do think Faeria was better though
Gwent is there if you want something completely different. Heard it's very good but haven't played enough of it.
Did not like the Elder Scrolls game
Considering duel links was only out for a few months and in a few countries in 2016 it didn't do too badly, I hope it at least secures number two which it shouldn't be too hard considering nostalgia.
Unless you are god on arenas and grind your way on it to farm enough boosters, you have to farm it for at least next year everyday or pay to get decent cards.
I almost forgot that there's no trading in HS. Just buy more packs mr consumer
Shadowverse is literally doing every thing better.
There is not a single thing hearthstone does better.
Faeria is good too.
>Warsong commander gave Warriors a unique tactic
>Warriors now "Pirate" deck because they can simply shit out the most weapons
Shadowverse is better in just about everyway.
I mean Shadowverse gives you like 30 free packs at the start of the game, it gives daily gold for packs, every 5th day gives a free pack, it has a free "story" which there is one for each class as well as it is also being updated, and it isn't constantly fucking over people who don't spend money.
How did Ragnaros work before I always remember him being "at the end of turn"
Anybody have access to the gwent beta? i'm curious as to how that is compared to shadowverse and jewstone
UI, sadly.
Been in it for a while. It's actually kinda fun, some hearthstone pros are switching, lifecoach for one. Since it's not backed by blizz it probably wont grow as big though.
>no one even remembers Hex exist
God they fucked that game with it's stupid MTGO model,
No skill involved, just getting the right cards is required to win.
>that disgusting UI hearthstone has is better than shadowverse
Ok be honest, how much money did you get in your account for saying that.
I don't play Hearthstone anymore because dust is an incredibly jewish system that forces you to grind for hundreds of hours. Pokemon kicks the shit out of it.
Cunnyverse is better
Shadowvere has an objectively terrible PC client. That's just how it is. It's the upscaled mobile UI, barely any refinements.
Huge buttons and boarders, having to click twice just to select a card, all that shit. It just feels like a mobile game running in an emulator.
Deal with it.
Gwent is the only good cardshit out there
It's not even that bad.
After you change the resolution, set the fps to 60 and reduce the text size in the settings it's quite okay.
>having to click twice just to select a card
You can change that in the settings. Shadowverse has way less clicking and dragging than Hearthstone.
I remember it and i actually liked the game
But the payment model was beyoned retarded
And there actually were people in the forum defending that jewery with stuff like "muh collection needs to keep its worth, so its good that boosters are expensive".
It still feels claustrophobic though. I have a huge screen, why is all the screen-estate wasted with shit?
It might be a good game, but the pc client is just ass.
It's not that bad. The button on the right could be made smaller I guess, but you make a mountain out of a molehill.
I get what you mean, if they didn't make everything so overly large, but added stuff to take up the space with things that mattered, it wouldn't be as bad.
Still way better then Hearthstone in just about every other regard.
I hate the weeb shit in shadowverse tho
>but the pc client is just ass.
You're just saying that because you're used to something else. Techwise, it is far beyond Hearthstone's client.
man theres been a lot of love for shadowverse on Sup Forums for a while now
you know what, im going to try it out, honestly at this point i dont see the point in playing hearthstone against the three other people who play the same decks over and over again.
Its sad because i've been F2P since when hearthstone came out and ive still never had enough cards to have three decks i can call competitive at any one time.
>2 portraits take up 2/3 of the screen
>entire left side of the screen is empty
>cards are smaller than hero portraits
>gigantic fucking wheel of nothingness
Things in red are stuff that's worth keeping on the screen.
Do you see how much space there is for literally fucking nothing?
Do you see how UI elements are big enough to project the fucking game 2 blocks down the road and still wonder why your waifu is so huge?
The game would be a lot more fun if Blizzard wanted to include combo decks and actual interaction to balance them out.
Right now, the game is all about just playing threats and answers on curve. It gets boring really fast. The only "fun" deck they have created for a long time is Quest Rogue just because it plays differently, and it still get boring after a while because the lack of interaction.
If they wanted to print hand disruption, tutors and alternate win conditions the game would be far better imo. Right now it's just... well boring.
You realize Hearthstone has a ton of "wasted" space too?
>Font size 72 is okay
>It's a fun game
No it's not
>It promotes creative deckbuilding
No it doesn't
>It's free
No it's not
You realize that fonts and UI elemnts in hearthstone don't take up 80% of the screen?
I'm not arguing that hearthstone is a good game, before that arguments comes out of the woodwork again.
He did his effect at the beggining of the turn.
Opened the best pack ever last night in Shadowverse
>1 legendary (good one I need to boot), 2 golds, 3 silvers
>ALL cards foil
I don't know what you don't like about Warsong Commander. It's a fucking CHARGE LORD ! the most broken mechanic in the entire game ! Charge tribal weeeeew
I kinda hate you. Opened 180 packs of TotG so far and only got two animated Gawains.
>Implying I'm not running it on Bluestack
>started playing SV like 1 month ago
>already opened well over 200 packs
I played with tutorials, assembled some decks with mostly free shit, defeated all bots and then went into multiplayer, where I defeated 10 players in row.
Then I thought, if by tinkering with deck for few hours, I was able to defeat other players so hard, how fucking suck will I to nerds who do nothing in their lives except watching Twitch and playing this shit?
>I've spent all my money for Hearthstone but now even if I try to have fun I can't because I play against same deck every game
>b-but your weeb game is still shit!
I'd rather play Eternal. So I do.
>I was able to defeat other players so hard, how fucking suck will I to nerds who do nothing in their lives except watching Twitch and playing this shit?
I think I get what you tried to say but try to make an intelligible sentence next time
Just tested out a joke deck against the computer and went 17-1
It's RNG: The game
There's some serious bullshit that can go on, with no way to predict around it.
I don't play pay to win games.
linear resources are garbage
that's why weebverse is also shit
>play on curve or lose
wow, so tactical
someone proved that if you spend money you get favorable rng compared to an f2p account, that's one of the reasons why blizz prints so many rng cards.
You know what happens if you have no linear resource system?
>Quests are added
>99% of time by the time you complete them the game is over
>Apart from the priest one which just guarantees the game will go on forever