Fite me faggots
Only for those who beat the game.
Fite me faggots
Only for those who beat the game.
Makoto's S-Link is kinda boring compared to the rest of the top. Hanged man should replace her.
>Eiko's S-Link
>A tier
>Lavenza in D tier
>she doesn't even have a confidant, it's the Twins who do
>calling them Social Links
This better be bait.
Put Chuuni-chan up a tier
Objectively the top three should be Toranosuke, Kawakami, and Takemi because of the bonuses they provide and the s-links are pretty good themselves.
Whoops. Seems like i forgot the politician guy. But he can go to hell.
Ok, now this has to be bait. Please fuck off.
Fuck you, Toranosuke is one of the greatest homies and up there with yosuke
I don't think this is a very good list.
Are you from the future where the Aeon confidant was added?
He's trying to spoil without getting nuked.
this desu
him also allowing you to take higher level demons and outright skip convos seals the deal
>people are still confusing Yosuke and Yusuke
Is that a retardation, or just being a lazy fuck?
We are not going by benefits here. If that was the case then you might as well flip the chart 180 because aside from a few (ohya always being shit and teacher/doc always being good) generally the shittier your s-link is, ironically the better the rewards are.
Overrated Mishima
>Lavenza not in elder god tier
Switch Makoto and Iwai. While benefits that Iwai gives you are pretty shitty, his events are really nice.
I'd also put Haru up a tier. Hever events definitely are better than Ann's.
Fuck you.
She confesses her love to you, it counts.
>Lanvenza that low
It is retardation, I can confirm because I'm tha user you replied to. Sorry.
Sojiro was the best, made me happy.
Swap tower with Sun and then it's perfect. Oda is boring.
More like Literally Who tier.
Why is Makoto so high? Her confidant is Ann-tier with her muh Eiko-chan's boyfriend D:
Switch Makoto with Iwai and I'll give it to you
Because muh waifu. Same reason why Tae and Kawakami are that high, even though their Confidants are essentially the same as Chihayas with:
>Joker helps with something work related
>"Oh, I'm actually a monster/bad teacher/the Plague"
>Mementos boss
>"You are a phantom thief, Harry"
I did the link right before casino so i found it gave a lot of details on not just makoto but also sae. It shows you their past and why they are currently this way.
Even though a lot is focused on saving someone, it shows key character development on makoto finding out what she really wants to do.
Oh and changing someone's heart without needing to rely on mementos is pretty cool as well.
>YHVH Tier
No-Good Tora
The gun guy
The Twins
The photojournalist
Bretty gud.
Just started Haru's Confidant and it's nice so far. She's so sweet I might end up with diabetes when I reach rank 10 though
Also her storyline screams "rich girl problems" which is jarring considering the general tone of the game
They introduced her too late. She had potential.
> Yusuke Confidant
> not forgettable shit tier just like the character himself.